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Espectro (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Espectro (DayZ)

  1. Espectro (DayZ)

    e3 dead?

    It will be called E3 Media or something...
  2. Espectro (DayZ)

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    NOOOOO!! My brand new Samsung HDD broke down this morning! ARGHH! Ad my brand new computer won't start up with my old HDD in it! ARGHH!! What do I do? The HDD acted weird (sounded like bad sectors) the last couple days... And now it have bad sectors when trying to start windows, and it just reboots... Also in safe mode. It's 3 weeks old, should I just send it back or?
  3. Espectro (DayZ)

    ArmA Progress Updates

    See the thing is thats not a hummer to begin with. Hehe, was just about to say that... Yeah, me too. I looks kind of like it's meant to be, but what is it actually? It looks like a lousy model of the beagle... But then again, it doesn't :/ (!?)
  4. Espectro (DayZ)

    Community made ArmA trailers

    Hey lads. Just finished by very first try at editing a movie... And of course it's an unofficial ArmA trailer. Ive collected various screenies and vids footage into this trailer and mixed in some nice epic music Please download it and tell me what you think - I would love some critism (constructive), since I had much fun editing this piece and thought about doing some more editing. Also, if you have edited movies concerning ArmA, please post them here! Cheers Link to movie: http://www.armedassault.eu/downloads.php?cat_id=2&download_id=13 (~85 megs). (You need DivX to watch it - Turn up your speakers and watch it in fullscreen - it becomes much better.) If you use firefox, you might have to rightclick and save as. It will be saved as a .php file - just rename it to .avi as soon as it is on your harddrive.
  5. Espectro (DayZ)

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Look at the size of that gun compared to the er... Is that beagle?.. Uhm... No, what is it?
  6. Espectro (DayZ)

    Latest screenshots available

    Ukraineboy is a huge shit disturber. I'm surprised he's lasted on these forums as long as he had considering the behavior he exhibits. Many of us simply learned to ignore him over the years @meyamoti I don't really get your point. We have introduced rating on all our screenshots on our site, and I find it very usefull. And so do our visitors, since you can see the screenies that have the best votes, also get most visits. All people visiting the site have the ability to vote, not just registered users, so I don't think it's biased. But maybe you can explain a little more, what you meant?
  7. Espectro (DayZ)

    Community made ArmA trailers

    it took me 2Ë hours all in all... So I don't think it was too bad, considering I never tried the program before, and never tried editing. Yesterday I tried making a top gun version from OFP FFUR/DXDLL, but I failed I dont know scripting in OFP very well, so it kinda got out of hand... Too bad, cause I love the top gun theme etc
  8. Espectro (DayZ)

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Well, there no reason to turn it off... When u need it, it will clock itself up again. And now u save power and it is more quiet.
  9. Espectro (DayZ)

    Track ir

    Now I bought them... They better be good... Can't wait to test them out with my trackir4 system
  10. Espectro (DayZ)

    Poseidon II , the ultimate engine?

    I liked the engine alot! Very nice! Although the gameplay footage had me concerned. The AI and the enviromeant seemed VERY scripted. Also the fact that the guy could take about 50 bullets without dying. But I guess that could be modded. It's harder with the AI though... They didn't seem to intelligent.
  11. Espectro (DayZ)

    Track ir

    Thanks mate... I couldnt access that site.. But I see that it works with IE. Sometimes I just hate Firefox. Oh and (yes, im editing now)... The FAQ doesn't state if I can use my TFT monitor... It states that I can't use a laptop monitor.. But CRT and LCD is useable... Are they simply trying to avoid mentioning TFT, or do they actually work? You seem to know alot about it (and computer-stuff in general). This is the monitor in question, do you think it will work? (It just seems a bit stupid to create a new thread about it, since TrackIR and VR are suited - in my oppinion). http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/ProductInfo.asp?WebProductID=217402
  12. Espectro (DayZ)

    Track ir

    And will they work with my TFT screen?
  13. Espectro (DayZ)

