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Everything posted by Dogsbd

  1. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Thanks. BTW, my server is running 3.09 now
  2. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    I think I'll fire up FRAPS and try lifting wrecks over Paraiso tonight What about my earlier question: "what would the code look like to make it possible to lift both the FFAR and the MG versions? "
  3. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Something weird has happened to me while lifting wrecked vehicles, for the third time now. A week or so back I was lifting a downed AH1 back to base and while flying over Paraiso with the Cobra slung underneath and the UH60 just blew up. I thought maybe I had gotten too low and the AH1 had hit one of the buildings or maybe some stray enemy AA soldier had got me. Well last night I was goofing off testing how AI guys could be utilized flying AH6's and two of them got shot down. I went to pick them up with the wreck chopper, came back over Paraiso and boom, blew up. When the wreck chopper respawned I went back, found the AH6 in Parasio and brought it back to base. I then went back to pick up the second downed AH6, came back flying over Parasio, boom again! The AH6 fell no more than 20 meters from where the first one had fell. And this time I was in third person view when it happened, I did hit anything nor did I see a missile etc. hit the aircraft, there was just an explosion and then my body falling to earth. Any ideas?
  4. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Mmmm, I don't recall. What would the code look like to make it possible to lift both the FFAR and the MG versions?
  5. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    On the "sockets" issue. Isn't that structure susceptible to artillery fire? Seems you could have pounded it relentlessly and either destroyed the BRDM when the building collapsed or taken care of it separately after the building collapsed.
  6. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Burnt to a crisp
  7. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    OK I tried that, twice just to make sure I had the syntax correct, and still I can't lift an enemy MI17. Any ideas?
  8. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Thanks, I'm going to try that. (and you know that frugalites are the same everywhere they go, crazy! )
  9. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Like this?: x_heli_wreck_lift_types = sm_bonus_vehicle_array + mt_bonus_vehicle_array + "Mi17";
  10. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Now that would be an interesting physics experiment, proper placement and number of charges needed to blast an MI17 from point X onto the chopper repair "pad".
  11. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Nope, tried lifting with the UH60 first thing. I thought for sure an M1A1 would push it, but no dice. They get shot down on or near the base quite often, it would be cool if I could refurbish them and use 'em BTW, do we share an ex-wife?
  12. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Question: Is there any way I can recover an MI-17 that has been shot down and destroyed at the base? I've tried pushing a wreck to the helicopter wreck repair point, but nothing will push it. Thanks
  13. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Thanks CarlG, switched out AH1 with "USMCAH1Z" and so far it works perfectly!
  14. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    I have added the Sentinel AH-1Z Pack v 1.01 to my Domination install in order to get Sidewinders on my AH1Z's. Two things I would like to do: 1. How can I make crashed Sentinel AH1's recoverable by chopper number 4? 2. Can I make it so that when an AH1 is awarded for completing a side mission it is the Sentinel version that is awarded? Thanks!!
  15. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    mando_assignvehicle_by_type.sqf online help mando_missileinit.sqf online help I have attempted to implement this by copying the code into my init.sqf file and adding the "mando_missiles" folder containing the scripts to my mission folder but when launching the mission I get the following error message: "Script mando_missiles\units\mando_assignvehicle_by_type.sqf not found" EDIT: Although I copied the code directly from original post it seems some "spaces" creped in somehow. I'll try again when I get home.
  16. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Maybe I'll give it a shot. Thanks!
  17. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    How would one go about adding sidewinder or Stinger missiles to the Cobra helicopter?
  18. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Thanks and again my apologies for not digging through the thread to find the answer. I need to print out and bind this thread for leisure reading on the couch!
  19. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    There are a couple of things I would like to change in my personal version of Domination, if possible. First, I would like to mod my Domination mission such that you can complete a mission without killing every single enemy in the area. It seems to me you should be able to complete a mission by destroying 80-90 percent of the enemy soldiers, all the armored vehicles, complete other objectives (destroy a particular building, kill/capture a General etc.) and possibly destroy the enemy radio tower (if there is one), then get a mission complete without killing ever single enemy soldier in the area. And doing so would also require you to continue to be cautious entering the town after "mission complete" as there could be a handful of enemy soldiers lurking about. Secondly, I am having an annoying number of "the enemy has decided to destroy X" Where I spend an hour or so on a mission and when I finally destroy the primary objective (prototype helicopter, Arty, tower etc.) I get the message that the enemy destroyed it themselves and I get no credit and no bonus vehicle. If someone could point me in the right direction, file and code wise, to "tamper" with these things I would very much appreciate it. Thanks in advance!
  20. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    I wrote that allready a few pages before... Hosting doesn't work. You need to run Domination on a dedicated server. Xeno OK, sorry. I came late to this party and I've not read every word of this thread.
  21. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    3.02 issues: I do not get side mission completed messages when hosting. I can complete the mission, and be assigned a new one but never see a message saying that the first one was completed. Clients in the mission will see the messages, I will not. I do get the bonus vehicles, but I don't see the message telling me what I've got, I just see it sitting there when I go back to the main base. Also Tuesday night I was hosting, a friend joined and we worked on the main mission (Eponia) for a couple of hours and finally defeated everything/everyone. He saw a message saying we'd completed the mission, I did not. In my map there was still a red dot over Eponia, in his it wasn't. We got a flag pole at Eponia, he got the parajump option at it, I got nothing. Next main target was Paraiso, he got notification of it I did not. His map showed Paraiso under a red dot, mine still showed Eponia. And I can not call airdrops. I can call them but nothing ever arrives, I've seen clients successfully call ammo drops. I can call artillery though with no problem.
  22. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    OK I have made a few minor mods to my files and I save it, re-pbo'd it as a slightly different file name so as to differentiate my mod from the stock files. But when I start a mission I see 2 listed as "co30_Domination_OneTeam_3_02_West_AI". I am assuming the title displayed in game, in the menu when setting up a mission, is stored in a file somewhere but I don't know where.
  23. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Is there a way to increase the number of rounds fired in an artillery barrage?
  24. Dogsbd

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Until 2 days ago I was a ArmA multiplayer virgin, so this praise might not mean much coming from a n00b. But I found a Domination! server yesterday and it was the most fun I've had in multiplayer anything in a long long time! Thanks Xeno! One question, why not update the first post in this thread with links to the latest?