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Everything posted by Ex-RoNiN

  1. Ex-RoNiN

    WWIIEC website

    Moving and closing
  2. Ex-RoNiN

    How to improve the AI ?

    Where can I find those scripts ? At the place where most, if not all, scripts can be found: www.ofpec.com
  3. Ex-RoNiN

    The Israel Challenge Experience

    Could you please stick to the hand and take this conversation into PM please? Thanks CT camp, eh? I wonder if you get to play a team of Tangos, all armed with airsoft, and trying to shoot each other whilst trying to difuse a bomb mockup Seriously though, sounds like fun
  4. Ex-RoNiN


    You may have to reset the data directory. There's a button at the bottom of the middle pane in OdolEx to set the 'basis' folder (the one where Buldozer is installed, typically) OdolEx 2.0 doesn't process the GeoLOD very well, but if you click on the geo lod in the (OdolEx) selection list, the total mass will be displayed about 3/4 of the way down the central pane. Open up the MLOD, go to GeoLOD, Ctrl-A then set the mass to that value. You may also have to run the optimise command and the component-convex-hull command to get a valid geometry. Offtime - Smooth edges for the whole model is not a good idea. Some edges are _supposed_ to be sharp. Cheers bud, thx a lot
  5. Ex-RoNiN

    Best Games 2004 -upcoming-

    And its this one that gets locked
  6. Ex-RoNiN

    Best Games 2004: The Poll

    So I guess this stays open
  7. Ex-RoNiN

    Best Games 2004: The Poll

    Closing on thread starter's request.
  8. Ex-RoNiN


    Whilst we're talking about ODOL Explorer, I have this strange problem that when I open a model with it, a) it doesn't seem able to find the textures associated with it (get pop-up saying it can't find them), even though they get displayed in the texture collection window (the one below the lod window) b) for vehicles, they seem to have lost all mass, one shot at them and they fly away, and are totally undriveable Is there some post-processing you need to do to the MLOD after the conversion, or am I doing something horribly wrong
  9. Ex-RoNiN

    M925 Pack v1.2

    It was closed because it had turned into a mud-sling contest, not because the addon was stolen/ripped off/whatever
  10. Ex-RoNiN

    M925 Pack v1.2

    Why would you need our permission? We didn't make it
  11. Ex-RoNiN

    Star Trek addons

    Very funny and smart. Not.
  12. Ex-RoNiN

    Ask a mod

    Complain to the authors of the board software
  13. Ex-RoNiN

    where do i put this addon pack

    Moving to correct forum The next one to call the thread starter a noob will get a 48 hr PR.
  14. Ex-RoNiN

    where do i put this addon pack

    Moving to correct forum The next one to call the thread starter a noob will get a 48 hr PR.
  15. Ex-RoNiN

    60th anniversary of liberating Auschwitz-Birkenau

    Firefly, for that last comment I will give you a warning box and 24 hrs PR. Grizzlie, for your provocative opening post, which to me is a load of flame baiting, I will give you a warning box and 24hrs PR. If you want to commemorate this tragic event, then do it in a respectful manner, not bitchslapping each other with cheap shots like this I am truly disappointed.
  16. Ex-RoNiN

    Addon cd from ebay

    Playing the devil's advocate here, but it is well possible that he charged for shipping and material cost only, rather than the addons themselves. Imagine, I don't know, say Shadow and the rest of Norway are cut out from the internet and he wants to download the addons. Obviously, without the internet, he can not download them. So he gives me a call and asks me to send them some addons on a CD. Me being a student and thus on a tight budget tell him its not a problem, but he has to pay me the cost of the CD, the cost for packaging, and the cost of sending. Thus, I techinically do not get paid, I merely have my loss compensated for. If he does have a "buy now" price in that auction and can prove that this price covers the cost of CD and shipping, then he may get away with it. Sorry for being a party pooper, but thing's aren't that easy I would also like to stress that the above is nothing but a small thought experiment, and I do not condone this individual's actions, nor do I condone any kind of charging for OFP addons. In fact, I am enraged by this action and if he does live in the South East, I would be willing to pay him a visit to get him to meet the long arm of BIS law
  17. Ex-RoNiN

    Any deer, dear?

  18. Ex-RoNiN

    Any deer, dear?

  19. Ex-RoNiN

    Ask a mod

    Ah, that's good to know, something to look forward to atleast . Nah, the boss said no
  20. Ex-RoNiN

    New MOD?!?!???

    Thread has gone way off-topic.
  21. Ex-RoNiN

    The armies of the former Soviet republics

    I know that Armenia invaded Azerbaijan and occupied a large chunk of it. The population was largely Armenian anyway...
  22. Ex-RoNiN


    Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. MSN is not a replacement for pubs and other places to meet people
  23. Ex-RoNiN

    old topic but .. CTI

    You have 18 players on the map, each one buys a squad of 9 extra players, so you have in effect squads of 10 men each. 18*10 = 180 = 2 companies, that's not bad now, is it?
  24. Ex-RoNiN

    old topic but .. CTI

    You have 18 players on the map, each one buys a squad of 9 extra players, so you have in effect squads of 10 men each. 18*10 = 180 = 2 companies, that's not bad now, is it?