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Everything posted by Defunkt

  1. Stamina parameters seem good to me though I still wonder if blacking-out is the right indicator (versus say gradual blurring).
  2. Defunkt

    Launching mods on Linux server

    Have a look at the shell script in THIS post.
  3. _markername = Format ["marker_%1", _i];
  4. Nice one Mandoble! Something I'd always meant to do but have only just got around to is creating an alternate monocle representation for anyone who didn't fully appreciate the genius of my 'bi-focal' version. 'Yes' - it may overlap parts of the BIS HUD and 'No' - I don't care. Use whichever one rings truest for you. The mando_apache.pbo replaces the default 'bi-focal' monocle implementation (two separate images representing both the mono and stereo image) with the more usual combined stereo (only) view. DOWNLOAD At the same time I've just noticed I made a complete hash of the alternate Javelin reticle last time I uploaded it (apologies). Now fixed (and for various reasons renamed mando_javelin.pbo). Please update the OP Mandoble. The mando_javelin.pbo enables a wider reticle for the Javelin and replaces the default crosshair with more authentic targeting 'stadia', these changes can only be made with an addon where the core MMA suite can be addon or script-only hence it is packaged separately. It is especially recommended if your display resolution should result in part of the default reticle showing. DOWNLOAD
  5. Or you might collaborate on a single, shared missilebox...
  6. I don't see that this is in any way relevant to anything in the latest changelog. This is a not a place for you to bleat about your pet peeves, if people abuse the ability to provide direct feedback on the current patch beta we will surely lose it.
  7. Defunkt

    Commercial Mod tool kit would be nice

    Endless arguing and fighting is all I see resulting from such a thing.
  8. Defunkt

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Crikey, is this still going? I wonder if OFP:DR is now discussed more here than there. Let it go.
  9. Very nice, tempted to have a go at reskinning the cockpit. Noticed a few shadow elements are locked to my freelook:
  10. It's high-time somebody dragged together all the disparate UK threads. Hopefully you'll get all the permissions you need and it might even act as catalyst to get some of the rough edges smoothed on some items, ideally by the original author or perhaps by another with their blessing.
  11. Defunkt

    Why is this game not more popular?

    The copyright in missions ought to be accorded equal respect with that observed for any other custom content, it's all the result of somebody's care and effort and what happens to it is every bit as much the creator's concern. Taking somebody's mission, changing it and then re-releasing it (as this is interpreted for other add-ons, that would include private releases) without permission should be considered just as unacceptable as it is for somebody's model or map. I can well understand mission makers not wanting to release their work into an environment where everybody assumes it's then theirs to futz at will with. As for shunning encrypted work, do you shun models that are binarised simply because aspiring modellers cannot learn from them?
  12. Is this based on anything other than wishful thinking?
  13. You guys may as well stop pointing to your quad-cores as some sort of performance indicator, multiple cores offer progressively diminishing returns and nothing exemplifies that better than ArmA 2. It'll max-out the 1st core, use a bit of the second and leave the 3rd and 4th idling. For equal money you're better off getting a faster clocked dual-core.
  14. Have you lowercased everything in MPMissions? You should also replace any spaces in mission filenames with underscores.
  15. Er... because these betas are destined to become patch 1.06.
  16. Defunkt

    updating ACE2 on a dedi server

    What it says. Does your line 33 still look like: MIRRORLIST=(dev-heaven.net s01.6thsense.eu s02.6thsense.eu arma2.armagoons.com six.bssnet.dk zeus2.zeus-community.net) Maybe post the whole script you're using (with any edits).
  17. You don't need anybody's permission to sign addons, it doesn't in any way indicate ownership, it is purely a mechanism for filtering allowed mods on the servers that use your key/signatures (i.e. probably only your own).
  18. Defunkt

    WIP - JTD SkyFog

    Very good, I presume this is a great big square or hexagon centred on the player? If so how does it deal with changes in altitude (i.e. helo in/out). Could it be done entirely in script so that it can be enforced by virtue of being mission included?
  19. Just applying a little squeeze. :bigsmile:
  20. Yeah, an expanded radar system is something that I know Mandoble is contemplating and I have been trying to nudge him along on. The possibilities are amazing and of course include removing BIS radar completely and giving all vehicles only the capabilities they might actually have. There might also be the option to switch through external radar sources (ground station, command vehicles, AWACS) and these then might become targets which need to be protected to ensure continued operation.
  21. Defunkt

    JTD Fat Rain

    Super, love getting these free lunches, collectively they all add up. Thanks.
  22. Defunkt

    JTD Fat Rain

    Any performance implication?
  23. I honestly do not understand how Sickboy et al remain as civil as they do, I know for a fact I couldn't.
  24. Is said tank an enemy tank?
  25. Defunkt

    updating ACE2 on a dedi server

    RSync with Dr Pulp's script is working nicely for me.