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Everything posted by Ex-RoNiN

  1. Ex-RoNiN

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    USMC uses UH-1Ns, but dunno if they still call them dustoffs
  2. Ex-RoNiN

    BIS @ E3: Confirmed!

    Not all houses can crumble.
  3. Ex-RoNiN

    VTV isn`t working

    [off-topic] Yeah, I saw some videos of a clan that went to the developer's to play around with it - I wasn't impressed at all. Fancy textures, sure, but the gameplay was still the same old disorganised pseudo-team play, health bars...do I need to say more? [/off-topic]
  4. Ex-RoNiN

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    I was thinking there would be a new record Gotta admit, I was watching the number of people online for a while, thinking "Can we do it?" Well done community
  5. Ex-RoNiN

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    No, it's typical British pseudo-legal blahblah, in order to not offend any sex, race or creed Trust me, after 4 yrs you're able to distinguish "official" talk from inofficial chitchat
  6. Ex-RoNiN

    New OFP Shots not from Xbox

    Well, there's no need to have a billion threads about this, 4 are plenty.
  7. Ex-RoNiN

    make your own OFP2 screenshot

    What did I just say about the purpose of this thread? Don't make me take out my moderating stick and start spanking you As for the person who posted those photographs - we're investigating, due to a dodgy avatar. We might keep you informed
  8. Ex-RoNiN

    make your own OFP2 screenshot

    Guys, this thread is for making your own OFP2 screenshots, if you want to discuss something else, do it in other threads
  9. Ex-RoNiN

    OFP2 Shots on ofp.info!

    How would the mods know Some of us don't even know where the Czech Republic is (not me ) and remember, we're not BIS employees, so we're as much in the dark as you Well, maybe in grey twilight
  10. Ex-RoNiN

    VTV isn`t working

    Put me down for Å100. I can tell you what the big surprise will be - that there won't be a surprise! Placebo and Suma are just out on the piss in LA I thought it was just Placebo and Marek going, now Suma too? more news indeed... Well, I dunno, Placebo and someone else, I keep mixing them up, maybe cos they are twins? Seriously, I'm bad with names
  11. Ex-RoNiN

    VTV isn`t working

    Put me down for Å100. I can tell you what the big surprise will be - that there won't be a surprise! Placebo and Suma are just out on the piss in LA
  12. Ex-RoNiN

    World Hockey Championships

    Congratulations Czech Republic
  13. Ex-RoNiN

    VTV isn`t working

    Errr guys, its after midnight in Prague...what makes you think they are working on the webpage at this time They gotta be in the office at 9
  14. Ex-RoNiN

    VTV isn`t working

    That's quite easy to do, less than 10 lines of Perl (or any other?) code
  15. Ex-RoNiN

    What happend to flashpoint2.com?

    Damn, you're right. Continue here
  16. Ex-RoNiN

    What happend to flashpoint2.com?

    Moving to correct forum - fixing URL Answering question: How the heck should I know, I'm a forum mod, not a TV mechanic
  17. Ex-RoNiN

    Military Humor

    I don't know what's more disturbing - the fact that there are aircraft/tank parts attached to human body parts, or the fact that the semi-naked girls look like 8
  18. Ex-RoNiN

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Closing for a 48hr cooling-down period. Some of you better rethink your attitudes and what you have written.
  19. Ex-RoNiN

    USN Tarawa & LCAC

    Nah ah! Look here instead!!
  20. Ex-RoNiN

    VE Day

    Today is the 8th of May, 2005 - 60 years have passed since the end of WW2 in Europe. Let us sit in silence for even just a minute to remember the sacrifice by our brothers, sisters, grandfathers, grandmothers, and everyone else, in our countries and other's, who all united their efforts to defeat evil, tyranny and fascism. Let us thank them for giving the ultimate sacrifice in order to win us freedom and liberty. We will be forever in their debt, a debt that can only be repayed by remaining as vigilant as they were and ensuring that freedom and liberty are never lost. Lest we forget, we salute you, honourable forefathers, and we thank you. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1....ult.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4525761.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4526351.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/talking_point/4493769.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/4526903.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4509525.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1....tm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4508901.stm I quite recommend this for some solitary and reflecting reading: http://www.warpoems.org/poems.htm
  21. Ex-RoNiN

    Self reproducing robot developed

    You can script "understanding" too Would be one hell of a script, but still "understanding" as you put it. Oh, and free will is an illusion, there are limits to it, its the same for computer programs, it doesn't exist, its all governed by some sort of law and thus there are boundaries. Sure, you can push the boundaries, use soft-and hardware neural nets, use self-modifying FPGAs, but it is all described in the code that you create and thus there is a boundary there.
  22. Ex-RoNiN

    Ask a mod

    Thanks But this is not the place for such things, in the future please transmit personal messages via PM's, which have been invented for such cases (and are called Private Messages for a reason )
  23. Ex-RoNiN

    The sinking of the kursk

    Is that the hole that the article was talking about? Btw, Oak, where you been mate!?
  24. Ex-RoNiN

    Ask a mod

    The red arrow next to "Last post by" does exactly that
  25. Ex-RoNiN

    The sinking of the kursk

    I am sceptical - surely a Titanium-based alloy is a lot sturder than a steel-based one? Plus, you have the fact that Russian/Soviet subs are dubble hulled, with batteries inbetween the hulls providing extra armour...although this advantage might be negated by improper construction of the internal compartments?