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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. EricJ

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    I know it's constructive criticism, but you can't satisfy everybody, trust me it's not a new subject, continuing on from the VBS1 forums. That's why my response is such, it's just a never ending battle so as said before, so every little suggestion, it's another suggestion, and no I didn't file my TPS report, so please, no more suggestions, just take it as is.
  2. EricJ

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Oh well, this isn't a popularity contest either. Anyways, yeah the flash compensator has all the holes in a half circle configuration really, since the M16A2 came out.
  3. EricJ

    project "SCI-FI"

    It's better than what I could do, and this is for a weapon (VBS1):
  4. EricJ

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    No I won't. Â Reason being is twenty other jokers will ask the same thing, so no. I'm sick and tired of the readjustment this, readjustment that, deal with it. @Cameron: Eventually I'm gonna figure out how just to do that, just got other stuff in the works.
  5. EricJ

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Not really: I got this off of the US Army (real life, not VBS1 now) video on the Future Combat System. This particular shot was a double tap (had to capture it just right). My only complaint is that it's not transparent like it really should.
  6. VBS1, TP3 As Samawah, M4-16Variants
  7. VBS1, TP3 As Samawah, M4-16Variants
  8. EricJ

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    Yah it took a little getting used (have to concentrate a little harder to get the dot) but as said, it worked out in the end. Not very common (my PLT SGT asked about it one time) since usually you have the handle on it, but the BUIS was good enough.
  9. EricJ

    Kneeling soldiers (CQB)

    Yeah we all know that, harass BIA about it.
  10. EricJ

    USMC Mod V 1.4

    You tried a Google search? Â I got some pretty good results, and just a handful of ref pics at first look.
  11. EricJ

    WIP M4's Pack v0.9 Released

    Well I use Earl's 0.5 value for the SAWs, where a base M4 has a base of 0.8, so I put my personal M4/M203 at 0.6, and it moves well enough to feel happy moving around with it, while something like an M4 with an EOTech, PEQ-2, and a Surefire light would go roughly 0.75. It's a little on adjustment on what you think "feels" right, and what other people say. I've handled mainly the SAW/M16A2/M16A4/M4 in various configurations so it takes a little tweaking, especially when you add attachments. So I would say that maybe go with STGN and go from 0 to 1, since that has some definable areas. It's a good baseline to work off of.
  12. EricJ

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Also a big misconception with the "0-2" sight is that' the large peephole (NBC and close range), not the small one which you normally look through. what are you trying too say? STGN Nothing much really, just an observation.
  13. EricJ

    WIP M4's Pack v0.9 Released

    Hmm first of all you should download version 0.5 just click on the picture at the bottom of this post. You might notice that M4 and CQBR handle differently this is because that I unlike JAM want to make weapon as individual(realistic if you can say that) as posible, so they use different mags clasified by magazine type, barrel lenth, Ammo and wether or not it has a suppressor mounted(there is only barrel lenth and suppressor difference in this pack). Now currently you can not use a CQBR mag in a M4(posible I wil change that and add JAM compatability) or the other way around which some might not think is cool, this is because the Dexterity is mag. based(I am prity sure but haven't realy tested it so much). But back too your question, Dexterity goes from 1 too 0 and as fare as i know you can not make Dexterity for every weapon but only for the mag. I have chosen as said a simple class system for Dexterity so it dosen't take into acount weather or not there is a laser or light mounted. you could chose the same as I have made for the carbines with seperate mags and for mags for GL and MK you should chose a Dexterity about 0.85 or somthing try too experiment. STGN Actually for my VBS1 weapons project, and consequently the old Marine Assault Pack by Earl (which the config values are based on), you can set the values for dexterity for the weapon itself in the config, rather than the mags. It avoids a magazine jumble. So for my weapons pack, I got a total of six to seven mags, and all weapons "feel" different.
  14. EricJ

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Also a big misconception with the "0-2" sight is that' the large peephole (NBC and close range), not the small one which you normally look through.
  15. EricJ

    Kneeling soldiers (CQB)

    Yeah I know, but that's the line you type in the Init field.
  16. VBS1, USARMY1, TP3 Al Anbar 25km, M4-16Variants
  17. EricJ

    SCAR'S SU-30 and LEOPARD 2 A6

    The Su-30s are nice, but need some serious tuning, sorta to be on par with Footmunch's aircraft. The Su-30s just are too "loose" in my opinion.
  18. EricJ

    ADF mod needs help

    Hey mate, getting no word on the F88s. I'm getting two stories, and I got another lead I'm pursuing, least I'm gonna have it cleared up by Kap.
  19. EricJ

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    I agree, they're just beautiful
  20. EricJ

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    Kay, a little thing about Reflex optics. Â You can mount it past T12 (actually it's an M4/M203, and it's mounted just forward of the slip ring ) and still engage targets, matter of fact it's recommended as it gives you a better field of view, and I never had issues with it like that, and since I also drove, it made it very convenient to rest the carbine on the radio mount and put my elbow on it as a rest on the upper reciever (though I didn't have a 203 unfortunately..) Below is a pic in Deep Paint 3D of the actual weapon: Â What counts is that it's zeroed. Â So realistically I can have it right on the front sight post, and still plug targets because it's zeroed. Â That's it. Â Read your smart book or ask your Drill Sergeant about the M68 CCO, it may help, and this is me Jan-Feb '05: http://562.50megs.com/VBS1/Moi3.jpg http://www.globalsecurity.org/militar....c08.htm As for the 1ID patch on the mag pouch? So what about it? Â It's for VBS1 anyways and I don't have to worry about AR 670-1 because it doesn't apply to a 3D model in any case. Â So what if I have a little pride in the Division I served with.
  21. EricJ

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    That's the beauty of the patch. Â It's always pegged, but you can rotate it 180 degrees so it's pegged in the direction you're feeling. Â A buddy of mine had a nice one for his flight suit, but I could never find one as good as his (that was flippable). lol Then again, it may have been one of those, it's not like I was going to reach out and touch it either. Â I mean I had more important things to worry about. Anyways give it a rest man, it's yeah okay, a side topic but things like that represent what people do "over there" and is always something of a touch to add it to something, like maybe something like this:
  22. EricJ

    Request addon

    Besides SJB's stuff isn't that bad at all, so why not?
  23. EricJ

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Yeah whatever, 25mm HEI-T is pretty good too.
  24. EricJ

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    I knew a USAF Combat Cameramen over there and he had a "Fun-Meter" sewn onto his body armor, and it was always into the red. More than likely if you "patch" it the meter will always be bugged to always stay at the low red..
  25. http://562.50megs.com/VBS1/Screens/US414.jpg VBS1, USARMY1, TP3 Lizardia