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Everything posted by De_little_Bubi

  1. De_little_Bubi

    What Languages are the ArmA Series Programmed In?

    the field where it was applied was in house optimisation. you have your standard controller with display which you can put wherever you want (windows, doors, as remote on the living room table whereever) and then hack your desired functionality in java on it. dont know what happened to this, read about it years ago.
  2. De_little_Bubi

    What Languages are the ArmA Series Programmed In?

    i like C# as a language much more too. it just combines all the awesome concepts of java, c++ and object pascal :D but still there are cases where java would just win the bet. i dont know how its now but if you target to run the product mostly on linux, mono had allways issues with the user interfaces from windows. or there is the trend to run java on microcontrollers, maybe there isnt a vm for .net available. beside technical decisions there are also a lot of issues on the buisness side. Availability of programmers for the targeted language, costs of licenses, knowhow, previous built application, reusable applicatoins etc...
  3. De_little_Bubi

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    hate when my hardware is used as an example for a low end one :/ when i bought it they said it's new! T.T anyway, can confirm. arma 2 runs nice on an Phenom II X4
  4. De_little_Bubi

    What Languages are the ArmA Series Programmed In?

    so you can say "one language is better then another one for a specific task"
  5. De_little_Bubi

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    i remember a time when i looked closely at my C&C Red Alert CD trying to see all the tanks and units of the game. They had to be somewhere in there! unfortunatly thats not how its working :( you can have a setting "view distance" regulating the view distance from 1m to 100km without the need to test every distance. imagine it like a mathematical function f(x) = 2x you dont need to draw the infinitive graph in order to know how it would look like - no need to test the game, game mechanics etc on every setting out there as they will act the same. this applies for mostly all the settings, its just doing what it already does but a little bit more or a little bit less. the great thing about arma is that it give the player relativly free possibilities to finetune it as much as he wants. there are other games which just gives a hand full of graphic options - but that's just the user interface. in reality you could change a lot of graphical settings without changing the game.
  6. De_little_Bubi

    Foliage cover and drawing distance?

    As i wrote in picture #1 that also grass could have such boxes for checking them. there has to be data of what kind of grass is where anyway.
  7. De_little_Bubi

    Foliage cover and drawing distance?

    no im talking about one ray against boundig boxes to determine what objects are between the player and the other body - these objects then can be rendered to hide the other body or (with the right pipeline) hide the hidden parts (cause 1 random bush somewhere is kinda obvious too) so 1 ray per body (which can be limited to bodys within viewdistance) + maybe doesnt even needs to be done every cycle. theres more processing when you shout an machinegun. Edit: i will add some pictures displaying what i want to say. Edit 2: Here it is: http://imgur.com/a/bYvw7#0 . You have to see the pictures in full size, my current computer can only run old days ofp so i had to demonstrate it there :/
  8. De_little_Bubi

    Foliage cover and drawing distance?

    raycasts are nothing uncommon in game engines - i would guess that in most of the games bullets hit location is determined like that. at least we did it like that. And then rendering ~2-3 objects more wouldnt destroy the performance at all.
  9. De_little_Bubi

    Foliage cover and drawing distance?

    what if a raycast between player and opposite body determines all the obstacles in line and then renders the body parts invisible which are covered by objects between?
  10. De_little_Bubi

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

    we had uav with machine guns in the private military addon edit: http://www.arma2.com/arma-2-pmc-vehicles/arma2-pmc-vehicles_en.html - Ka-137
  11. De_little_Bubi

    E3 - Arma 3?

    i'm confused cause this thread is about E3 2011
  12. De_little_Bubi

    Operation E3

    haha i have somehow 40seconds lag or something and i read here that ivan saved it while the women tried to set up the meeting at 5:30. it was like spoilering a movie :D
  13. De_little_Bubi

    Are you going to upgrade because of ARMA 3?

    would like to buy a new pc but for now it will be just SSD + upgrade to 8gig ram when arma3 comes out. also if i would have the money, i would wait till release - you never know what comes out until then in the hardware sec.
  14. De_little_Bubi

    Please make ArmA 2 avail for OnLive

    no dedicated servers in arma. sounds really great. yes really
  15. De_little_Bubi

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Testing new version of bw mod. There's no real gameplay but i ended up with great footage i think :)
  16. De_little_Bubi

    Horn not broadcasted to other players?

    horns, i miss them :(
  17. De_little_Bubi

    which runways can handle C-130 transporters

    Landing on Tarava class approved:
  18. De_little_Bubi

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    @Sethos: so much for the sense of censorship. lol the music really fits :)
  19. De_little_Bubi

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    @Sethos: :( Please reupload it and say which music should be played^^
  20. De_little_Bubi

    Armory feedback

    this is correct for me. i tested the armory but decided to make the stuff i want with the editor. would be great if the armory missions could be imported in the editor easily so everybody could modify the conquest just the way they like them. And for new islands he could place the markers at the right spot (assuming that ther would be some markers^^)
  21. De_little_Bubi

    ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread

    there is a difference between recording high quality real life sounds and recreating the sound system. A big one^^
  22. Gamestar Retest: http://www.gamestar.de/test/action/taktik-shooter/2312055/arma_2.html score moved from 66 up to 76. main critic: communication
  23. De_little_Bubi

    How to install mods?

    Look here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Addons and here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Modfolders for understanding the concept of "mods" in arma2 and if you're done use this: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6649 for managing all your stuff :) Read it! thats what the wiki is for :)
  24. De_little_Bubi

    ETA for Steam 1.05?

    i think it has something to do with the core features of 1.05, something no other developer i can remember did with its products. removing the drm :O
  25. De_little_Bubi

    Eagle Wing end credits

    are you serious? you're playing the game, you're registered in the arma2 board, you're part of the communitty > : O So why is it wrong to be listed in the credits as part of it? i think its realy cool. unfortunatly i didn't see my name cause i tried to figure out which cities are nuked^^