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Everything posted by Defunkt

  1. Defunkt

    Patch 1.05 suggestions

    My suggestion for patch 1.05 is to release it. Have been holding off uploading the 8+GB to our dedicated server for weeks now thinking it'd be just around the corner, little did I know...
  2. Yes, find yourself the language files from an unpatched 505 1.00/1.01 release and run as a mod, these do not contain German forcing the game to default to English. They are still 99% correct with most omissions and errors pertaining to SP. They have been signed (you need the bisign files also) with BIS own key which all servers have, not sure if I am allowed to post them.
  3. I think you'd be better off asking these questions in the PVP script pack thread.
  4. They're a very elegant and economical way to record and compare combinations of finite or boolean conditions. I use these a lot wherever available, and almost every language has them except sadly (AFAIK) ArmA's SQF. You can sort of get by with the % operator but it's clumsy having to mod, subtract and divide to get at more significant bits. ---------- Post added at 07:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:50 AM ---------- Mind you, I suppose we'd then need some integers...
  5. Got a little bogged down making an instrument graphic for the new top-down forward-looking radar (shown here with BIS radar removed using ShowHUD=0; in description,ext). But nearly there now...
  6. Okay, just to spell it out for all readers, add MMA to virtually any mission by placing the mando _init and _full gamelogics (Game Logic > Objects > Mando Missile Arma Init/Full) in the editor. At some point the _full GL is likely to be split into one GL for all default ArmA classes as well as single GL's for each supported addon (GLT F-16, Gnat's B-52 etc). All addon makers are invited to provide an MMA GL (just a few lines of code, examples in the MMA pbo, help available on request) with their addon. If the ACE team or somebody else doesn't get to it first I will eventually make another separate gamelogic for all the ACE classes.
  7. What mission? MMA needs to be enabled either by script or by placing the provided gamelogics.
  8. Right. Just stopped working all by itself. Could this "problem" be related to the New Moon do you think? :raisebrow:
  9. Yes but in all cases I'm aware of MMA deletes the BIS missile so any unseen lock should be irrelevant, do you know otherwise?
  10. @kju: Out of interest, does ClanBase use Expert mode settings? If so in what circumstances does BIS locking still come into play with MMA running?
  11. That's not what I was correcting (yet anyhow), I could care less if you like it or not, if you hand out wisdom like... ...somebody is bound to pull you up on it because it's garbage. And seeing as you invited more facts nitpicking, if you're talking about a USB thumb drive then yes, it is daft given USB2.0 has half the effective sustained transfer speed of SATA (20 vs 40 mb/s). It might match an old slow hard drive on read but not a modern 7,200rpm or better one and it won't come close to even the old drive when writing (vital component of paging). Worse yet the transfer rate that a USB port does achieve involves much more work on the part of your CPU when compared with SATA's hardware controller.
  12. Defunkt

    Isla Duala

    The clutter (for those who don't disable it) seems a little sparse to me. I'd have thought some low (dry) grass to fill-in between the existing tall grasses would improve the look quite a bit.
  13. Perhaps you should look at the sticky called Porting ArmA1 addons to ArmA2 at the top of this sub-forum, presently the thread above this one in fact. That is assuming you weren't wanting somebody to write you a personalised tutorial...
  14. Defunkt

    So I bought ArmA2

    You're not a hater, you seem perfectly reasonable, it's good job too because you don't want to see us fanboi's descend on an actual hater, it can get ugly. Unfortunately you're just looking for the ArmA experience in the wrong place. I haven't even looked at the campaign (and never will) and only did half of one single mission, there's vastly more fun to be had in the editor.
  15. Defunkt

    Isla Duala

    Yes, a truly useful and re-playable setting, I also think it will be widely used, worth taking as much time as is required to perfect, no hurry.
  16. Defunkt

    DIH 1970s Generic African Units

    That's some very useful stuff right there, I'd love to see you continue with it - because you can't have too many factions in an African civil war.
  17. Some more launcher love for use in Expert mode. MANPAD (Igla/Strela/Stinger) with audible lock indicator versus helicopter (fish in a barrel) and low flying jet (virtually untouchable). After that Metis; Wire-guided SACLOS with thermal sight. OrbkOK0O1l4
  18. Nice idea, I'll try it soon.
  19. So change your bindings, I gather this can be done in ACE using a userconfig include and the MMA documentation also details how to setup your own permanent bindings for it.
  20. All the T-34 really needs to do is run away and wait for the Tiger's drivetrain to shit itself.
  21. Agreed and I know Mandoble works very hard to keep MMA as compatible as possible. As far as overlaps go, I personally feel Mando-does-Missiles, not just one or two but increasingly an entire system balancing attack and defence, given its existence I'd have thought it preferable for ACE to devote their energies to other areas. That said, it is the prerogative of either to work on whatever they feel the need to improve, the really important thing is that where overlaps occur the mission maker should have the option to choose. I know this is already the case for MMA, you can enable/disable as much or as little as you care to use.
  22. @deralky: You can add and override the MMA parameters for any vehicle in your mission. In most cases there are two pieces of code required: 1. An initialization run on player, place in or call from init.sqf (here is Mandoble's for the AV8B2): 2. You'll see that the above script refers to two others, the first details the weaponry controlled by the HUD and is customised per-vehicle so you'll need to write your own (here is Mandobe's for the AV8B2): If you're game I think explanations for each parameter should either be evident from the scripts themselves or found in the MMA documentation. ---------- Post added at 08:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:52 AM ---------- @TheCrusader: Obviously I don't speak for Mandoble but as he's recovering from a HDD crash I will say that it is my understanding from chatting to him about it that he prefers MMA not be bundled into another project like ACE. I think he finds it easier to maintain direct control over the update/release process. Also, while it would be possible to enable MMA for all vehicles by default, whenever I have suggested as much he has been unwilling because of the way it would alter the playability of missions not designed for it, he instead favours leaving it to mission makers to decide how and when it is applied (even if that's only adding the init & full gamelogics). On the plus side, the script version (essentially the addon de-pbo'd) can be delivered within a mission so any mission-maker or server-op can choose to use MMA with ACE without worrying about whether players have another add-on installed or not.
  23. Haven't tried it myself but there's this tool.
  24. Defunkt

    CAA1 islands standalone

    I think what you meant to say was, "...which I find a little frustrating". People who devote their free time to providing YOU with more deserve (as a bare minimum) not to be told that their work "pisses you off".