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Everything posted by EiZei

  1. EiZei

    The Iraq thread 4

    With that kind of neighbors youd be wanting too
  2. EiZei

    Best Games 2004: The Poll

    Nothing.. It's just what the first Half-Life was. They get the rights to use all the new effects and features invented by others and put them into one game. Except that scripted events and such were something new and fascinating when HL1 came out. One of the most vastly overrated games in my opinion but by no means a bad game, just an above average shooter.
  3. EiZei

    The best sound.pbo

    Yeah, but you can't use the finmod sounds without finmod. And as brilliant as the finmod is, we do not use it all the time. Yeah, but still deserves a mention in the first post eh?
  4. EiZei

    The best sound.pbo

    Kyllikki soundpack is obsolete, all the new stuff has been bundled with FDFmod.
  5. EiZei

    Friggen Hijackers

    Yeah, I consider MS antispyware as a "nuclear option" when it comes to removing to this shit, it is much more better at finding newer and sneakier versions but seems to have some false positives and a 20MB memory footprint continously as well.
  6. EiZei

    FDF Winter Maldevic

    Grass is always greener on the other side, at least you dont have to shovel it around or get to places in 30cm snow cover.
  7. EiZei

    Friggen Hijackers

    I use Maxthon as well and love it . IE with an addon gui still an IE with an addon gui
  8. EiZei

    The north korea thread

    Actually those were mainly your fundamentalist christian european ancestors that thought so. Chinese and arabs for example had figured that sort of things out long ago by not being strictly dogmatic about everything and not trying to make reality fit their own narrow vision by persecuting scientists and intellectuals. Happy darwin day by the way.
  9. EiZei

    Friggen Hijackers

    .. and switch from IE to firefox to avoid such nuisanses in the future.
  10. EiZei

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    503 is a drop in a sea of blood when considering the total amount of people killed in gulags.
  11. EiZei

    The north korea thread

    Except in this case the CIA is probably not pressured into giving politically favourable intelligence.
  12. EiZei

    S.C.S. Dangerous Waters

    I have played both and I must say that they are not even nearly comparable in realism, enigma is fun action and dangerous waters requires careful studying and patience.
  13. EiZei

    The north korea thread

    Kim Jong-chul (son of kim jong-il) is currently considered Kim's heir apparent AFAIK.
  14. EiZei

    The Iraq thread 4

    And you understood that to be taken l-i-t-e-r-a-l-l-y? Her point is to do to others what they try to do to you. Please read the latter part of the same paragraph, I really do think that she is saying that literally, or is reading ann coulter akin to reading the old testament nowadays? Hell, maybe Michael Savage is also not being literal when he says:
  15. EiZei

    The Iraq thread 4

    Not a big fan but please show me where Coulter said anything similar without herself intending it sarcastically. Here we go again: Hey, why im here I might throw in some extra ones for free: EDIT: Denoir got to it, damn he is fast, too fast
  16. EiZei

    The north korea thread

    great, an attention whore with nukes
  17. EiZei

    Zombie Combat Games

    Guess that is why I suck at that game - I use firefox.
  18. EiZei

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    So the guys should use g-strings instead?
  19. EiZei

    Zombie Combat Games

    Alien phobia series and crimsonlands?
  20. EiZei

    NASA budget would kill Hubble(in future)

    Did prometheus get cancelled for budget reasons or was it more like "NUCLEAR OMG OMG WE DIE"? (assuming that I remember correctly and prometheus was about nuclear propulsion.. )
  21. EiZei

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Now this is going to be something interesting indeed Wonder if kissinger's, bush senior's or buchanan's health has been deteriorating lately..
  22. EiZei


    In other words.. 4 years.
  23. EiZei

    Another blow against Mircosoft

    On the contrary, it's way too small. Since you're already carrying a bloody hard drive, why not make it a proper sized one - say 200-300 GB. How the heck could they put a 200-300 Gb HD in a small iPod?? It's designed to fit your pocket, I have had a 40 Gb HD on my computer and that HD is pretty big. It's really incredible that they actually can make a 40-60 Gb HD on such a small device, don't you think? I mean if we were in the 90's now it wouldn't even been possible to make these kinds of HD's. Actually, I could just run over to the nearest computer store and get a 2.5" 100GB hard disk for less than 100 euros atm. Exactly.. The iPod is basicly just a 2.5" HD with a mp3 player built around it. And quite an overpriced one at that might I add. Mildly silly idea might be to implement a separate mobile device (smartphone) with regular flash memory and a separate small hard drive with bluetooth and have a relatively non-bulky communication device/pda/mobile hard disk together.. hmm..
  24. EiZei

    Another blow against Mircosoft

    On the contrary, it's way too small. Since you're already carrying a bloody hard drive, why not make it a proper sized one - say 200-300 GB. How the heck could they put a 200-300 Gb HD in a small iPod?? It's designed to fit your pocket, I have had a 40 Gb HD on my computer and that HD is pretty big. It's really incredible that they actually can make a 40-60 Gb HD on such a small device, don't you think? I mean if we were in the 90's now it wouldn't even been possible to make these kinds of HD's. Actually, I could just run over to the nearest computer store and get a 2.5" 100GB hard disk for less than 200 euros atm. However, I find microdrives to be more interesting in this regard, gigabytes of capacity and much smaller than ipods. Ok, not really, I actually could hardly afford my "new" display adapter, radeon 9550 for 63 euros.