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Everything posted by dren

  1. dren

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    Mr.Burns, what that animation called? Theres just so many animations with QG and the names are just...
  2. dren

    Jonny´s Marines

    And that would be lovely!
  3. dren

    Jonny´s Marines

    I still feel that even marpat suits better for desert. For no public releases (tournaments etc... ) is it possible to edit them a bit? (like your last work). Still waiting for some boony hatted or recon work of yours.
  4. well unpack the pbo file. then edit the config.cpp file. save it. And re-pbo it. for extacting/repacking pbo, use keygetys programs. (support some finnish work ) http://www.kegetys.net/arma/
  5. dren

    Jonny´s Marines

    Thank you Jonny!
  6. Sorry for VERY VERY VERY late respond. atm i dont have access to 2nd MEF config.cpp but what you can check is the grenadier line. Thats how it should look like. "1Rnd_HE_M203", is the nade for M203
  7. dren

    Jonny´s Marines

    Is Christmas coming with marpat also?
  8. dren

    Fww2 - finland at war 1939-1945

    Good to see you guys working over arma. Iv been long thinking of retexturing M05 for arma, but iv been too lazy.
  9. dren

    Jonny´s Marines

    Damn i hate the way you give us sneak peaks Well it keeps us exited. Will it be early christmas for virtual marines?
  10. Has anyone yet solved this?
  11. dren

    Airlift v1.51b

    ill try that out and see if solves the pilot "dying". pilot dies when helo is called 2nd time. it moves back the helo on the pilot seat and then text "pilot dead" appears. pilot is still alive
  12. dren

    Airlift v1.51b

    ok got it working. i was using ExecVM, changed it to the basic one and it worked. 2nd thing, possible to reduce the chopper for 2? should i remove all that end to _3,_4,_5,_6? also noticed that when helo turned back to base and when called again, text "pilot killed" popped up, but seemly i need to read more carefully. it needs 3 pilots
  13. dren

    Airlift v1.51b

    Ouh one thing more, is possible to call the script not by squad leader, but by player name?
  14. dren

    Airlift v1.51b

    First, thanks for the quick answer. iv got West and East folders in my mission, but only west helos so far. i tought it must be something to do with the groups. Ill try later today to remove all *** = group this, from the units and try only with one BLU_1 = group this. Just want to make sure, can BLU_1 be anything? like Inf? or should they allways be BLU_1, BLU_2 etc..? Also is that E_Tower02 (or something close to that) nesessary? Well what comes for the mission, it haves -loads of scripts, so it could be any of those that makes it crash. (www.arma-tow.com) Ill try later just to merge your mission into mine and see what happens. if it crashes then i can be 99% that theres some script that makes it not working.
  15. dren

    Airlift v1.51b

    what could cause error TJ_init.sqs - error 7? i even use the groups what you made and i haven touched the TJ_init.sqs. it just crashes when i join game
  16. Is there way to make invisible "ammo Truck"? like those FARP helo pads etc? but no problem to put those ammotrucks near Solved the 100m-200m miss shots by putting the artillery to hill. when they were on flat ground they killed them selfs or shooted way out of the target area.
  17. is there way to add unlimited ammo for the artillery? like m119
  18. Thanks, ill continue this to there
  19. Let me start saying, google and search wasent my friends on this case. What im after is: How to make m119's shoot all the time some location of map? This just for eye candy, so i need AI to shoot one spot all the time with m119's. The range will be smaller than 23 secs, its short distance. "dofire" doesent work on these seemly... So i would be more than happy if someone with bigger brains than me could help out of this. I got it somewhat working by putting enemy tanks in the area and made them respawn at same spot (tho they spawned empty, and with that sayed m119's also stopped shooting at them) Also what i would like to know, how to make tanks shoot with turret, not with mg when using dofire? Thank you
  20. Is there way to place object on the map where they would shoot? (like trigger box or something) Also the range what i need is about 100m-150m. They shoot once on that range and after that they shoot2-3 rounds way much higher and longer
  21. i need to check them out, loadouts haven been made by me. But ill check em out.
  22. hmm.. if you want them RACS, you should use anyway: SoldierGAT (AT) SoldierGMarksman (Marksman) Your config seems ok to me...
  23. Well i dont know german, i used google translator in short "many thanks" and "when av's and aav's are coming?" can you explain av's and aav's? Well at this moment, i dont have anything going. Well see what kind of work jonny does