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Everything posted by Ex-RoNiN

  1. Ex-RoNiN

    Ecp released!

    Please use THIS thread here. Thanks.
  2. Ex-RoNiN

    Cool AA Movie

    Whoohoo!! another, 10000000th ultra funny joke! \o/ Don't you get bored of repeating the same thing again and again and again when seeing the word "french"? No You realize it is a joke and that you do not have to get worked up about it. all americans are fat and stupid! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA You see the point? The argument (and this ridiculous joke) stops here and now or there will be consequences, ok?
  3. Ex-RoNiN


    I am not going to repeat myself, do not make three posts one after the other every 2 seconds, make one big one, we have "edit" buttons for this.
  4. Ex-RoNiN

    Some c&c stuff

    Looking really good lads, keep it up, I enjoyed C&C a lot, and I intend to enjoy it again
  5. Ex-RoNiN

    Custom faces

    Search before posting
  6. Ex-RoNiN


    What he said
  7. Ex-RoNiN

    Horse with rider

    The deed's done. Don't take threads off-topic, it is frowned upon.
  8. Ex-RoNiN

    Horse with rider

    Closed temporarily whilst the spammers lose 100 posts each
  9. Ex-RoNiN

    Ask a mod

    You can... sort of. When I did it I had to have my old account post restricted, and removed the email address. Then create a new account with your e-mail, and they'll transfer the posts. That's very strange. In other forums it can be changed by the mod(s). It should be possible here. Well, its not possible here. Its to do with the board software, some support it, but this one doesn't.
  10. Ex-RoNiN

    European Politics Thread.

    Firstly, I apologise for the very long post to come, but this is of major importance and a potential Casus Belli with Turkey. This shocking information has been cross-verified with some other sources, such as the following: Or this source of information: ************************************ I find this a very worrisome development. Now lets keep all the traditional Greek-Turkish rivalries aside, I find this worrisome for other reasons. Unlike the aforementioned violations of Greek airpsace, this is actually a real threat to Greece, since if this project comes to fruition, Turkey will possess the ability to strike any target inside Greece within a manner of minutes, and without having to fear reprisals on the same scale. It is too great a threat to have a semi-renegade and semi-stable nation like Turkey (how many juntas did they go through the last 50 years. 3? 4?) to possess such weapons. Since Greece doesn't possess such weapons, they can and should be classified as first-strike weapons. Secondly, the Turks claim they want to use them to counter the Iranian and Syrian missile threats. I actually partially believe them, but what will Iran and Syria do when they realise that Turkey has a few missiles themselves? Logical choice: you build more missiles, to make sure their missiles are of a retaliatory nature, and not a first-strike nature. The result: an arms race, which is about the last thing you want. Thirdly, as mentioned before, if the Greek government decides that this is *not* a Casus Belli, then the least they will do is follow Syria's and Iran's example and start an arms race and try developing such missiles herself. Again, the result is (lots) more missiles in the region. I doubt the Israelis would be happy to see Syria, Iran and Greece all starting to increase their missile capabilities. I believe that these developments will bring further destabilisation to a region which just can not afford any more destabilisation. I sincerely hope that the EU accession talks will force Ankara to stop this project. If Brussels fails doing so, then I can clearly see a Greek First Strike against the facility near Ankara and the start of a war. Thanks to the United States, a precedent has been set. Unlike Iraq, however, this missile programme is real. EU/Nato/UN approval or not, this programme must stop, and if talks will not make it stop, then cluster bombs will.
  11. Ex-RoNiN

    Carnivorous robot

    I can see the headlines already: Giant Robot Army occupies Mac Donalds main food factory.
  12. Ex-RoNiN

    Official Stupid Quiz Thread

    2903 overall. Pathetic
  13. Ex-RoNiN

    Duplicate files in Addons and Res\Addons

    Pffffffah, the game's been out over 3.5 years, and you still have n00bs wandering about. Kch
  14. Ex-RoNiN

    OFP videography

    PLEASE use a sound-mod, or perhaps even some unofficial addons (with their own sounds )!
  15. Ex-RoNiN

    Duplicate files in Addons and Res\Addons

    My personal take on this is to leave the official addons alone and in their respectice places, and instead go about organising the unofficial ones properly
  16. Ex-RoNiN

    OFP videography

    Mate, definitely use a sound mod and more up-to-date units next time please Other than that - great movie, that's a keeper 4 sure
  17. Ex-RoNiN

    M1A2 SEP

    Superb work, I love the tracer effect on the machine gun. Seems to be on par with the T80-UE from Sigmas pack, 2 shots from either to destroy each other, not bad
  18. Ex-RoNiN

    M1A2 Abrams SEP

  19. Ex-RoNiN

    OFP videography

    Haha, this is seriously awesome Shame you didn't use a sound mod
  20. Ex-RoNiN

    T80 ver M1A1......Real world

    Then again, how many M1A1's have been hit by a 125mm-launched KE penetrator that wasn't made from old volkswagens? Well, during testing they fired 105mm HEAT and HESH rounds, maybe even SABOT from about 300 meters. Results: Abrams: 1 Anti-Tank weapons: 0 Theres a bit of a difference between a 105mm round launched from a T-55 and a 125mm round launched from a T-80.. One also has to consider that T-80s are probably significantly cheaper than abramses also. Standard T-55 fires 100mm smoothbore, at a lower muzzle velocity. I was talking about L7 105mm Rifled cannon. And Russian T-80's (Atleast early versions) are not for sale. Only thing the T80 is good at is being lighter. You lose. ANOTHER thing to consider: There are numberous types of T80, so if you want a vs match T80B would probably lose but a T80UM1 has a much better chance of a kill on a M1A1 abrams. Cyprus has some T-80s.
  21. Ex-RoNiN

    Heavy Earthquake in Asia

    Thanks. I have now found some English news sources too: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/4126513.stm http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/africa/12/27/somalia.quake.ap/index.html Just terrible
  22. Ex-RoNiN

    Heavy Earthquake in Asia

  23. Ex-RoNiN

    OFP-base down for at least two days.

    Never mind the fact that you should post in the right forum