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Everything posted by Dangerdog

  1. These options need to be broken up for individual toggles, they shouldn't be lumped into one setting. edit: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=4754 upvoted
  2. Dangerdog

    JUMP please!!

    That's the way it should be done, someone said there's already a running vault animation in Arma 3 so hopefully it gets implemented.
  3. Dwarden defends the Gamespy server browser, so I'm going to assume it'll remain - with improvements as time goes on. As for the OP looking for BiS to come up with solutions for mod management and "team" focused multiplayer gametypes you'll need to look toward the Arma community for those solutions. What BiS needs to focus on is making all of the games sub-systems work with as many performance enhancements they can muster, if they can get destruction working beyond simple slight of hand tricks of swapping out whole buildings for example then the community will make the maps and gametypes to enhance the experience.
  4. No, you shouldn't assume just because Arma 3 is steam exclusive that it'll utilize "Steamworks" functions. From what I've read even the server browser that's in the Alpha is here to stay.
  5. Don't ignore the view distance sliders and the impact that shadows have on performance.
  6. I know it's sacrilegious to mention Battlefield around here but have any of you guys played Project Reality mod for BF2? You can have a tactical experience while not needing to turn it into Man Simulator 2.0
  7. Still feels too much like "robotic" Arma II movement to me, it's a little better but falls short of other popular shooters that offer a more fluid experience overall. The extra stances aren't needed, more streamlining of the controls and UI is what they should be focusing on. The combat pace should stay but the rest should go, it's just fluff. I would be over the top impressed if they added the ability to steady or mount your weapon to a surface; window, hood of a car, short stub wall - without needing to press or hold a key beyond a simple right click.
  8. I know inventory is work in progress but is there an easy way to drop thing from your inventory?
  9. Dangerdog

    6.5 mm and recoil management in game

    It might be okay if you could mount your gun to objects in the map like stub walls and window sills, having to go prone just to hit anything is a little off putting. Perhaps it needs to be tied to the difficulty level so as to satisfy the "big recoil" fans.
  10. Needs more random encounters with Big Foot
  11. http://steamcommunity.com/app/107410/discussions/0/864961629598592646/ Dwarden has posted on the Steam forums, multiplayer is still very Alpha unlike some of the rest of the game which can be played. without a dedicated server binary are all the multiplayer games client hosted?
  12. 1. is a bug 2. physics glitch, work in progress 3. looks like a quick system they implemented, not refined or polished yet - hopefully you'll be able to cook grenades before you throw them. I don't need under hand / over hand throws though. 4. I'm grateful it isn't a blinding orb in the sky like what DICE did with Battlefield 3. I'm not a fan of lens flares for that mater either, I hope BiS keep the screen clear of blobs of dazzling lights and objects.
  13. It should be installed as part of your video drivers if you're using Nvidia, but the game doesn't seem to need anything special to make it work. There's no special benefit for having a Physx capable accelerator for example, I haven't seen any objects with any physics type properties - all of the set dressing stuff is firmly fixed to the map in a stationary position. I think the vehicles are the only thing that may use physics calculations from Physx libraries, I haven't noticed any rag-doll like effects on enemy soldiers shot like that one preview video showed.
  14. A red dot sight isn't helping much when your targets are 500 or more meters away. :P
  15. Dangerdog

    Dedicated Server Crash

    I was surprised to see "Gamespy" for the server browser, thought they went under. probably have to wait till beta before servers are stable, I really hope they give the multiplayer some much needed attention.
  16. Dangerdog

    Operation E3

    I imagine they'll want to keep gore to a minimum, but maybe there will be a way to incorporate dismemberment through mods?
  17. Dangerdog

    Operation E3

    He mentioned needing to get the physics working better after hitting a rock with a vehicle and seeing it tumble around like a toy. They are going to wait till after E3 to make an announcement about the community alpha. Short presentation but decent enough, glad I didn't have to watch the clock to come back at 5:30 to see it.
  18. Sometimes the ammo truck won't rearm, one time I got out and moved the truck a little closer and it started working. The ULB goes spastic sometimes and won't level out it just keeps wobbling and you can't track a hellfire to the target. I really wish there was some sort of zoom to the ULB optics, if you get too low it gets shot down and if you fly too high you can't see the target (draw distance is too short). The 45 minute timer doesn't help much either, maybe I suck at flying the Apache but it takes quite a while to get back, land and rearm (hopefully) then get into position to fire the missiles. I rate this mission four out of five Ughs!! :(
  19. Dangerdog

    Any disk checks for DVD version of OA ??

    If you choose online activation how many activations do you get and if you uninstall the game before changing hardware/reformatting do you get your activation added back into the pool? I know it's always been a sticky situation talking about copy protection on here but if you could give us any info on this tiny detail it would be appreciated, unless it's region based maybe a brief synopsis could be added to a FAQ somewhere.
  20. Dangerdog

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    In stock for both of them http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003JZNDN4/ref=s9_simh_gw_p63_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=1A4XD6MTYK4JXXSBC9BK&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470938631&pf_rd_i=507846 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003JZL96M/ref=s9_simh_gw_p63_i2?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=1A4XD6MTYK4JXXSBC9BK&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470938631&pf_rd_i=507846 Slightly better deal for Operation Arrowhead http://www.gogamer.com/Arma-2--Operation-Arrowhead-for-PC-Front-Page_stcVVproductId108894934VVcatId444710VVviewprod.htm
  21. Dangerdog

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    Boxed version. I did it with ArmA 2 so I might as well do it with the expansion.
  22. Dangerdog

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    Gogamer.com in the US has it listed for 15% off, shipping is flat rate of $2.99 http://www.gogamer.com/Arma-2--Operation-Arrowhead-for-PC-Front-Page_stcVVproductId108894934VVcatId444710VVviewprod.htm who doesn't love the smell of opening a new software box? Steam version needs to kick off with a discount otherwise it'll get lost in their "summer super sale".
  23. Dangerdog

    [STEAM] You are dropping the ball!

    The sale on Steam runs through the 4th of July, but they may not be able to offer it for less on Steam because it would step on the retail version publishers toes so to speak.
  24. Dangerdog

    Bugs in ArmA II/Patch???

    Will there be a non beta release of ArmA 2 when Combined Arms is released?
  25. Dangerdog

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    Of course, he even said so in the post.