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Everything posted by Sennacherib

  1. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    edited: i changed the helmet.
  2. Sennacherib

    Wacht am Rhein

    Yes, the 101st will be fighting at Bastogne but the demo campaign it will be the US Army Infantry against the Waffen SS sad, just sad and which divisions of the waffen ss ? btw good luck for your project
  3. Sennacherib

    Wacht am Rhein

    you will make the 101 airborne division soldiers?
  4. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    thx but at the same time, it's really hard to find ideas. and like for the truck (i'm not an engineer ), the vehicles can have big errors.
  5. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    reworked: central wheels removed, the wheel are bigger now, and i added new parts. oh! now it can take corners.
  6. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    good question damn' i must solve this problem. i know how i could do, i just need to change one piece on the front of the vehicle. btw, this vehicle should be for a semi-desertic map, with a lot of sand.
  7. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    the new truck, 3dsmax render: btw it's a "refuel truck"
  8. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    thx mates, for your comments. i wasn't really happy with these wheels. i try to use the same wheel for different vehicles to have less uvmapping to do. i'm maybe too lazy
  9. Sennacherib

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    someone could change the title of this topic: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....1021883 i want : o.m.n.i thx in advance
  10. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    wip of a transport of troop i also begun some "trucks". these are for the thyria city-state
  11. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    well, now i have a story line. the story takes place in a fictional solar system, like ours. but this system has more planets livable (5). 3 are under the control of the OMNI consortium. it's a commercial consortium (imagine microsoft 10000 times more powerful ). and this is like the borg of star trek, they want always incorporate new planets in their consortium. the following cible of the consortium is the planet kaana (a semi-desertic planet). there are 3 city-states on this planet: - Sidonia - Thyria - Arvad there were peaceful, but now they must fight against the consortium, which want to incorporate them. yes, i took some historical facts.
  12. Sennacherib

    official complaint to BIS

    ok, i read 35 pages, but now i'm really tired. there are detractors, fanatics, some realistic peoples (i suppose). now i have some questions. - should i buy Arma? (bugs?, other problems?) - BIS still work on other patches? - why BIS released Arma, if the game wasn't finished? (sorry i don't read all the topics) - why BIS use the players as beta-testers? they should seek investors,and money; to engage some new members for their company. (it's a joke) - and to finish. why some among of you spend their time to cry. if you don't like this game, you can send your copy, or give it to me.
  13. Sennacherib

    WWIIEC : Caen 1944

    yeah the entrable one is done:
  14. Sennacherib

    WWIIEC : Caen 1944

    new buildings for the neighbourhoods of caen. i make currently the same but with an entrable part.
  15. Sennacherib

    OFrP addons in ARMA

    great job, i like very much the textures, especially the textures of the fennec, great improvement. continuez comme ça. translation: keep it up
  16. Sennacherib

    WW2 Aircrafts and tanks!

    for the moment, we (ww2ec) don't have plans for Arma, our priority is the release of caen 44 for ofp.
  17. Sennacherib


    that seems interesting. do you have some models or drawings?
  18. Sennacherib

    Favourite WW2 rifles?

    for it's the Upminder's weapon, even if they have some problems. i like them because, i modified them for my personal use.
  19. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    oh! ok, for the blood, we can imagine that this is its oil
  20. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    yes, sure, your help is welcome. i suck in scripting wow, that's great; that would work for humanoid robots? these kind of robots for example:
  21. Sennacherib

    WWIIEC : Caen 1944

    to know that, you should ask to FAB, he is the dictator (oops sorry the leader ) of our team
  22. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    if someone know how to animate a robot in Arma, he is welcome. and i (we?) need others modeler-texturer.
  23. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    thx yeah, it's time to take the power. SCIFI power!!!!
  24. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    some pictures of my latest work: normal mapping on a tank (not finished)
  25. Sennacherib

    What are you guys reading?

    walt whitman : leaves of grass (poetry) nietzsche : jenseits von gut and böse (original title, sorry i don't know it in english)