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Everything posted by EDcase

  1. I thought SLI works with latest ARMA patch and Nvidia drivers but not sure. I get 30-45fps 1920x1200 with these settings: (Using latest BETA) Nvidia Control Panel Max pre-rendered frames: 0 Triple Buffering: ON (makes fast turns smoother) Edit your Username.cfg (do a c: search) to include these lines... GPU_MaxFramesAhead=0; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=0; Ingame Texture detail: MEDIUM (You should use HIGH or VERY HIGH) <<< This makes a BIG difference as it uses lower res textures for the trees in the distance. Vid Memory: DEFAULT Filtering: HIGH AA: OFF Terrain: medium Objects: HIGH Shadows: VERY HIGH PP: HIGH (I like it as it softens the edges and I love the DoF effect) Viewdistance 6000 System Win 7 64 i7 920@ 3.36GHz GTX 285 1Gb 6Gb 30Gb Vertex SSD just for ARMA
  2. At the moment ARMA2 has a 2Gb limit on RAM use but BIS are working on a new patch to make that higher. We don't know what will be the upper limit but I'd say 6Gb would be good. With new CPU & GPU power a well ventilated case is ESSENTIAL I would look for a case with top vents as that seems to be the best for airflow. Technology will always improve and its fastest in the computer market so its impossible to have a system that can be constantly upgraded. You have to look for something that will keep you happy for a couple of years perhaps with a GPU or even CPU upgrade along the way. I'd suggest an i7 x58 motherboard so you can put in a 720 now and upgrade that later. GPU's are the easiest to upgrade and give a good boost. Ram can also be upgraded easily. Make sure you get a good power supply. System stability depends on it and should be powerful enough to cope with the next power hungry CPU & GPU. ---------- Post added at 12:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 PM ---------- Latest Betas are HERE. You only need the top one in the green bar. (You must be up to version 1.05 using normal patches) Yeah, I overclocked my CPU from 2.67GHz to 3.36GHz (not alot as I don't have proper cooler yet) ...and I only got a few fps more.
  3. Yes, there was an issue with 8Gb ram but that is fixed now I think. I have 6Gb with no problems. You should try the latest Beta with the full 8Gb. Everything looks good but the graphics card is under powered compared to the rest of your system. I'm not very farmiliar with ATi but I'd suggest an HD5870 or NVidia GTX480 Note: I don't know what else you will use the computer for but regarding AMRA2 the RAM is excessive. Although BIS are working on a new patch to use more RAM I would say that it won't be useful to have more than 6Gb for ARMA2. (It would be better to get 1600MHz ram for that processor)
  4. EDcase

    A2 after Arrowhead..

    I'll be using both so I can use good old Chernarus because I can see the desert maps getting boring quite quick
  5. I think your first upgrade should be graphics card. Look HERE to find the best one you can afford. Don't quite follow about the ram. You had 8Gb and took 4Gb out???... For another machine???
  6. EDcase

    mission help please

    Thats easy to do. Just go to multiplayer and click "NEW" Next screen just make sure the Host is set to "LAN" and hit OK Then you will see the list of missions. You can chose any of them and play alone if you want. The warfare ones are: Utes- War Welcome Chernarus- Superpowers Or you download the latest Benny Warfare (download mission first and put in ARMA2/MPMissions) The only problem is your computer will start to slow down as more towns are captured and more AI are created. It will eventually become unplayable. Servers don't have to deal with actually playing the game so aren't as affected. Try some of the other missions too.
  7. EDcase

