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Everything posted by Sennacherib

  1. Sennacherib

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA modding?

    i have a question. is it possible to have different lighting. i mean, if i have a church. the lights in the church should be green, blue etc because of the stained glasses. Arma will have this kind of lighting? sorry if this is the wrong topic. i didn't know where to ask my question
  2. Sennacherib

    project "SCI-FI"

    in fact the island will be almost like tatooine. i mean a semi-desertic island, but with oasis and big cities. because the island will be a part of a country. so no skulls, no post-apocalyptic stuff. i invent a scifi futur of a phoenician people. for example, i have the Baal heavy tank, or the Helel ATrocket etc.
  3. Sennacherib

    project "SCI-FI"

    yeah, but for now i wait for Arma. i make just some vehicles. Soldiers, planes will be for Arma. and i don't know if that would be possible to use an ofp map in Arma, so for the moment. i wait
  4. Sennacherib

    Best add-ons list

    oh! i forgot all the addons made by Sebastian Muller aka Joe Lemonades. - http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=5680 these vehicles my favourites. - http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=6439 amazing - http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=5306 so cool
  5. Sennacherib

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    maybe France, but not the french people. a state is not a people. because in a people, you have individualities. don't put all the people in the same bag (it's a french expression ) most of the people doesn't care, if someone is gay, black, jew, muslim, green, blue with little flowers. the life is already difficult, they don't need other problems.
  6. Sennacherib

    IM:UC Mod Thread

    yeah, this is excellent. i like also those faces, really nice. i know, this is just a detail, but i'm really happy to see dust on the clothes. great job.
  7. Sennacherib

    Arma around the world

    Brittany (france), 505 area.
  8. Sennacherib

    The Art thread

    @CosmicCastaway: hey, great comic, I hope that we will be able to see some more @Verbal, nice girl, you use vectors to make this kind of picture? i always wanted to be able to make that.
  9. Sennacherib

    Stargate Worlds V4.0

    great vid, the islands seem excellent, the news buildings for each planets the music is awesome; could you tell me the name of the band (or the singer), and the name of the song? thx
  10. Sennacherib

    Wrzesien 1939

    great, i like to have a bayonet on a gun
  11. Sennacherib

    Wrzesien 1939

    nice weapons. just a question: these weapons can have a bayonet?
  12. Sennacherib

    Best add-ons list

    one of my favourite: the dozer mouse; in mp it's really excellent. http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=7917
  13. Sennacherib

    P3d to 3ds and 3ds to p3d

    yeah, but it works fine. in fact i use it 1 time in a year. for the problem with the soft and hard edges, yeah, there is often a problem when i import a file from 3dsmax. but now in fact i make all that stuff in wings3d + autosmooth, and in max, i make just autosmooth, and it's almost good in o2. i just need to sharp or smooth some edges. it's not perfect, because i don't know exactly, how to use oxygen.
  14. Sennacherib

    An Explanation

    thx for all these informations.
  15. Sennacherib

    OH-6 LOH

    @CSJ, sorry if i have offended you. this wasn't my aim
  16. Sennacherib


    please stop. i'm fed up to see a lot of people here, think they are 3d or 2d artists. real 3d artists: http://www.3dtotal.com/ please let the other learn from you. i'm fed up to see: wow amazing, awesome: when the model or the textures are bad. 3d and 2d stuff are serious, personally i learn, i still learn. i spend one week for a texture. and you? you criticize BIS, but none of you, can imagine their work. yeah, i criticize too, but personally i try to understand and learn before open my mouth. i know, i'm harsh, but it's time before the release of Arma, to become serious. create textures with photoshop is easy, but learn the bump mapping, normal mapping, the blend tool in 3ds max is difficult. and personally i don't want to see crap stuff use with the amazing Arma engine. we need to learn.
  17. Sennacherib


    if you see me at a pretentious guy. this is ok, for me. but for me, the word artist is for: - picasso - miro - goya - klimt - klee modern stuff - pixar -dreamworks (unless of course its meant as a joke) but i'm maybe a stupid guy, who don't understand the real artistic life. to close this topic: good night.
  18. Sennacherib


    sorry. there is a incomprehension. i don't want to make my publicity. @Soul_assassin, sorry, if I seam pretentious. i didn't want that. of course i like the stuff made by the community. it's really difficult to explain my thoughts in english. i thought, that i made great criticisms, because shadows, mud, dust, are essentials for a model. but it was an error. sorry I wanted to denounce the pretentious ones, and now for you, i'm pretentious. it's really sad. if i shown my work, it wasn't to make my publicity, it was just to show you, that this is possible to improve our job, even if mine is poor. sorry, I did not want to insult you. i wanted to explain to you that if BIS can make something, we can do the same thing. i'm not an artist. maybe a missed artist, i tried to be a painter, but i'm failed, thus i know how it's hard to be an artist. @Soul_assassin (again), i don't have secrets, i can send to you my buildings. I am really sad to think, that you think that I am a pretentious guy.
  19. Sennacherib


    how you can criticize BIs, when you ar just hobbyist, and you can make the same thing; it's ahrd to make great 3d stuf; BIS are a great team. yeah, i know the celtic cultures. and we have lost honor. yeah, of course, i make my poor stuff for you, not just for me. They spend hours learning to create addons
  20. Sennacherib


    yeah, i know, but you can copy that with photoshop, it's not difficult with good tuts. the problem is: hey, i want realistic stuff from ofp, but yeah poor stuf from community is great. it's not difficult o add a dark layer in photoshop, psp or the gimp to simulate the shadows, and use bevel and emboss to simulate bump maaping. take a look at my textures. the old and the new one. sorry but i'm not a genious, but i can learn like you.
  21. Sennacherib


