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Posts posted by Defunkt

  1. I love that new NVG effect, looks awesome !

    Definitely good to see any improvement in the NVG effect but I think there's room for much more. It's something that gets used a lot in Arma and I'd love to see a more convincing implementation than green-with-grain. I'm thinking greater contrast, more bloom and a greater drop-off over distance, ideally configurable per-device so varied generations of NV gear could be differentiated.


    A quick example using the in-game Bloom and Contrast sliders;




    Custom (Bloom 200, Contrast 125)


    I think the second looks more authentic and it's good for gameplay if NVG don't offer what is essentially vision equivalent to operating in daylight (though still much better than the pitch-blackness which was otherwise in effect in that scene).

    • Like 7

  2. Well, it seems that we're actually in agreement so either I'm missing something or you're unable the grasp the concept of suggestion. Just in case it is the former, could you please specify where exactly did I stated that solving the lighting problem should be a priority or that I demand or at least expect BI to solve it?

    Didn't reproach you for making a suggestion I just don't think it's a terribly realistic one given BIS have already provided the means by which you might create what you want yourself.

  3. I see, however your personal expectations, life experiences or notions of sufficiency have nothing to do with the problem

    But yours do?


    I think joostsidy has it exactly right, this is why people mod, and this is why BIS expose the settings to allow modding. You see something you think could be better and you try to make it so, if you find it's something only BIS can improve then by all means try and bring that to their attention. It would be cool if they did create a whole lot of presets and examples for modders to use but it's hard to see how that's likely to become a priority with everything else they're working on. Having provided the means, I don't imagine they feel terribly responsible for the fact that people aren't, or haven't yet, fully utilized them.

  4. I see this mod is only available through torrent via your website.

    You can download directly from RHS using their updater. Download from the Files section and unzip to @RHS-AFRF/@RHS-USAF (<= or whatever names you prefer) respectively, create an addons subfolder in both directories then run the update batch file in each.


    @soul_assassin: If you were to amend the batch files along these lines;


    del /s /f "%~dp0addons\*rhsafrf.*.bisign"


    It would mean the updater would work with both mods in a single @RHS folder. Small change, useful to some, and it removes a potential point of failure for the unwary.

  5. I haven't seen a Russian deny the facts this hard since the Russian federation "totally did not" invade the Ukraine.

    It may not chart the course of nations but RHS AFRF/USAF is a fantastic example of cooperation between people of both nations (and many others no doubt).


    It would be great if RHS users could leave US/RU politics out of the discussion.

    • Like 4

  6. First of all I'd just like to say the only person who needs to be satisfied vis-a-vis performance-vs-beauty is the map creator. Having said that, the palms do appear to have a significant impact, if I place a unit in the most built-up area (not especially palm-heavy), looking at a market (with many props) I get around 25.5fps (1500VD, Max-IQ). If I remove the palms.pbo that goes up to 30.5fps (+20%).


    This suggests a situation that might be improved by further optimizing a single item of vegetation (i.e. adding more LODs). I would respectfully suggest you share the sources for the palms.pbo to see if anyone in the community can assist with optimization.

    • Like 2

  7. That I can agree with though. Even if it's a generic interior that's 100% correct to the vehicle.

    I've always thought a completely featureless black box in 3D with non-PiP viewports would be highly achievable and much better than the 2D representation (of a black box). At least you could move your head and peer left and right. I expect it would feel significantly less restrictive/claustrophobic.

    • Like 1

  8. My point is, is anything tested before release?

    Tested with your particular mod-set? Probably not, unless YOU took advantage of the opportunity to test the Release Candidate prior to release.

    • Like 2

  9. A true evolution would be to do a 64 bit game.

    I can assure you compiling as a 64-bit executable would mean absolutely nothing unless it was accompanied by a ground-up rewrite of the engine, at the very least the way it stores and streams data. That wouldn't be evolution but rather revolution and generally it's not a successful formula in software development.


    Those studios that have the money to build a new state-of-the-art engine from scratch don't then dabble in niche markets or titles that support user-made missions and modding, they churn out cookie-cutter re-skins of the same formula year after year because that's how they can guarantee a return on the massive investment. For all its faults I still thank the heavens for these mad, crazy-ambitious Czechs and the fact that Arma exists at all - you would too if you had a clue.

    • Like 6

  10. I believe as a paying customer I should have that option, it's the same reason why beyond a certain point updating your graphics drivers has diminishing returns, as the drivers themselves may end up not being as optimal for your hardware as newer hardware comes out. I've been rocking the same drivers for some time, and the potential of a slightly increase in performance is simply not worth the very likelihood that newer drivers may well make my now older hardware not run as optimally as I've experienced in the past.

    I should have that same option with A3.


    You do. Just enter the code Arma3Legacy156 in the Steam BETAS tab and you can stay on 1.56. Not sure what happens when they eventually rescind the code but it will at least ensure you don't spend undue time at the bleeding edge. You might even be able to stay there indefinitely if you were prepared to keep Steam in offline mode. And there are likely other options (which can't be discussed here).


    What you don't get to do is dictate to all the other paying customers who're hungry for updates that they shouldn't enjoy them.

  11. I think any modder contemplating such assets is bound to qualify the question. Do I see a need for Middle-Eastern Town locations? (Opteryx) Do I see a need for CQB locations? (emoglobinsky) Do I see a need for Suburban locations? (mattaust)  Do I see a need for African locations? (Mondkalb).


    A more interesting/informative poll might be; what locations do you feel aren't well-provided for in terms of buildings and vegetation?


    EDIT: To answer, there's a growing interest in WW2 for A3 but likely not a lot of quality (enterable) buildings from that period.


    The toil and effort of modding is almost always motivated by a desire to see something new/better/different realised in-game only with buildings and vegetation you then either have to create a map yourself (and master multiple disciplines) or wait for others to utilize your creations which has got to make the end goal seem that much more distant. On the flip side your creations will likely be used more widely and for a much longer time than your typical weapon or scope.

    • Like 1

  12. But that will overwrite the current Steam build, which I don't wish to do.


    These are your options;


    1.56 aka Previous Stable use keyword Arma3Legacy156 to reveal as a Beta tab option.

    1.58 aka Current Stable (previously the Release Candidate which could be revealed with a keyword which no longer exists - now you just opt out of all Betas).

    1.60 aka Development (includes the Visual Upgrade) accessible from the Beta tab (no keyword required).
