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Everything posted by Evan110185

  1. Will there ever be a 64 bit version of ArmA released?
  2. Evan110185

    Public Ban List

    To the GBL creater and users: just wait until someone thinks you cheat or you accidently TK someone they and put your ID on the list... lol
  3. Evan110185

    Too many crappy maps

    i think you're talking about hexenkessel, shich is probably the worst map ever made, 2nd to corridor.
  4. Im trying to delete some walls that are in a fort built into the island. Is there a way I can just delete a section of the wall? Each section has an ID #. or Whats the best way to blow it up so it collapses? Thanks
  5. it works. thanks alot man
  6. Evan110185

    New Gang In Town To Clean Up Campers!

    Once I went camping up north and then some coyotes and bears roamed around our tent all night. And they came up very close to our camp site. The 3 girls i went with got pretty scared. Just thought id share... {MOD}Audi_A4
  7. Im trying to use a script that respawns vehicles after you get out. So you dont have to shoot the tires or blow it up for it to respawn. Ive been trying to use an old script that was used in OFP, but it doesnt seem to work. It keeps duplicating jeeps. At the beginning of the mission, there is 3 jeeps; at the end there is like 20. here is the old script ive been trying to use: Vehicle Init <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">init="[this, jeep1, 90, ""Landrover_Closed""] exec ""vrespawn.sqs"""; Logic Object named "jeep1" vrespawn.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ? not (local Server): exit _vcl = _this select 0 _respawnpoint = _this select 1 _azimut = _this select 2 _class = _this select 3 #start _vcl addEventHandler ["GetOut", "_this exec ""getout.sqs"""] @(!alive _vcl || !canmove _vcl) ~14 _vcl setfuel 0 _vcl setdammage 0 deleteVehicle _vcl ~1 _vcl = _class createVehicle getpos _respawnpoint _vcl setdir _azimut goto "start" getout.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _obj = _this select 0 ? !alive _obj : exit ? count crew _obj > 0 : exit ~10 ? !alive _obj : exit ? count crew _obj > 0 : exit ? fuel _obj == 1 : exit _obj setFuel 0 removeAllWeapons _obj ~.1 _obj setDammage 0.9 ~.1 _obj setDammage 1 exit This script used to work in OFP. Does anyone know what changed in ArmA? Also i should tell you that it seems to run fine when im previewing it by myself, but when on a public server, it creates way too many jeeps. So im wondering if it has something to do with: "? not (local Server): exit" Thanks in advance!
  8. yea, right after i posted this, i realized that i didnt have a game logic named Server. But i think im going to use your script anyways. THANKS!
  9. Im trying to use a script that respawns vehicles after you get out. So you dont have to shoot the tires or blow it up for it to respawn. Ive been trying to use an old script that was used in OFP, but it doesnt seem to work. It keeps duplicating jeeps. At the beginning of the mission, there is 3 jeeps; at the end there is like 20. here is the old script ive been trying to use: Vehicle Init <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">init="[this, jeep1, 90, ""Landrover_Closed""] exec ""vrespawn.sqs"""; Logic Object named "jeep1" vrespawn.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ? not (local Server): exit _vcl = _this select 0 _respawnpoint = _this select 1 _azimut = _this select 2 _class = _this select 3 #start _vcl addEventHandler ["GetOut", "_this exec ""getout.sqs"""] @(!alive _vcl || !canmove _vcl) ~14 _vcl setfuel 0 _vcl setdammage 0 deleteVehicle _vcl ~1 _vcl = _class createVehicle getpos _respawnpoint _vcl setdir _azimut goto "start" getout.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _obj = _this select 0 ? !alive _obj : exit ? count crew _obj > 0 : exit ~10 ? !alive _obj : exit ? count crew _obj > 0 : exit ? fuel _obj == 1 : exit _obj setFuel 0 removeAllWeapons _obj ~.1 _obj setDammage 0.9 ~.1 _obj setDammage 1 exit This script used to work in OFP. Does anyone know what changed in ArmA? Also i should tell you that it seems to run fine when im previewing it by myself, but when on a public server, it creates way too many jeeps. So im wondering if it has something to do with: "? not (local Server): exit" Thanks in advance!
  10. medium sized CTF and C&H maps such as castle keep, everon, GFYYSFB and city battle. However the best league games were always played on big 8v8 or 10vs10 large C&H maps with 5 flags, where you have to use choppers to get from respawn to the flags. Maps such as Wargames: Operation Raven and Op. Sparrow.
  11. Evan110185

    A Plea for a better multiplayer experience

    if people really want big maps like you say, then im sure as time goes by, those maps will be made. Apearently alot of people like the small maps because thats what people have been playing. mapmakers will make whatever maps the players like playing. its simple economics 101, supply and demand. personally i prefer the medium sized maps. or even large maps if its in an organized team matchup. there is nothing like playing an organized 10vs10 C&H on a huge playing field. Most fun ive ever had playing ofp(or arma) If u dont like the maps currently out there, i suggest you take a look at the mission editor and start making your own. {MOD}Audi_A4
  12. Evan110185

    New ingame ship screenshots

    so, how big i this addon? im guessing about 50mb
  13. Evan110185

    So whats your favorite part of nogova?

    i like the new buildings and how u can go on the roofs of alot of them and land choppers on them.
  14. Evan110185

    Custom voice files seen in ofpr

    so do i just put a file named 1.ogg into my sounds folder? and then i press 1 to use it?
  15. Evan110185

    Custom voice files seen in ofpr

    so do i just put a file named 1.ogg into my sounds folder? and then i press 1 to use it?
  16. Could I get a list of the weapon names. Like for, this addWeaponCargo["m16", 20]
  17. Evan110185

    Could I get a list of the weapons

    but what about like g26 and steyr aug?
  18. what script do i need to use to make a ctf? i just need to make the flag's script
  19. ammo2 addmagazinecargo ["_______", 1000] what do i put in the blank if i wanna add a east sniper rifle??
  20. how do u make respawn in a dm???
  21. how do i make tanks with no one in them???
  22. there is no "empty" in side
  23. Can someone give me a website for a good tutorial?