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Everything posted by DarthRazorback

  1. DarthRazorback

    Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

    Sounds like there is something wrong on your end. Works fine here.
  2. DarthRazorback

    Claymores finally released

    Works great! Excellent job.
  3. DarthRazorback

    Fromz's sound mod | ffamm1.4

    Thats too bad Razorback , try getting some free time when yo have 3 kids ehh ;P Â . I would not tell people something was being released that weekend, not deliver, and then SAY NOTHING about it for... let me count... 2 months? You had more than a few weeks to say something to your "fans." You decided it wasn't important to explain that you would not be delivering as you had indicated. So, I have no interest in your mod or your excuses.
  4. DarthRazorback

    Fromz's sound mod | ffamm1.4

    Yeah, while not perfect (those wildlife noises really distract me at times), it is the new bar for excellence. I have stopped even caring about Chammy's mod. It has been months now since he announced it was coming that weekend... and weeks since I stopped respecting that effort.
  5. DarthRazorback

    Fromz's sound mod | ffamm1.4

    Please don't amp up the choppers... I like it just the way it is. This is probably the best sound mod out right now.
  6. DarthRazorback

    1.09 beta patch troubleshooting thread.

    Yeah, this is something we noticed on the SimHQ server a while ago and have noted seems to almost always happen. If you enter a vehicle VOIP pretty much gets blown out until you restart. It sometimes works while inside the vehicle but once you exit, gone.
  7. DarthRazorback

    Fromz's sound mod | ffamm1.4

    Sounds are nice but when I fire the SAW I can barely hear it.
  8. DarthRazorback

    Armatec football 0.4a

    But you also called it "soccer" first.
  9. DarthRazorback

    Jonny´s Marines

    Every Marine is expected to be able to take command at any time, regardless of rank, unit, or the country for which they are fighting. They don't need patches.
  10. DarthRazorback

    Armatec football 0.4a

    Soccer was not a term created by Americans. Football was a name for many different forms of ball play. What much of the world calls football is actually association football, also called soccer football. What Americans call football is actually gridiron football.
  11. DarthRazorback

    Armatec football 0.4a

  12. DarthRazorback

    Chammys Sound Mod

    Look, the mod is cool and all and a lot of people are looking forward to it... but the man said he was releasing it weeks ago. We waited that weekend because he said he was delivering something... and when he didn't, he saw no reason to update anyone? Please. The community should show respect to the guys making the mods... but it works both ways. If you promise something and then can't deliver it, SAY SOMETHING.
  13. DarthRazorback

    Arma FDF Sound Pack v1.3

    Yes, they should bring a version with the old "crack"! To be serious, this new thing in 1.3 .... you simply CAN NOT call it "crack" anymore. Also i do call to your mind: The New M4 sound is many lightyears away from something like realism. We all knows that FDF-Sounds was never very real-life like, but 1.3 has really "shot the bird down" Â I think they should had better worked a bit with the community together and asked "us" first, what we think from certain sounds. Best Regards, Christian You are being far too harsh in your comments. Take it down a notch, please.
  14. DarthRazorback

    Arma FDF Sound Pack v1.3

    I really like it. Though, I did like the old sonic crack more (but hey, maybe I just need to get used to this one).
  15. DarthRazorback

    Arma FDF Sound Pack v1.3

    Man... I hope this is not true. The sonic crack in 1.2 was as close to accurate as any of the mods have gotten. I will test it out and see. I can always go back to 1.2 if I have to.
  16. DarthRazorback

    Arma FDF Sound Pack v1.3

    I have been waiting for this mod to be updated. I am so happy... well, I haven't tried it yet but I have been using FDF since the first version so I am sure you guys won't let me down.
  17. DarthRazorback

    Jonny´s Marines

    Beautiful. I am really digging the detail. Glad to hear you are alive and posting some info, Cha.... oops. Wrong thread. Still, love your work.
  18. DarthRazorback

    Chammys Sound Mod

    I am easily confused and think that constantly posting in this thread will somehow make Chammy finish his mod faster. Thank you for setting my straight. I will no longer post comments in this thread that are not as important as the 900 or so other postings in this and any other thread on this board. My humbleness has no boundaries.
  19. DarthRazorback

    Chammys Sound Mod

    Temporary closure of such threads doesn´t automatically render the mod behind it dead. It´s done to prevent impatient people from nagging & bumping an otherwise perfectly running thread with posts like the following: Speaking of which... any news?
  20. DarthRazorback

    ArmA BHD:MOD

    Looks amazing. I can't wait to play this. One question though, I know that in the movie the Blackhawks were black but were they that color in the actual battle?
  21. DarthRazorback

    Chammys Sound Mod

    If it is boring, stop reading it.
  22. DarthRazorback

    PROPER Mods

    You don't need to use everything, it's split into seperate addons so that you can choose which ones you want. Yeah, I get that... but why would someone who is aiming for realism create such a mod? The sonic crack, while not completely accurate, is more accurate than none at all.
  23. DarthRazorback

    PROPER Mods

    Removing the sonic crack? Shouldn't the mod be called imProper?
  24. DarthRazorback

    Chammys Sound Mod

    I would love to hear from Chammy. He said he would have the mod ready for testing a week ago. Since then we have heard nothing. I am sure we would just like to hear that the guy is okay at this point.
  25. DarthRazorback

    Chammys Sound Mod

    Wouldn't most urban soldiers tape or otherwise muffle the metal pins so they don't jingle?