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Everything posted by desertjedi

  1. desertjedi

    system memory surface error

    This thread might be of use.
  2. desertjedi

    Group Link 3

    I did - they never came. But no biggie.
  3. desertjedi

    Worth installing yet ??

    DING! DING! DING! Best answer - by far. I always get a little confused by these posts. Arma is by far the best "serious" infantry or even combined-arms military combat game ever released on PC so if it's not worth playing, then please, someone tell me what game is better? IMHO, the post I quoted is the perfect answer. 1.14 is a joy to play - I have no serious problems or complaints. But yes , with the right mods, missions and teammates, a fun time can be had by all. :bounce3: My biggest concern about Arma 2 is that, as a multiplayer modding community, we're back to square zero and everything needs to be ported to Arma 2 or possibly even reinvented.
  4. desertjedi

    Dont see armaservers in list

    This is happening to me about one of every 3 times I go into Arma. I go in and see no servers at all. It used to never happen. I'm running 1.14. I have no problems or complaints with 1.14 Arma so never found to the need to patch past that. Since I'm reading about this at Armaholic too alot, I don't think this is a "client-side" problem but more of a problem with the "service" that reports the active servers.
  5. desertjedi

    Group Link 3

    I put the "core" and a copy of my XEH pbos in the GL3/Addons folder as advised by several here and I'm pretty sure that GL3 is now working. I went through all the included missions and noticed the following: - a ton of enemy "chatter" which adds a lot of ambience. - possibly the enemy is WAY more aggressive in its pursuit of you??? It felt like I was really being hunted. - lots of smokers popped by the enemy after being engaged. - enemy seemed a little more intent on flanking me than actually shooting me. There were times when the enemy could have simply stopped running and shot me. - new sounds. The Ural explosion was frightening - well done! The bullets whizzing-by sound was the best sound I've ever heard in Arma. It scared the crap out of me and not only adds ambience but makes you much more aware that you're actually in danger. Why don't other sound mods use this? - I did not see any campfires made at night though I was messaged that the enemy would do this. I'm not at all concerned about this. - the Teleport function did not work in those missions that had it if I ran a hosted server. I'm not sure what else I should have noticed. I don't know what human idle and garrison mean. I will now go back and read through the GL3_settings.sqf file to increase my understanding of all this...now that I have it working. But so far, great job SNKMAN!
  6. desertjedi

    Dynamic War

    Thanks! Will do.
  7. desertjedi

    Dynamic War

    MrN, should I hold off on starting your campaign and wait for your fixes? I've never played an SP campaign in Arma before. I started playing the included Arma SP campaign which almost caused me to delete Arma off my drive forever (luckily I found MP). But reading this thread, I'm hoping I can be convinced that an Arma SP campaign can be fun.
  8. desertjedi

    co30 Domination! One Team

    So that means we'll encounter no anti-air resistance at all (SU-34s, Shilkas)? That's not a complaint - I get my chopper blown out of the air all the time but I think that that is Evolution that I'm thinking about.
  9. desertjedi

    random evolution

    Will you be hosting this anywhere or will we have to join a "grunts" server to snag it?
  10. desertjedi

    Group Link 3

    SNKMAN, thanks for getting back to me. I will give it a shot this weekend and report back.
  11. desertjedi

    GeForce GTX 295

    Excellent move on testing your sound. It's one that so many peeps take from granted when they really shouldn't - based on Creative's "driver history".
  12. psychoul, is there a way for you to prevent your card from hitting 70C. Possibly increase the fan speed, blow dust out of fan, or maybe run with the case door off? I don't think I've ever seen Arma hit over 65C but I run my GTX 260's fan at 70%.
  13. desertjedi

    New beta patch 1.16

    Thanks! I never went for 1.15 so I wasn't aware of that implementation method. What a sweet way to implement a patch!
  14. desertjedi

    New beta patch 1.16

    Am I correct in assuming that one does not need to install patch 1.15b before this? Thus, a valid update path would be: 1.08 -> 1.14 -> 1.16 Is that correct? I'm excited/elated about this - I wasn't expecting another patch. Not that I use any of them (except 4GB or RAM), but I hope that ATI/Vista/64-bit/4GB problems are all solved.
  15. desertjedi

    random evolution

    That would be awesome! It sounds like your modded mission has some great potential.
  16. A couple of things I would try would be to run Driver Cleaner Pro and possibly use the drivers that came on the CD...believe it or not.
  17. desertjedi

    random evolution

    It sounds great but based on what I know about Evo, there is no global variable like in Domination where you can turn off ranking, right?
  18. desertjedi

    HiFi Novus Aevum - modular sound conversion

    Word! I can't even play Arma without HIFIFX active. Can't wait to try the new version! A ton of thanks to you, Mark XIII!
  19. desertjedi

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Thanks Xeno. I understand exactly what you mean now about the dialog. And thank you for "fixing" those things that didn't work hosted. I know you frown upon hosted servers but I can't stand the soldier-warping when playing on my own dedi. server and haven't been able to get rid of it with tweaking the settings.
  20. desertjedi

    Group Link 3

    Thanks for the reply. I interpreted what the author said about EEH as GL3 will work fine along side EEH with no changes. I thought his advice about EEH was IF you wanted GL3 to actually use EEH, then do "this and this". Are you saying that if both GL3 and EEH are being used, you actually have to make some changes regarding EEH? That's not how I interpreted the author. I try to do that religiously but I was faced with a 37 page thread with the search argument: "GL3 doesn't work" and that wasn't going to get me anywhere.BTW, I don't use ACE but I use EEH. I do have one more question regarding this: Isn't it true that if you don't make any changes, all the defaults that SNKMAN set up are in effect, right? In other words, you don't have to edit GL3_settings.sqf to actually get this stuff to work?
  21. desertjedi

    co30 Domination! One Team

    I'm playing v3.61 West AI and I cannot load an ammo box into the MHQ. I drive the MHQ to one of the "drive-in" areas at the ammo point at the base and when I request a "load ammo box", I always get the error, "No ammo boxes nearby, can't load a box...". I have not been able to get this to work in v3.52 either. I tried this both on a dedicated and hosted server but no go. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? If not, I'll go report this as a bug.
  22. desertjedi

    random evolution

    Is your mission co-op or TvT? Does it use ranking? I've only played Evo 3 and know nothing about Evo 2.
  23. desertjedi

    Problem with ded. server and client on same PC

    I tried tweaking the settings that were mentioned in the wiki as well the one mentioned by mr.g-c, neither had any effect. Yes, MadDog, please post your server config, I'd like to try it!
  24. This video shows it all. What's odd is that my framerate is fine (50-100 almost always). And that doesn't even look like a low framerate issue. It's more like a very consistent stutter when the enemy moves. I don't see or feel this in any other situation - it's only when looking at the enemy move - that's all. You can see it in this vid as well (please view with HD On, Fullscreen On, Scaling Off). I sed the Monitor server command and while playing Evo, the server shows 46fps. I play hosted and the problem goes completely away. Is there some server setting I should change that might help this? I'm running: XP Pro 32-bit 4GB RAM [email protected] GTX 260 (somewhat overclocked) If I can't fix this, I'm going back to hosted and then I miss out on a lot of good missions and mods.
  25. desertjedi

    Problem with ded. server and client on same PC

    Found this thread at Armaholic. It sounds like this is normal for a dedicated server. Can anyone confirm this? I find it impossible to shoot an enemy that's "jumping" from one location to the next. It doesn't even have to be a scoped view. If you simply look at enemies that are about 150m away or further, they are jumping from one spot to the next. I tweaked the following setting but it had no effect: