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Everything posted by DespairsRay
Thank you for the links. Lots of interesting addons, especially the misc ones.
I'd really love to help in a Sci-Fi mod. Been trying to work on one recently and would like to help. Specially with ground troops. D@nte do you think we could chat some more?
Delta's Fire Department needs your opinion!
DespairsRay replied to Delta Hawk's topic in ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Me too! I am really glad people are keeping OFP going and the best part of OFP was the outside the box creations with "MISC" units like these. There are a ton of interesting addons that aren't related to contemporary war/combat. -
Yeah theres a few mods that incorported some new animations. You can do it also. Like Sanctuarys animations to add in a few differences specially with patroling. Some MODS change it a bit more. Can't remember if its ECP or SLX (You can combine both also) have the DM(AorE) Lean and roll feature. Â So the movement scope is greater. They also include a few small changes to crouch combat walks and such. Which help the AI. But the AI doesn't use the lean and roll etc. in the PLA mod by VME they've scripted the AI to exactly use lean and suppressing fire animations and even walks with gun in different positions. If you really get into cpp editing you could create and put specific animations for what ever unit or over mod you want. I can't remember the exact terms, but I wish we could add some movements in for the AI and player like pulling your self up on a crate or slight hop like in in a few other games where the AI are also interesting like the CONFLICT games and FREEDOM FIGHTERS. If anything I hope Arma2 improves AI movement options... like look at all the positions just for a pistol http://www.globalsecurity.org/militar....ap2.htm would be nice to great more situational movements.
isn't one of the commands just .. dofollow? SoldierA dofollow SoldierB I think you could mess with the surrender scripts because in that you can pick which surrendered soldier will follow you. You could play around with it and change it around.
I really enjoy Sci-Fi mods, specially because you don't have to follow the exact model as how the contemporary units are made. I'd really like to continue this mod, especially work on the ground troops and add in some new ideas. I can't model or texture (p3d, paa, pac), but I can do cpp's, sounds and all that jazz maybe even add in a few scripts. If people are interested I'd like to get at least a few people and continue work on it.
Deathcounter + Unit List Box?
DespairsRay replied to sisco55's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I would like to know also. Like a visual cue box. To see how many have died in total and how many on each side. -
have a parachute as equipment
DespairsRay replied to mireazma's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
There are actual parachute addons also, but they only work for the player. Like actual equipment, that you control from the action menu and add on to yourself like "addweapon this etc.." There are two that I know of. -
I hope you get into the mood again and work on it some more. There are a lot of serous additions to the game and it's nice to get away from near real-life situations and focus on some fantasy/fiction scenarios. I like how you did the soldiers so far. Â I hope you continue. Most of the equipment and vehicles are already made so maybe you can get person and tweak them or do it from scratch. I can't say I've really played advanced wars. But it seems like the aesthetics are pretty exaggerated. I like it a lot. From one of your screenshots the Red soldiers had big AK-47s and the red color fit so perfectly and the helmet sizes. I hope you incorporate some more addons that are tweaked specifically to get the Advanced Wars DS game feeling. With some slightly oversized and such totality... Like these jets, just make them a big chubby... you know what I mean? They already exist as addons so maybe you can tweak them. http://a248.e.akamai.net/f...._11.jpg and even make these... http://z.about.com/d/nintendo/1/5/O/3/i_7051.jpg http://www.videogamesblogger.com/wp-cont....big.jpg I don't want to hotlink to much, you can just search or look at the game since you probably have it. You can just add a few more additions. Specifically the color coding... either start of as Red vs Green/Blue or all 3. And make a Hero unit... (just someone that looks like a hero unit) Thanks again. --------------- After a bit of searching... I found this... look it up. Battalion Wars The way the units look would be perfect for OFP advanced wars feel.
We could change the FPS to MPS easily..so no prob here for sure. Only checked a few weapons though. No problem on the recoils then and I see what you mean with adding commanders. They just looked really empty to me. I could find the WW2 mgun and and just take it out and make a WW1 pbo for it. Changing the Model files and just using the tripod already in there just for a start. Oh Prof if you have time or after a next release, would it be possible to make me a few separate models. A simple one to start off as a test, like a helmet model and a backpack. I'm going to test the idea I told you about. Take care
Hello! I want to mix two scripts together. Been playing ofp for years and really enjoy playing with the AI. I found the paramedic script a while back but it seemed like it was more for cutscenes. Two soldiers would come and pick up the dead (had to name him) and carry them off. I wished I could of used it on the battle field so they would come pick up the dead as the battle went along. But the script wasn't set up this way. The other day I downloaded the WWI mod and it came with this neat script where you could get people to come and bury the dead (as to reduce lag, since WWI was a war of attrition of course). You could set it up on anyone, with a trigger and init line code. I really like how this works. But I was wondering if someone could put this together so... with the paramedic script people come and pick up INJURED soldiers and carry them off to a safe position of my choosing or a few meters away (nothing big) and then heal them, as to return to the fight. The WWI mod had it set up so it detects whos dead. and the person comes by and buries them. The paramedic scripts has 2 people working in conjunction to simulate picking up the body but its set up in a way where you have to name the dead and be really specific. -------------------------------------- paramedic.sqs ;********************** ; paraMedic.sqs * ; AliMag - 03/2003 * ;********************** goto (_this select 0) #CARRY _dead = _this select 1 _s1 = _this select 2 _s2 = _this select 3 _dest = _this select 4 _beh = [(behaviour _s1), (behaviour _s2)] _s1 setBehaviour "CARELESS" _s2 setBehaviour "CARELESS" #CARRY_MAIN _s1 setSpeedMode "FULL" _s2 setSpeedMode "FULL" _u = _dead select 0 ? ("man" countType [_u]) == 0 : goto "BAD" ? (alive _u) : _u setDammage 1 _pos3 = [_u, 1.5, (getDir _u)] call getRelPos _pos4 = [_u, 1.5, (getDir _u)-180] call getRelPos _s1 move _pos3 _s2 move _pos4 @ ((_s1 distance _u) < 5) or !(canStand _s1) or !(canStand _s2) @ ((unitReady _s1) and (unitReady _s2)) or !(canStand _s1) or !(canStand _s2) ? !(canStand _s1) or !(canStand _s2) : goto "STOP" _s1 setPos _pos3 _s2 setPos _pos4 _s1 setSpeedMode "LIMITED" _s2 setSpeedMode "LIMITED" _s1 setDir (getDir _u) _s2 setDir (getDir _u) ~0.5 _s1 switchMove "FXFromKneel" _s2 switchMove "FXFromKneel" ~1 _s1 move _dest ["WALK", _s1, _s2, _u] exec "paraMedic.sqs" #CARRY_LOOP ? !(canStand _s1) or !(canStand _s2) : goto "STOP" _pos1 = [_s1, 1.5, (getDir _s1)-180] call getRelPos _u setPos [(_pos1 select 0), (_pos1 select 1), 0.7] _u setDir (getDir _s1) ? (_s1 distance _s2) == 3 : goto "NEXT" _pos2 = [_s1, 3, (getDir _s1)-180] call getRelPos _s2 setPos _pos2 _s2 setDir (getDir _s1) #NEXT ~0.01 ? !(unitReady _s1) : goto "CARRY_LOOP" _dead = _dead - [_u] deleteVehicle _u ? (count _dead > 0) : goto "CARRY_MAIN" #END _s1 setBehaviour (_beh select 0) _s2 setBehaviour (_beh select 1) exit #STOP _s1 setBehaviour "COMBAT" _s2 setBehaviour "COMBAT" _s1 move (getPos _s1) _s2 move (getPos _s2) exit #WALK _s1 = _this select 1 _s2 = _this select 2 _u = _this select 3 #WALK_LOOP _s2 playMove "StandWalkF" ~1.7 ? !(isNull _u) and (canStand _s1) and (canStand _s2) : goto "WALK_LOOP" exit #BAD _dead = _dead - [_u] ? (count _dead == 0) : goto "END" goto "CARRY_MAIN" ----------------------------- From the WWI mod deadlistadd.sqs ;adds every dead unit in a list called "dealist", used by deadpic.sqs ;create a big trigger covering every units, activated once, by everybody, with on activation field : ;deadlist=[];"driver _x addeventhandler [{killed},{_this exec {\PGM_scripts\deadlistadd.sqs}}]" foreach thislist _unit = _this select 0 ~0.5 deadlist = deadlist + [_unit] ~0.5 exit ------------------------ deadpic.sqs ;[unit] exec "\PGM_scripts\deadpic.sqs" in the init line of dead pickers, or using a trigger _Unit = _this select 0 group driver _unit setcombatmode "blue" group driver _unit setbehaviour "careless" driver _unit allowfleeing 0 _pos = getpos _unit #FindTarget ~0.01 ? !(Alive driver _Unit): Exit ? (count deadlist == 0) : goto "FindTarget" ~random 1 ? (count deadlist == 0) : goto "FindTarget" _Tgt = deadlist select 0 deadlist = deadlist - [_tgt] #Sprint ~1 ? !(Alive driver _Unit): Exit _Unit domove getpos _Tgt @ (_Unit distance _tgt <= 10) or !