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Everything posted by Sennacherib

  1. Sennacherib

    UNICON warfare for ofp.

    lol no, it's a phoenician font.
  2. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    yeah, it's also a good idea. but i don't want a lot of buttons, with a lot of lights. i prefer the sobriety
  3. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    yeah, that could be an idea
  4. Sennacherib

    UNICON warfare for ofp.

    the helel reco fighter is done for ofp. (not the interiror)
  5. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    the Helel reco fighter is done (not the interior because i don't know what i could do)
  6. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    yeah sure. for the soldiers, i don't know how they will be. i wait to show how is the position in the new oxygen. the Golkan soldier will be an alien, i have already 1 idea.
  7. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    do you have an example?
  8. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    UAL and UNICON soldiers are humans, but not the Golkan mercenaries. these names are real names this is the names of the ancient gods of the Phoenician people i need help: how can i add dirt on the front of the vehicle. with the normal map, the brown color disappears.
  9. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    list for the first phase: UNICON army: - troop carrier (ground) - dropship - a fighter - 1 tank - the soldiers UAL (united army of letavia) - elsh (fighter) - helel (reco light fighter) - anath (fast tank) - anath-apc - a dropship (a small one) - trucks Golkan mercenaries (UNICON side) - soldiers - troop carrier (ground)
  10. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    lol i'm going to try as you can see, i make actually the texture of this vehicle. i made the specular map, and begun the bump map, and changed the color of the texture. (i worked only on the body of the vehicle) mental ray render: that still need a lot of work
  11. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    yeah, i know, those textures are not the finally ones a question: should i make some mechs? i mean like the titan from C&C or the mechs from bf2142. personally i like that.
  12. Sennacherib

    UNICON warfare for ofp.

    this UNIversal CONsortium. a dictatorial company, which have under its power, 3 planets.
  13. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    yeah, that would be cool. i'm not a scripter so i don't know if i could do that by myself. yeah, i need to change that, and also the colors
  14. Sennacherib

    Another scifi thing

    thx a lot, i didn't know this addon
  15. Sennacherib


    I've only seen a trailer on youtube, and it seemed just like that. Inaccurate and adjusted to attract a vaster amount of people with action and stuff. I am not going to watch it. agree; a good crap made in hollywood. the next time, they will do julius caesar in a movie like fast and furious
  16. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    thx mate; the dropship is a fast vehicle (for a troop of soldiers). i took the idea from killzone i need to make a heavy dropship i make all that stuff also for ofp. for the moment 1 tank and 1 apc are in game; btw they fight against yours
  17. Sennacherib

    Another scifi thing

    maybe "medusa", she had snakes instead of hair cerberus would be nice for the dropship
  18. Sennacherib

    Another scifi thing

    for the gunship the name could be "hermes", to keep the mythological stuff. what is it?
  19. Sennacherib

    Another scifi thing

    yeah, cool, you still work on your addons; it's really a great news. a fighter would be also great, oh! and a jeep too. btw good job
  20. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    personally i don't like actual armies, i just like the Arma engine, and the freedom which it gives to us. it is the same thing for OFP for the moment, no
  21. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    the truck is finished (modelling and uvmapping); now it has 2 versions : refuel and transport. these textures are for ofp (almost finished), and i work actually on the textures for Arma.
  22. Sennacherib

    Wacht am Rhein

    not in Cinema 4d R10 and Bodypaint 3??
  23. Sennacherib

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    the reworked vehicle:
  24. Sennacherib

    Wacht am Rhein

    you should add also: creating bump map texture to create a normal map texture (useful for the vehicles ...)
  25. Sennacherib


    lol people don't have honor, it's really sad. good luck Linker