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Everything posted by ElBandito

  1. ElBandito

    Irish Interim troops

    Well I for one am really waiting for this pack. Give me a chance to relive my oul F.C.A. days. Ah how foundly I remember the rain, mud and sheep shit of the Wicklow hills. So keep up the good work, you've at least one gamer waiting with baited breath.
  2. ElBandito

    Urban Dead

    That would be me. Just thought I'd say hi in passing. I'm currently in Stanbury Village, on my way to the armoury to see what I can see.
  3. ElBandito

    European Politics Thread.

    Yep Nice it was - doh and me talking of education. I have to disagree about the masses writing policy though. I agree sometimes it can seem that way and god knows I'm always cursing that stupidity but I think it is a side affect of the system not the people. It's about education and information. Those same masses do something far more complicated than just write policy (which is easy, getting people to agree to it isn't), they live with it. If they were engaged and had that power there is a very good chance they'd make a mess of it. At least at first. Though such a failure would cost them dear. Having to suffer the conseqences of your own desicions is a hell of a teacher. Plus it ain't in to great a shape right now.
  4. ElBandito

    European Politics Thread.

    I come from a country which has done very well from the Europian Union, namely Ireland (everything here is co-funded by the EU) and having read the previous points I'm wondering where and what the problem acctually is. It seems obvious there is a problem with how we percieve the Europian dream. Like all dreams we have our hopes and desires wrapped up tight in it(you know a better world, good life, greener grass etc.) As well as seeing the product of our nightmares seeded within (Super-states, militaristic adventurism, death of national identity and all those other tabloid favourites.) Understandably considering the risurgence of 19th century political thinking in the most modern of states. We have a system what I think can be seen as the most modern attempt at reforming national politics. A nation of nations if you will. One which holds the basics of freedom (all types even the ones you don't like), equality, education, health etc at its core. America I think was the last great attempt at this though I think the nuts and bolts were really introduced by the Brits - good education, free health care, equality based justice system (shame about them now). As actual American history doesn't display these qualities though the individual American may. We recognise our futures (beyond rethoric) lie together. I've noticed that despite the disagreements this seems to be true. I agree that our old concept of nations must change (all of us, not just Britain). We're afraid of loosing our identities, yet a nation itself is nought but a lump of rock with people on. (like a sandwhich ) What we think of as a nation is really the beliefs of those people and beliefs are not easily changed by laws (I'd say rather the opposite). We need to learn that identity CAN NOT BE TAKEN (surpressed - yes), only given away. What we seem to be arguing about is the psuedo-science of politics (baring the common defence question). I think as a whole we need to step back from the details of how we make our Europe ,to the question of who we let design and implement this for us. The no votes popular in European referendums seem to be votes more against that nations current goverment or dare I say it - the current model of democracy. Or to put it another way the percieved failure of our governments to actually represent us. The No vote for the Maastricht Treaty in Ireland as a case in point. No the first time, yes the second. The no was more about lack of information from the government as well as a feeling the government didn't care what the voters thought. Anyway sorry for the preachiness, it just seems to me that maybe we need to find a way to actually let the masses write the constuition. Probably cost a fuck load but I think it'd be worth it. I think the problems with Europe are trust and confidence. Not with other nations but within our own. I don't think we trust our politicians not to screw us.