    Either that, or people just arent as talented as you, so they dont meet your high-quality standards. Now there is nothing wrong with having high standards, but noone is perfect. And most modders try really hard (why wouldnt they? They usually find it fun to make them). But lets just take a look at Philcommdo's addons.. Pirates? -check Working swordfighting which is actually fun to play with? -check Working horses? -check Still, his addons seem to get little attention because they look bad, low-poly units, blurry textures etc. Still, he did a very good job on those addons and he invested alot of time in it, you might not see it on the outside, but hey, not everyone is a graphics whore? Still, if PC would walk around with a 'engine limit breaker' badge then i wouldnt care, he can be proud of what he did because he tried and gave us something to enjoy, like all addonmakers do. Trying to make textures makes you an artist, no matter if they look great or not. And if you give your addons to other people so they can enjoy them you didn't do anything bad and you can be a little proud, and they show that by putting what they do in their sig. Ps, dont really care if you read this or not, just had to get it out hey dude, i read all the post; i use actually philcommando's (pc storm rider) addons. i like his imagination; but i'm sure, he can make better textures. why you said that. i'm talented, i just try to make like BIS. my standards are the modern standards for games. PC addons in my opinion are really great, because his guy use his imagination, and make his best. but with great atextures, his addons would be a must to have; btw i learnt a lot of thing with his PC apu. thx to him.
  22. Sennacherib


    just a new thing. Sentry and Shinkansen pm me. i'm not a liar: Shinkansen Advanced Member Group: Members Posts: 279 Joined: May 2004 Posted: Oct. 16 2006,10:30 Hi, seeing your very well made scifi-tank i want to ask if you too have an interest in warhammer 40.000 made by spad. In his package are a lot of interesting things that sometimes need some final touches and a space ork addon that is fully functional "only" missing a texture. So I would like to ask if you want to go for the texture for this addon. Looking forward to hearing from you Bodo (Shinkansen) Sen†ry ˛°°ł Advanced Member Group: Members Posts: 142 Joined: Dec. 2004 Posted: Oct. 07 2006,12:41 Hi D@nte I've saw your nice work at your SCI-FI project, I love to see that people do sci fi projects and not only real military things Btw, i have to say your texturing work is really nice And so i go on to my question. Im the project leader of the Tiberian Genesis Mod (maybe you know that mod) We are a modification which will redo the game Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun into a 3d game, first it was OFP, now we will do it for Armed Assault. And we are searching of course new members, like Texture Artists and Skinners. Our community isnt that big, because no one knows us :P or just some people. I would like to ask you, if you have got any interests to join us as texture artist, its hard to find people in that skill you have in texturing. For more infos: Here is our Homepage http://www.tiberian-genesis.com If you have interests or you would like to have more informations, PM me back, or send me an email: Email:yipey88@hotmail.com MSN: yipey88@hotmail.com -Sen†ry ˛°°ł sorry Sentry and Shikansen. but i need you pm what i want to show is: original post from ww2ec: my first work: well the new texture for the house: this is my own work (not the windows) and now: a pic from o2. this prog is really weird, i didn't have any problems to import the whole model. :wacko: original from ww2ec. it's not difficult to learn.
  23. Sennacherib


    sorry double post; i hate numericable
  24. Sennacherib


    sorry Messiah, it wasn't for you, but for the whole community. yeah, i know the great job of your mod. yeah i use great, because their mod is great: - great textures - great models - great shadow on the textures. and i'm a fan of your addons, take a loook at your topic; sorry it's a disagreement. take a look at my scifi thread, somewhere i said my admiration for your mod. yeah, but none want to hear the truth example: - your model has some problems, missing faces - your textures are stretched - the uvmapping is bad etc and even with bad models, you see in the sigs artist bla bla bla. sorry, but i have a problem with that. as i said nothing is really finished. and most of you want to see in your topics: - great - awesome - amazing etc; when it's impossible to say that. i'm a hobbyist in 3d job, but sorry i don't want to make crap models. it's my opinion, but if you like double faces, hole in model, stretched textures, bad textures, bad uvmapping. ofp is for you. if you want to learn oxygen, there are a lot of tuts, even for the gizmo mapping, but none wants to learn. this is the same thing for the photoshop stuff. Marfy's stuff are outdated, so please take a look at the photoshop tuts. i know, it's hard, but when you have a great result, it's really cool. for now; i stop my scifi project for ofp (not for Arma, because the textures are ready with bump mapping, blend etc). you are not able to understand the 3d modelling, and texturing, all my wishes for BIS. like they said in ofp "God help us all".
  25. Sennacherib


    why i use the 3ds max renderer, or even pov ray (which is free)? because i copy the lighting in photoshop. ofp can't use real specular level etc. but i copy that from X 3d model. sorry but i'm not a lazzy guy. you can use anim8tor, moray etc you make great textures, with alow poly models. but you are lazy, and pretentious, you don't want to learn; good luck to BIS to support this community. if you can make a sjob like BIS stop to post your crap. it's simple. because in a lot of addon, we have faces problems (hol, double faces), bad uvwmapping etc. sorry in advance.