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Everything posted by ebud

  1. ebud

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    ... and then make sure it doesn't "find" it's way onto your HD somehow Wow, a voice of reason, that's quite out of the ordinary. Thank you God forbid they try to charge money for new content to try and keep afloat. How dare they. I may criticize the content a bit, but they aren't a "not-for-profit".
  2. ebud

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    Yeah, the shorts and headgear are nice ideas, but they look silly in practice. And the old guy looks too much like Willie Nelson. Beard is cool, but maybe younger and with a ball cap. This could be so cool, but could very easily go horribly wrong.
  3. ebud

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    looks like zombies in the last pic
  4. ebud

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    Love the concept. The units I'm far from happy with though FFS get rid of the interceptor give them new gear and vests PASGT helmet and shorts The cowboy hat? Noooooooo. I just puked a little. Love the concept though, but c'mon the units could be so cool. Something like the contractor albums at Militaryphotos.net. Why can't they make cool looking units I just want to play rather than edit These units are oooold, but something similar to these would be very cool. Just a change in gear and armor Old GR2 image More old GR2 pics Still.... I can't wait Edit: Haha just saw the adidas boots. <sigh> how hard is it merge some points on the boots and add a new sole <sigh> I could cry, but it will give more options for editing I guess
  5. I shouldn't have to explain myself, but just to clear the air a bit more. I'll admit I could have just sent a PM with the comments, but I honestly didn't think he nor anyone else would take offense. I've known Skaven for a long time, not really well but we have a bit of history that dates back to the very first unit addons released for OFP, and he knows I didn't mean to "drag him over the coals". As long as he knows that and knows I would never try to intentionally put him or his work down is all that matters to me in this. People just can't see to tell the difference between constructive criticism and bashing. If solutions or alternative methods are offered/suggested it's constructive. I should have asked if he even wanted suggestions. From his comments here, even after we've had our discussion on the matter, I can tell it stung a little and he was probably a little surprised that I would dig deep and find the flaws in the units. I'll go back to asking before I post critiques in the future to keep incidents like this to a minimum, or just not post crits anymore As for the Col., I can tell from his previous comments elsewhere he is a FAL aficionado. So I can understand his initial comments about the weapons even if some think he went about it the wrong way. See what you've missed over the last 2 years Skaven? Haha. This is tame compared to many threads. I'm as defensive as they come, but my skin has gotten very thick since the "old days." Please don't give up. Overall the addons are great, the coding and organization of the pbo for me is the most impressive part. It would be a shame for you to get upset and go "underground" over 2-3 people criticizing your work. Things have changed since you last did addons.
  6. haha, you should try VTE for OFP then if you missed it It ended up pretty cool. Lots of interesting stuff in it.
  7. They were far from neglected last time. VTE had SOG, Seals, PRU, Force Recon, SFs, LRRPS, etc, etc.
  8. Are there any settings I can edit in the default addon so the initial blast doesn't cause my comp to freeze for a good 5 seconds?
  9. hahahahaha, ok. edit: You really don't want to get into a pissing match. If you think the things I pointed out are incorrect, then by all means keep thinking that way.
  10. ebud

    why don't infantry shoot at helicopters?

    Oops, maybe I was thinking about armored vehicles and about back when I was trying to get ai to fire rifles at PBRs. In the old commented config I saw in the ammo sections airLock=true; Looks like thats how and why the machine gunners attacked choppers. Edit: I'm assuming thats why units with JAM RPG AA fired on aircraft as well. That was always so much fun making a helo insertion and seeing HD AA rpgs fly past
  11. ebud

    why don't infantry shoot at helicopters?