    Arma 2 freezing

    I had that happen a few times on my old machine. Never found out what caused it I'm afraid. Have you tried the latest Beta patch?
  8. There is no issue using Betas on 1.05 servers :D I'd say going from 2.9GHz to around 3.5GHz will not make alot of difference so that may not be the best upgrade to make. Whats your graphics card? windows version? memory?
  9. Thanks for all the input guys. I'll go with the HD5870 for the gcard and probably the 720 for CPU since it will help with my 3d rendering work. (I wish there was an ARMA2 test between the two CPU's) Logion, thanks for the post. Have you tried with the latest Beta? They seem to improve the multi-core usage quite a bit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Azamato: Look for the 9600gt and hd4850 here so you can see the difference. I think with your CPU and hd4850 you will be able to play well on average settings or maybe a bit higher.
  10. No, actually the 720qm runs at 1.6GHz not 2.8GHz You are thinking of the speed step which I'm not interested in. Yeah, thats the point of the question... Will ARMA run better on 4x 1.6GHz cores or 2x 3.06GHz cores. (I did say that the 620 is 2 core and 720 is 4 but everyone should know that by now ;) Relemar: Don't know what you're on about. They're both i7's
  11. Hi and welcome fragbear, Its very hard to predict how well a system will run ARMA2 as there are so many combinations of hardware. Unless someone happens to have a very similar system t yours. Your system should run well as far as I know but not with all settings at highest. (not many machines can at the moment) The CPU handles the AI and GPU all the pretty stuff. (better CPU will improve fps a bit of course but must be balanced with capable GPU to get the benefit) A better CPU will allow more AI without slowdown (and probably make em react faster) A better GPU will give higher fps, more effects, greater view distance etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now a question from me to ARMA land... Looking to get a lappy and options I'm undecided about are: -CPU: i7 620m@3.06GHz or 720qm@1.6GHz? (any ARMA related bench comparisons?) I know 620 is dual core and 720 is quad but will the higher clock balance it out for ARMA? -GPU: GTX285m or HD5870m? (ATI seems to have the edge looking at this and this. They're desktop versions so I'm assuming the mobile ones will scale the same) Anyone with experience or links relating to these? Cheers all ED
  12. EDcase

    Can,t shooting the static MG

    Are you sure you are allowed to use it? The mission maker may not have made it useable by human players.
  13. Oh wow, thanks Tankbuster, This is one time I'm actually glad to be wrong :D Shows how old school I was ;)
  14. Would be even better if it could be an option somewhere.... plz BIS :pray:
  15. Not seen that before. Does it do the same for all editor made missions? Select the ARMA2 root folder and make sure its not read only. (make sure to apply to sub-folders) Also do the same in your user folder on C: (can't remember exactly where it was since I moved mine) Just do a search for ARMA2 on C:
  16. Hmm, no I'm afriad. Whats your system specs?
  17. EDcase

    Having trouble loading the demo

    You just need a newer/better graphics card.
  18. EDcase

    Can,t shooting the static MG

    Are you sure its not destroyed? Unfortunately there is no model change for a destroyed MG so you won't be able to "get in it" even though it looks OK.
  19. EDcase

    New beta build 71548 up

    The game performance has improved for me (less stutter) but now I get some buildings that do not update to higher LOD, they just stay at low res no matter what settings I change. I've noticed this on the "Village Sweep" mission in Grishino. Still tesing other towns. This is with no entries so equivalent to -exThreads=7 and -cpuCount=4 Win7 i7 920 @3.36Ghz GTX285 6Gb ram Anyone notice mission load times are longer now? Pauliesss: When I was using XP32 (also with 4Gb) I just set it to windows controlled. Never had any probs.
  20. EDcase

    Severe ARMA2 crash issue

    ^ Good point Leon. What make and rating is your PSU Patrick? Remember ARMA2 stresses the GPU AND CPU more than any other game so with both at full load may be too much for the PSU.
  21. Bugger. It could be a corrupt 1.05 download. Try getting another one from here. (bottom left or right) After you have done 1.05 then install the latest patch. (you only need the lastest as it contains all previous changes) You will be able to play on any 1.05 server as the beta is transparent.
  22. EDcase

    Menu freeze problem

    Could be because of the 9Gb ram. The latest patch is aimed at fixing that so give it a try. (71548)
  23. EDcase

    Severe ARMA2 crash issue

    OK, What forceware version are you using?
  24. EDcase

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    UK buyers >>> PLAY.com £16.99 delivered, you can't ask for better price. I've never had a problem with wrong item sent but I guess there's always a 1st....
  25. Perhaps this is alreay implemented but the AI calculations should be given priority the closer they are to a human player. That way AI fighting each other would be equally matched but the ones fighting humans would be "smarter" and react faster.