    Track ir

    look 4-5 posts UP... ?? I don't see any. I only see the soccaled Glasses... But I want googles with monitors in them... The glasses, are they really that good? Dont u have to look at the screen anyway?
  14. Espectro (DayZ)

    Project: Flashpoint

    great idea.. what kinda addons do we need?
  15. Espectro (DayZ)

    Track ir

    I have trackir 4 pro... Do you guys have any sugestions for affordable VR googles?
  16. Espectro (DayZ)

    Community made ArmA trailers

    Hehe... Well, it isn't really a promotional video fro ArmA - I could get in legal troubles if I made one . I didn't change speeds for any of the videos seen, and the reason why there isn't more ArmA footage is - well... There isn't any around with decent quality. And I am so unfortuant that I don't own a copy of the game I grant you, it IS a slow start - but that was my intention. Honestly, I never realised that the screenie was a CTF-missions screenshot, but then again. Some of the most intense realistic missions I ever played in OFP, was CTF. Use yopur imagination, not all CTF missions are like St. Pierre (which is good fun to relax with), and think a little beyond that you are risking your life for a... Flag (!?). Anyway, it's good with critism, I can't however, bring back your 5 minutes
  17. Espectro (DayZ)

    Project: Flashpoint

    Aye, JAM3 HD. During some exercises I use human OPFOR though. I asked you to join earlier, but couldnt since im danish and not swedish (I understand swedish though). Anyway, why can't we be a little group of english speaking lads playing on the opposit team? Like a patrol around the island?
  18. Espectro (DayZ)

    e3 dead?

    I dont think it will be much of a problem. The whole idea with E3 was, so developers could reach out to the public, but more importantly, to publishers and other game developers. Many developers have complained that when E3 is this big, they couldn't get their message out - it would simply drown in the crowd. Therefor they have made it alot smaller (~5000 not just hundreds visitors), and they moved it to August so the x-mas release-games havce more time before presenting their work. Further more, it will be held at two hotels and games/technology will be showcasting their work from suites. All in all, it will be alot more intimate athmosphear. And I think it's a great idea.
  19. Espectro (DayZ)

    ArmA Progress Updates

    For anyone REALLY hungry for speculations... I found this 1 second long clip of arma I havent seen before... Is this how it is manning the commander mgun? http://video.google.com/videopl....t&hl=en
  20. Espectro (DayZ)

    Track ir

    Do you mean you can turn your back on your monitor? How does that work? No, he means that even though you move your head more than the max angle that the game can take. It doesn't move his head ingame offcenter when he returns looking directly at the screen.
  21. Espectro (DayZ)

    Community made ArmA trailers

    Yea, I could have used it as an open-scene as well... Ive got all his albums - Ill do that next time
  22. Espectro (DayZ)

    Community made ArmA trailers

    Sorry It's two songs i mixed in together. But the song you are looking for, is called Conquest of Paradise. It was made for the movie from 1992 called "1492: Conquest of paradise". Vangelis made all the music to this movie... And it is actually a great movie, that you can find very cheap if you are lucky. I found the DVD to 5 euroes in a small store here in Denmark. Oh, and the new version of the video is up... same URL.
  23. Espectro (DayZ)

    Track ir

    two more times
  24. Espectro (DayZ)

    Track ir

    Yeas, here is a hi-res streaming one on google (and I added music) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3849628187750227928&hl=en
  25. Espectro (DayZ)

    Community made ArmA trailers

    Thanks guys - very much. Yea, I can see all the mis-spellings now... Darn it . Fork122, That was what I wanted it to do. The pictures at first is to make the athmosphear . I really wanted some more, though... But I could quickly see the video was going to be too long to put more in properly. I must admit I think the trackir sequence is, although it is very cut down from the original version, still too long. I will see what I can do about that. Does anyone know why I cant upload this to youtube or google? Don't they support divx? Cheers //Edit Im currently uploading a new version of it - without spelling errors and a smaller trackir footage.