    In OFP, I swear the only way to get riflemen to target choppers was to make the choppers armor pretty low. Changing the rifleman's unit values or changing the rifle/ammo values wasn't the issue. My memory may be tricking me, but I could swear that was how it was doable.
  12. If you need anything let me know, I have some nice templates I've been updating that you might be able to use. I'll post the latest versions tonight and send you a link. They might help, they might not, but if nothing else it might spark a new method. I hear you about the wedding. I went down that road 3 years ago so I know where your coming from And yes, send a pic, haha. Pics or it never happened :P
  13. The weapons I wouldn't bother with. I'm no modeler either so I feel your pain. I have most of the Graw/Graw2 weapons in ARMA but with no lods and I'm far too lazy to do them, especially since their just for my own use. I think what you did is fine for now, but I hope it doesn't start a trend, haha. I know where your coming from, but once you start just importing things and cutting corners on performance where does it stop? A usable new weapon is better than none I suppose For the units, I know we both go waaaaaay back and I remember you and I cranking out stuff way back when about 3-4 years ago on OFPEC, then I know you just disappeared I was just pointing out the things I saw. Most of them are not as noticeable in pics or in-game. With all the love you've been getting I thought I'd shake things up a bit
  14. I think the screens look nice, but the engine can hid lots of little flaws with the shadow and normal maps. I think Skaven did a good job reskinning the units and getting them configed, but the actual texturing is not quite there yet. The weapons are nice, but don't have proper lods for ARMA. They're not actually modeled down and just go from a high poly model to a billboard rather than model down each lod by 50%, and billboards for far lods shouldn't be used anymore. Since they are imports there isn't much you can do for a quick conversion, and modeling them down would take as much work as making all new models. Skaven, here are few things I found as far as your texturing on the units that you could work on if you decide to take these to the next level. These are in no particular order, I'm just commenting as I look at them. The leg straps and pads are very roughly cut of from the old original texture. Lots of the old texture left around the border of them. Same with the patches as well. In pics it's not as noticeable, but looking at the textures it's pretty glaring. The black in the egyptian camo has a weird white edge to it. Almost no pattern trimmed out of the camo to match a RL uniform stitching such as the cargo pockets, the arm seams, etc. Lots of detail left out. In the untucked shirt area there are a couple of bad photoshop seams where you duplicated the camo pattern. I think it's hidden on the model though, but like before, in the texture it's pretty obvious. In the indian pattern (looks like indian) you got some really messed up duplication and mirroring going on, and you didn't rotate the camo for the arms and just ran it the same as the legs even though the arms are rotated 90 degreess in the uv map (the Egyptian camo pattern did the same thing but it's not so noticable). Also in the camo you have a odd double seam repeated which doesn't really do anything as the camo pattern is intact and not cut and shifted at that seam. Same as the egyptian uniform as far as the details missing for anything resembling a uniform as far as cutting the cloth and stitching it together. It's just a pattern thrown over some wrinkles. Same with the boonies. No work done to cut the camo where actual seams are. In the indian style camo helmet you overlayed it over the old 6 color desert which is still showing through rather than just over the wrinkles you could get via the normal map. This may come off a little "uppity" but I don't mean it to, I'll still use them and the weapons, but if you take a bit more time and thought on your next units it will make a world of difference in quality.
  15. Very cool. Can't wait to try these out. Need to add these to a replacement mod.
  16. ebud

    ArmA Dynamic Campaign System

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. Those Dynamic missions were really the only thing that kept me playing OFP. This is the start of something special
  17. Thanks for the reply. That will drop the frustration level down considerably Really really looking forward to it.
  18. True, true If this can be done for player/players couldn't it be done for ai somehow? Believable wounding for the ai + player combined with the suppression scripts combined with the tracers? Now that would be a dream.
  19. Great stuff. Now for me since I don't do mp, a wounding system similar to this for the ai would be a godsend. If anyone can make something to make the ai not take 3 shots and just stand there, they'd be the SP genius I've been waiting for. There was something like that in OFP right? Anyway, really nice work
  20. ebud

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    No, both are just personal experiments, and the pic is the only version I have. Sorry
  21. edited 1.07 beta SF + DXRipper experiment
  22. Same to ya man. Thanks.
  23. ebud

    Realigning the pilot

    You need to edit the model and move the pilot proxy. I know you'd rather dive in feet first, but you really should go through these editing tutorials first. Tutorial links on the BIS Wiki If your converting an aircraft or helo form OFP into ARMA you really need at least a basic understanding of how everything works.
  24. ebud

    Realigning the pilot

    move the pilot proxy and test it in game. Then keep redoing it til it's right.