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Everything posted by Sennacherib

  1. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    currently i rework the WTU elite soldier, because i don't like the animation in ofp. So i try to make a better model. I search someone who could help me in 1 week with the animations. I have 2 problems, the czech language (Prameno etc etc) , and i don't understand how work the animations of the selections (exemple: why the backs of soldiers move with the arms)
  2. Sennacherib

    Touchable Holograms!

    amazing. science fiction of my chilhood becomes real.
  3. Sennacherib

    Questionable video on war.

    I'm anti-war; but when peoples need some help against barbary, dictators etc ... armies are useful, but most of the time the wars are made for various interests; not to protect peoples. i'm also pacifist (in facts), but i'm not stupid; wars will exist for ever. Because humans are not made for peace. We are conceited, greedy, envious, uncivil and irresponsible, violent. And everybody can become a monster, the Einsatzgruppen are a good example, simple guys who became the dregs of civilization. And a lot of us follows archaic dogmas which separate us, each group thinking to have the real truth. (religions, political dogma etc etc) So i prefer to know that my country has an army, because I don't believe in the evolution of mankind (the end of bad feelings, the end of dogmas etc etc), because we don't want to change, or maybe because mankind is too coward for trying.
  4. Sennacherib

    How to get a chopper to unload troops

    put a group on your map, put a chopper: - create a waypoint "embark" for the group - create a waypoint "load" for the chopper then press F5 synchronize, then select the waypoint "embark" right button on the mouse, and synchronize it with load. after that, create a waypoint "unload" for the chopper everywhere on the map, create a waypoint "disembark" for the group where you want and create an other one "move". you can also use that: (_x moveincargo nameofthechopper) foreach units nameoftheleader of the group create a waypoint "unload" for the chopper and a waypoint "disembark" for the group + a waypoint move
  5. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    not anymore. i reworked this IFV, and it has a new shape, but the MAV-20 APC still has some features from the Patria AMV and also some features from other vehicles. I have 350 mo of pictures from different vehicles or weapons. For example the GTK boxer, the Rooikat, also some turret pictures: Elbit system, cockerill turrets, Oto melara turrets etc etc. so my vehicles are a mix of all of that. :p
  6. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    a little exclusive gift: the WTU spec APC (still WIP) ;) Uploaded with ImageShack.us this vehicle was intended as a surprise but ... ;)
  7. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    thx a lot guys for these kind words ;)
  8. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    well, i'm back. my forced vacation away from the forum were long:p some fresh news : http://3d-mod.over-blog.com/ + a new layout for the site btw: yes i changed my pseudo, I should have put in my sig "Sennacherib aka d@nte" sorry (done now)
  9. Sennacherib

    Stargate Universe [SG:U]

    very good episode, i like the characters darkness, a great new feature finally in the SG world
  10. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    sorry, the release is postponed until next week end, because i prefer finally to make a medium release instead of 2 little. i'm going to add to the release the new volunteers weapons and the new volunteers + the WTU IFV + the WTU elite soldiers (updated textures) and their new weapons MX-C riffle and the Mini Missiles Launcher which will be used by these soldiers for the moment, later i'm going to make their own mini missiles launcher (it will be more scifi) :) btw; someone would have some ideas for the WTU heavy tank :D
  11. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    later dude, i must finish my own stuff before, this is only a project.
  12. Sennacherib

    WW4 Modpack 1

    mate, i just try the ecp-ww4bis anims, this is an amazing job. the new animations are excellent. but I had to modify the cpp to keep the ecp stuff (DSAI, "release unit" etc etc). can't wait to see your new jewel ;)
  13. Sennacherib

    WWIIEC : Caen 1944

    it's more complicated. I made some buildings and objects for the mod, when i begun, i was still a noob, and the textures are not good (bad sizes etc), for now i don't have the time to modify them. don't forget, that FAB is the only active member of the mod, and he has also a rl.
  14. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    thx, but i added some objects since the last release, but don't worry, the map is always without lag.;)
  15. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    next week-end, i'm going to release the new thyrian soldiers (thyrian regulars and blackops), + the new thyrian apc, and maybe something else :)
  16. Sennacherib

    WW2 Desert pack - North Afrika 1941-1943

    why not :confused:;)
  17. Sennacherib

    WW2 Desert pack - North Afrika 1941-1943

    yes, these models are low polys. for the interiors the BIS ones would be correct, because interiors are not really important (excepted for the fanatics of realism):p
  18. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    @Prof, thx mate ;) @BronzeEagle, maybe later :p for now I have already a lot of things to do/finish ;) a little list: - WTU ifv - volunteers/thyrian army trucks - the mini missiles launcher - the WTU regular army weapons - an AT launcher - Thyrian blackop IFV - the volunteers new APC and IFV - WTU APC - the regular WTU soldiers - the WTU heavy tank (I lack of ideas :( ) - the thyrians APC - the thyrian AA armored vehicle - some objects for the soldiers of each side + the map :D
  19. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    ok thx ;) new textures for the Thyrians: - 1) thyrian blackop recon grey jacket - 2) thyrian blackop recon: DCT-T1 (desertic camo type-tricolor 1) - 3) thyrian blackop: DCT-T1 (desertic camo type-tricolor 1) - 4-5) thyrian volunteers: DCT-B1 (desertic camo type-bicolor 1), the old camo used by the Thyrian blackops. btw: i changed also the shoes -still wip- (for the blackops) and i made some modifications to the trousers.
  20. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    new pictures available on my site: http://3d-mod.over-blog.com/ :)
  21. Sennacherib

    Need French translator

    this is if you don't know very well this girl. Chère Romane, Il a neigé la semaine dernière et il se pourrait qu'il neige de nouveau demain. Je vis depuis toujours en Floride, et il n'avait jamais neigé jusqu'à présent. mais je serais heureux, s'il pouvait y avoir 1-3 pouces (you should use meters). J'ai un ami qui vit en Virginie, et chez lui, il est tombé 24 pouces (meters too). Neige-t-il dans votre ville? faites-vous un sport? Personnellement je fais de l'athlétisme, de la course pour etre précis. quels sont vos projets une fois vos études terminées? J'envisage de rejoindre la Gendarmerie montée américaine, qui est une branche de l'armée américaine? Quels sont vos horaires scolaires? n'hésitez pas aussi à m'écrire. this is if she is a friend. Salut Romane, Il a neigé la semaine dernière et il se pourrait qu'il neige de nouveau demain. Je vis depuis toujours en Floride, et il n'avait jamais neigé jusqu'à présent. mais je serais heureux, s'il pouvait y avoir 1-3 pouces (you should use meters). J'ai un ami qui vit en Virginie, et chez lui, il est tombé 24 pouces (meters too). Neige-t-il dans ta ville? fais-tu un sport? Personnellement je fais de l'athlétisme, de la course pour etre précis. quels sont tes projets une fois tes études terminées? J'envisage de rejoindre la Gendarmerie montée américaine, qui est une branche de l'armée américaine? Quels sont tes horaires scolaires? n'hésite pas aussi à m'écrire. :)
  22. Sennacherib

    Star Wars mod

    yes, that would be great to put your addons to download. we are addicted to OFP, that would be an awesome gift :)
  23. Sennacherib

    New Sci-Fi Mod

    ideas for mech: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Category:BattleMechs:)
  24. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    later, i just want to put them in desert camo ;) i like desertic area :p btw: could i use the script, which is used for the flying transport. I mean the movement of the turbines
  25. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    thx, this gun is used like a tank gun. :) i don't like the way how we can use the bradley gun. :p