(alive driver _unit) or (unitready driver _Unit) ? !(Alive driver _Unit): Exit _grave = "grave" createvehicle [0,0,0] _grave setdir getdir _tgt ~0.1 _grave setpos getpos _Tgt @ (unitready driver _Unit) or !(alive driver _unit) ? !(Alive driver _Unit): Exit ~1 _unit action ["HIDEBODY", _Tgt] ~3 ? (count deadlist == 0) : _Unit domove _pos ~1 goto "FindTarget" Exit --------------------------------- How it was used with the pbo with the scripts in case this helps... Deadpic.sqs / deadlistadd.sqs => grave diggers burying dead bodies (to avoid lag due to many dead units) Example : [this] exec {\PGM_SCRIPTS\deadpic.sqs} (in the init line of dead pickers) And : deadlist=[];"driver _x addeventhandler [{killed},{_this exec {\PGM_scripts\deadlistadd.sqs}}]" foreach thislist (in a big trigger covering every units, activated once, by everybody, in the on activation field) ===================================== I found in the command references you can check if a units hands are injured...can this be used? or either legs or severely injured. I use a mix of the SLX and ECP mod, so people bleed, would be nice to use a nice combo of the script in battles, when the squad medic isn't around. Can someone knowledgeable help?
The additions keep coming, very much welcome! Thanks for all the work, looks great. I was wondering if you could make the machine guns portable like in one of the WW2 mods, where the troops could carry a tripod "backpack" and with a script the gunner would put it on the pod. Also wanted you to check the recoils on the static guns and cannons and add in commanders for the cannons. There are videos on youtube with actual period mguns being fired also. And also make sure that the initspeed is in meters per second not fps. Also is there any progress on the idea of making the concertina wire move able? ie like barrels/vehicles. Theres concertina wire in some of the addons so you don't have to model it but it would be nice to be able to blow them out of the way (artillery) and even use bangalores.
Hello! ProfTournesol I wanted to thank you for putting together a WWI mod. I used to play around with the idea and used WW2 mods and addons. I really appreciate the effort you took! I use a mix of the ECP and SLX mod with some other AI scripts and the battles are really great. Always been a fan of playing around with the AI. Heres somethings I noticed and/or wanted to comment about. Not to spoil anything though! First with the airplanes, I actually really enjoy them. I've seen them do some crazy dare devil manuvours over a few battles. The air to air fighting and ground attack I think is simulated fairly well for ofp. I also like that you made sure the pilots didn't open chutes when they jumped out. The smoke effect goes really well also, but I think after the plane crashes there should be a small explosion (as to simulate debri), maybe the explosive power of just a grenade. Or maybe random, sometimes an explosion sometimes not one. Since of course the planes are basically wood and canvas held together by wire, so most of the crashes were no fan fair. But this explosion bit is not a big deal. ------------------ The flamethrowers, not to depreciate what you put together. I think the flamethrowers are good but I think the red devils flame thrower script and sound should be used. I don't know if you can get permission or maybe just add the credits to them. But the sound and action I think works better with the the red devil technique. The flamethrower burns and sets fire to people and vehicles and you can set the damage values how ever you want. I used the redevils script when I was playing around with the WH40k mod, they used a system where the flames would create bullets to kill/destroy , sort of like how the close combat system works. The system uses a simple trigger also. BTW also, I don't know if you'd want to use this, but I set it up when playing. I use a script and trigger combo that blows up the flamethrower if killed then sets fire to his body. I could send you the files and info just to check it out at least. -------------------------------- I was wondering if you're going to include combat shotguns. Like the Winchester M1897. Right now I've just been giving them Kozlice shotguns. Maybe you could use this. With out the scope. I'm sure theres another models on there they would do the same. Although ofp doesn't model shotgun shells exactly. You could just set a higher dispersion rate for the AI and player that fires faster (I could help you with this one.) Winchester 1892 v1.0 --------------------------------- Cannons/AA/Mguns I was wondering if you could give the cannons a commander also. It seems strange seeing just one person. Also will you make (if you have time) stuff like trench mortars