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Espectro (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Espectro (DayZ)

  1. Espectro (DayZ)

    Delta Force ?

    Ya, and Frřmćndene will kick their arse before theyll know about it
  2. Espectro (DayZ)

    A feature we need!

    Ya.... but, people cannot see if any admin logs in during a game.
  3. Espectro (DayZ)


    The danish flag wouldnt work either... btw... Did you know that the danish flag is the oldest flag in the world?
  4. Espectro (DayZ)

    World Infantry Squads: for modmakers

    I think i magaged to read about the first two lines :/
  5. Espectro (DayZ)

    Multi-player Connectivity and Performance

    Hey there. I have 1 thing to add, if Suma or any other BIS is reading this. Would it be hard to get a "kicked" message instead of just disconnected? Its a pain in the ass to see, that you were gonna win, when the player carrying the flag gets "disconnected", or the one in the tank gets "disconnected". If we could have a "Player Espectro was killed by Admin" message, instead of just "Player Espectro was disconnected". BIS, i dont think that would take too much work, but it would make certain things easier.
  6. Espectro (DayZ)

    Memory leak?

    Hi there. Ive noticed that whenever i have run OFP, i still have the operationflashpoint.exe running, using 0% cpu, but takes about 34 megz of ram. Is this memory leaks?
  7. Espectro (DayZ)

    Sound in WinXP

    Hi there. I have this problem with my sound (After i installed windows XP). It works fine, but when i try to enable hardware accelerated, it clumses up. Well, it runs, but theres no sterio whatsoever (I cannot hear what side the sound is coming from). EAX doesnt seem to make ANY difference whatsoever. Please help me. I have Terratec DMX XFire 1024 It worked fine under win98. I have tryed to run it in compatible mode.... no luck :/ I allrdy have the latest driver wriitten especially for winxp.
  8. Espectro (DayZ)

    Cheats for Multiplayer

    Actually, BIS was thinking about MP aspect in the whole proces.
  9. Espectro (DayZ)

    About ERA

    Not to mention that the americans fleed their tanks, because they catched fire that easily (or was that the birttish one.... damn now im confused!) Oh btw. woble. Normally sight range in the desert isnt good. Due to refelctions, wind, sand etc. Its very difficult to see far, and your vision will be very fluttered.
  10. Espectro (DayZ)

    About ERA

    Not to mention that the americans fleed their tanks, because they catched fire that easily (or was that the birttish one.... damn now im confused!) Oh btw. woble. Normally sight range in the desert isnt good. Due to refelctions, wind, sand etc. Its very difficult to see far, and your vision will be very fluttered.
  11. Espectro (DayZ)

    About ERA

    Well, the sherman tank was actually just infantry support... (more of a carrier, lol). The trueth is, that statistically, German tanks on the west front would take out 4 allied (vs france, brittain and US). And on the East front (vs USSR), it would take out 5. Much of it was because of better training/experience, but the tigers werent toys
  12. Espectro (DayZ)

    About ERA

    Well, the sherman tank was actually just infantry support... (more of a carrier, lol). The trueth is, that statistically, German tanks on the west front would take out 4 allied (vs france, brittain and US). And on the East front (vs USSR), it would take out 5. Much of it was because of better training/experience, but the tigers werent toys
  13. Espectro (DayZ)

    Cheaters we have using the ammo cheat

    Ive seen that AI Rapid fire bugs before
  14. Espectro (DayZ)

    Cheaters we have using the ammo cheat

    Rellax little fellar... ... Good idea btw.
  15. Espectro (DayZ)

    About ERA

    Well russian tank have allways been the superior ones in the world...
  16. Espectro (DayZ)

    About ERA

    Well russian tank have allways been the superior ones in the world...
  17. Espectro (DayZ)

    Flashpoint expansion

    Silencer... Relax, we are on your side Kids nowadays...
  18. Espectro (DayZ)

    Jungle Warriors

    If peace is what you guys want... Why do these wannabe-cowboy-vs-indians train in their n00b Jungle? Do they like fighting in a jungle? Is it fun? Sorry... couldnt stop... This was just too hillarious and pointless that i had to say some negative. If they were so good as you say... Why arent they out chacing guerilla soldiers instead of bringing lost pets home?
  19. Espectro (DayZ)

    BlAcK HaWk WiTh MINI GUN!

    No, the rounds on the kiowa warrior doesnt explode.
  20. Espectro (DayZ)

    Isnt it funny when..........

    Isnt it funny that you are alughing really cruel at that dumb Hind pilot in a mp-game, when you are aiming an AA launcher..... Then realising after 3 shots and the hind isnt down yet, that he might not be so dumb again?
  21. Espectro (DayZ)

    New idea for MP

    yes please!! Is it for OFP only`?
  22. Espectro (DayZ)

    Fun with the T80

    U guys ever tryed to toss m1a1's and t-80's around with a scud launcher?
  23. Espectro (DayZ)

    its it possible to...

    Well, it have the best alt+tab features ive seen.... in 3d games. Games such as Starcraft etc. have absolutely none problems.
  24. Espectro (DayZ)

    Sound in WinXP

    Well... thats the reason why i didnt buy a creative soundcard, but a terratec one
  25. Espectro (DayZ)

    Mouse moves slow

    What Cymru is trying to say is, that you should set the sensetivity up. You do that under options->controlls