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Everything posted by EiZei

  1. EiZei

    AEF-Campaign: Train Trailer

    Windows media video would be a good guess considering its filename.. Just play it in a recent windows media player and let the codec download.
  2. EiZei

    Us presidential election 2004

    For those interested in media endorsements.. http://www.dkosopedia.com/index.php/2004_Media_Endorsements
  3. EiZei

    Castro breaks a leg on stage

    Or after decades of attempted assasinations (exploding CIA cigars anyone?) and coups he manages to get himself killed by tripping.
  4. EiZei

    Us presidential election 2004

    I'd doubt it too. After all, it's a film about veterans' anger toward Kerry's post-Vietnam behavior, not a film about the media. It is billed as, and I quote, "A documentary exposing John Kerry's record of betrayal." Here's the official site @ the poll
  5. EiZei

    The Iraq thread 4

    ar·gu·ment Audio pronunciation of "argument" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ärgy-mnt) 1. A course of reasoning aimed at demonstrating truth or falsehood: presented a careful argument for extraterrestrial life. 2. A fact or statement put forth as proof or evidence; a reason: The current low mortgage rates are an argument for buying a house now. Maybe that will get you started.
  6. EiZei

    Gta san andreas

    Nah, dont worry, they only got the PS2 version.
  7. EiZei

    Let's see you

    Does not really resemble me come to think of it..
  8. EiZei

    Us presidential election 2004

    CNN is owned by time-warner among lots of other media outlets. </nitpicking>
  9. EiZei

    Us presidential election 2004

    ... and political satirists would actually have to start doing some real work instead of quoting chimperor`s brainfarts. Can`t say that UK has become significantly more pro-EU because of dubya, look at the success of UKIP.
  10. EiZei

    The Iraq thread 4

    ... By picking off small comparitively defenseless countries that are run by internally oppressive ne'er do well's. Hope he finds some WMDs In Afghanistan?
  11. EiZei

    The Iraq thread 4

    And, does anyone know if such soldiers would be provided with fireproof garments like those worn by race car drivers and pit crews? Definitely a "one-off" event. Suicide mission...? I doubt it. Driving a truck full of gasoline in sunni triangle with clear american markings without any escorts could be quite dangerous.
  12. EiZei

    Us presidential election 2004

    Dont think draft will be necessary unless Kim/Iran goes apeshit.
  13. EiZei

    Us presidential election 2004

    Ironically enough, enligtenment began when churches grip on peoples lives loosened, artists began portraying and adoring roman and greek civilizations instead of stiff religious themes and scientists dared to stand up against conventional wisdom.
  14. EiZei

    Us presidential election 2004

    True, but what about things that are exclusively designed to kill? On the contrary, real leftism is about making sure everybody has equal chances and responsibility, you can become an engineer no matter if you are a rich white boy or poor asian immigrant kid if you have the will to do so. So holding a sign outside a shittily designated free speech zone is waging war against the cops? Breaking into offices and vandalizing is a crime no matter what. Yeah, Kerry and DDR are SO similar.. DDR's leadership always were anxious to point out that they were "stabile", "on course" and that they "provided safety."
  15. EiZei

    Us presidential election 2004

    Ah yes, the freedom hating europeans are at it again. Seriously, this rhetoric is starting to get scary.
  16. EiZei

    Us presidential election 2004

    At this point saying that candidate x will win is shooting at your own feet.
  17. EiZei

    Us presidential election 2004

    Something like ministry of love?
  18. EiZei

    Fahrenhype 9/11

    A documentary* mocking an another documentary*, that'll get some ticket income. <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>*used in the loosest sense</span>
  19. EiZei

    Today, Halo 2 has gone

    Ohh nothing...it's only the most hyped game in game industry History...that's all... Half-life 2 anyone?
  20. EiZei

    Today, Halo 2 has gone

    Yet another scifi FPS, hooray?
  21. EiZei

    The Iraq thread 4

    Ahh yes the good old days. LOL. To quote black adder.. "That WAS an awfully sharp mango you know"
  22. EiZei

    Us presidential election 2004

    Hooray for liberal media.
  23. EiZei

    Evil Genius Demo

    Nothing compared to their super agent, wields two M60s at the same time and slaughters just about everybody in sight.
  24. EiZei

    Us presidential election 2004

    Yes, it strongly supports it and funds it. At least on the union level. There are however member states that aren't very positive to it and the EU rules exempt them from the participation in the funding. In Germany, France, Ireland and Spain (possibly Poland too) it's banned for now. They generally however allow importing of them. To sum up, it's better (from a scientific point of view) than the US, but still falls short. For instance Japan and Australia have far better rules. I recall the goverment openly funding stem cell research in Helsinki university, cant be sure though.
  25. EiZei

    Us presidential election 2004

    Maybe he has some pride left and wont go along with the guy who smeared him and his military record in 2000?