http://www.diggerhistory.info/pages-weapons/heavy-ww1-allied.htm http://www.diggerhistory.info/pages-weapons/heavy-ww1-german.htm [/url] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-aircraft_warfare WWI Also I was wondering if you could make the Static Mguns in a M2 position. Where the soldier is standing. Maxim I think theres a lewis around. I was thinking you could use them for AA with the m2 stand and as an easy set up for trenches to simulate them putting it on top of a trench while inside one. So you wouldn't have to take another extra step and create another model where the gun is at the same M2 height but with a tripod with the guy standing. Or if you do have time...up to you! BTW if you do make an AA cannon, could they fire shells instead of explosive HE rounds? --------------------------- Grenades.. this is a personal preference... but if you use the vanilla grenades I think the combat just isn't right, with the SLX mod the vanilla grenades work a lot better. But my personal preference is the .. BD Grenade Pack v3.2 http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.p....&page=0 tell me what you think. ---------------------- Mines, Spetnaz made a bunch of them, and they all work well, theres just a ton of variety. Maybe you could use a few of them. http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.p....&page=4 ----------- Trench objects, I was wondering if you have time if you could make the map icons, scale and fit the shape of them, kinda like how BB military objects are. BTW I use Nik's objects, Mapfact, Fightpositions and BB military objects when I play around with the mod. ------------ I was also wondering if you could make a few troop models where they weren't carrying equipment or backpacks to use them at HQ's/pubs/outside combat Including even a civilian female nurse. I forgot which civilian pack they had one in. -------------- Weapon tracers.. I was wondering if you could set up the tracers differently. You use the vanilla tracers have that long wire like line, could you instead use more of a blip. I could give you an addon that shows what I mean. I'm not talking about the tracer addons like the BN_tracer.pbo I think they would be a little more fitting and help reduce lag. ---------------------- Animation and AI Would this be possible? I don't want to add on to you're work, just something I'd be super interested in! Script Mix Could you work with the VME team? To add things like the strafing feature, even though the WWI troops don't really use automatic weapons. I think it would add the the atmosphere. Give the AI some more combat options. Theres a few things I think would work great with the WWI mod. Like the AI wounded animations and the AI suppression animation (kinda like they're cowering). And there suppression fire AI looks like it would be great for Trenches. Also noticed they're AI will do stroke gun even with ammo if near. They have videos up on ofp info. Engineers can build fences etc. I can't seem to find the pics right now. Like I said with the SLX mod also, Don't know if you play with it, but the AI also drags wounded, drops weapons and if running will jump on the deck, and has an interesting new combat walk. Blood spurts, bleeding (effects health) and all that jazz. If you use the SLX mod, you don't need to add in player leaning and rolling etc, it's included. With all this, it would make for one heck of a time. ------------------------------------ And last... could you include a list of the weapons and ammo/magazines used? For MB. -------------------------- I hope this wasn't to long and I guess this is all for now. I thoroughly enjoy it all, and major props on the gas mask and mustard gas!!!! I hope this didn't sound pretentious also. I started playing around with pbo/config.cpp's and such a while back not a pro at all but I'd really like helping you, specially to ease some of your work if I can. Take care.
Could someone explain to me how in the config.cpp or else where on how to reduce the weapons fire smoke by 2/3rds and cut the smoke/dust size from a round hitting the ground by half?
VME's AI, your assessments about it please...
DespairsRay replied to Kyle_K_ski's topic in OFP : CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
I'd be so happy if there was a nice base install using those animations. I use a combo of the ECP and SLX mod with another AI major script and some minor ones to try to really up the AI and combat. I did notice that the lean was somewhat random, maybe there could be a script involved that only allows the AI to lean if near an object. Instead of leaning randomly in open space. I'd really like to figure this out also, I just started playing around with pbos, configs and such. Would be grateful for more additions to the AI, specially the strafing feature.