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Everything posted by Dhill68

  1. Dhill68

    WARMOD release

    Hi All, Great mod btw... Whilst playing CWR mod I found some issue with WARMOD 1.3 that caused serious problems... I had to remove ZGB_TankLoadout.pbo otherwise in missions with M1 abrams and T72/T80 tanks the tanks had no main gun ammo, I discovered this playing Sharkeye II campaign and in CWR Cold War Crisis campaign.. After removing the above mentioned pbo the missions worked perfectly..... Also the AK47/AK74 burst fire mode was 3 round burst but warmod changed it to 5 round burst .. Is there a way to fix this ???? Finally, is there a way to overide ECS mod setting to switch terrain detail to low, I prefer a high terrain detail and my CPU/GPU can handle it easily ? Thanks in advance for any help...... and keep up the good work...
  2. Dhill68

    WarFX Particles

    Found this error in Arma2.rpt warfxpe\particleeffects\config.cpp/WeaponFireGun.size: Cannot update non array from array warfxpe\particleeffects\config.cpp/WeaponCloudsGun.size: Cannot update non array from array
  3. Hi All, I was having trouble creating briefings for A2 and I found this snippet somewhere..... //init.sqf //Dummy task to active briefing MyTag_DummyTask = player createSimpleTask ["DummyTask"]; MyTag_DummyTask setSimpleTaskDescription ["DummyTask", "DummyTask", ""]; player setCurrentTaskMyTag_DummyTask; Supposedly by using this in init.sqf a dummy task is created and this in turn loads briefing from briefing.html, However I cannot get it to work... Any suggestions..... ??? A task does appear in the briefing but its named DummyTask..... Any help appreciated, or Could someone write a small program or script to get the relevant info from briefing.html and create a briefing.sqf... ???
  4. Dhill68

    Vilas' addons

    Awesome looking units just like all P85 work, superb models and textures.....
  5. Dhill68

    Campaign "Status-Quo"

    Awesome campaign, great intro with custom music and voice overs, excellent looking units... Your best work yet OTK team...........Keep up the good work....
  6. Hi All, Excellent mod BTW..... I have been busy converting serveral single player OFP campaigns to ARMA OAC mod and have a 15 mission campaign ready to share with the community.... Its an old OFP campaign called 1989 and converted very well... I am working on another campaign also called sharkeyeye by charlie howarth and its progressing well...... I need help with missions using scripts, some campaigns i want to convert use ai.sqs and it is troublesome to convert and I need suggestions / help........ Also how do i start a mission and have a weapons selection screen prior to mission start as many of the missions i wanto convert have weapons select for the whole team before commencing mission.... How do I do this please ? Another campaign i want to convert is delatops 1.21 by L13 ( simply awesome campaign ) and I have first 2 missions working allready, just a few script errors where the pickup helo at mission end counts how many units are left in the squad so it knows when all men are in and it takes off..... How do i convert a mission that uses BAS units. eg. bas_uh60, BAS_mh60 or custom units where there isnt an ARMA variant of the unit etc etc... How does OAC handle JAM units etc.......