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Everything posted by dr_eyeball

  1. dr_eyeball

    The Hunter

    What are you guys discussing AI animal rights for? Â RSPC"AI"A? Â What's next - a petition against Arma 2's AI cows? I think the game was mentioned purely for it's graphics. I tried this out to evaluate the graphics and it has exceptional detail. Environmental sound effects (like birds, and forest sounds, etc) are very effective too. Played at 6am so the dawn effects were emphasised. Noticed a few cool things, which could apply to Arma2's hilly forests theme: - the forests make use of a lot of moss covered (textured) slopes and rocks, which is essential for light restricted areas, although mushrooms were totally absent. - when the wind blows it fans the grass fields with wave like effects. I presume it's directional too, so it would indicate the wind direction. - In some areas, just as it starts to rain on hot ground, a fine ground mist forms - the rain can fall at an angle, not always vertically - the shoreline waves are quite effective and multi-layered - the direct sunlight on objects (trees, hills, etc) are great. The area is very hilly, so some parts are lit up and others in the shade. - sounds were lacking, but it had basic sounds when brushing past bushes - the tall grass around you bends as you walk through it, but oddly, there is no collision detection for bushes or branches Worth checking out as a graphical capabilities demo. Tip: "Q" is auto-walk key.
  2. There's quite a few missions using it now, but I can't think of one right now. Check out the Dialog Framework as a guide. It's a little old now, but the parseText part won't have changed, plus includes a #include file you can use/modify for use inside scripts. It shows 3 examples of how to do the following: Screenshot
  3. dr_eyeball


    @Shadow: The 200ft/m altitude scale was an oversight, since it has a benefit as you stated. The actual digital display readouts are supposed to use different units too, but are simplified for game purposes. I'm not sure if you would want to allow the monocle shade colour to be adjusted to 0%. I would figure it needs some colour for the reflective effect to work in RL, so wouldn't be realistic. @dcb: Confirmed, player launched flare effects are local to the client. A.I. flare effects seem to work ok though. We will look at improving or correcting these issues next time around.
  4. dr_eyeball

    distorted faces

    Is this the same issue? If so, I'm glad it's a known issue. I'm getting it while running ACE 1.04 with Afghan Village only, but if the island changes to Sahrani, the problem goes away. Thanks for the tips; will try them out.
  5. dr_eyeball

    Slow Hemia Interactive?? Manapedia

    No point in promoting defacement and slander.
  6. dr_eyeball

    Merlin - Training System

    You will need to also specify which addons you were using, including island addons, otherwise the conditions cannot be reproduced. Include major version numbers where possible. For example, you would already know that Tatawin island causes CTD on clients after a short while if not run in high detail mode as required.
  7. dr_eyeball

    Merlin - Training System

    I'm not certain what the cause could be. It's not clear whether your game is crashing (like CTD) or freezing and whether it's the client or the server being affected. You could edit your post to clarify it for future reference. It sounds like a client freezing and you are able to rejoin the dedicated server still. (However, if it's the server itself, then that's much more serious.) From monitoring local server, I'm aware that players are able to somehow crash the server eventually, but I don't know the cause. One possible cause would be related to creating objects from invalid classes from search results. The current 'admin/coordinator' should then be aware of what he did last. The arma_server.RPT and arma.RPT log files could indicate a problem too. The log files can contain detected freezes or lock-ups. Using addons and mixing addons further complicates things too. I'll keep an eye on it and report any findings, but it's a tricky issue unfortunately.
  8. dr_eyeball

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Don't tell me that you would allow one single member (ethne currently) to come along and flame-bait everyone and force the closure of a topic which is important to others? (Earlier agitators have already ceased btw.) The proper course of action is to simply post a warning about following forum rules and desist flame-baiting and to stay on topic. It's easy to get carried away when you are being flame-baited. The recent debate may be useless, since they're arguing with an agitator, but the entire topic has been quite insightful. Some of the recommendations are a mere several days work, so having the Arma 2 release date only a few months away is irrelevant. It has also revealed a large variation of PvP game-mode types and opinions of what is 'PvP'. The fact that there is confusion on this alone, indicates there needs to be discussion to help clarify this. Closure of the thread will simply mean that another topic will need to be started. In reality, we need several PvP topics to cover different game-modes. Very nice to see the 'topics per page count' increased. Thanks.
  9. dr_eyeball

    Merlin - Training System

    Merlin version 1.3 is now available. See first post for download links. This is a minor version update. There are no major changes to functionality. It's mainly a compatibility update for addons and terrains. Thanks to all for various reports and requests. Version 1.3 Change Log: Major changes: [list][*]display event handler compatibility with ACE and similar addons, plus ensuring it still works without any addon dependency (eg: a display EH addon). [*]Support for several more terrain addons: Afghan village, FDF_Isle1 (Podaga), Tatawin & upcoming Unsung mod. PM me if I've missed any major interesting islands. [*]Fixed hostage menu bug. (Was looking for 'captive' spelling.) [/list] Minor changes: [list][*]Markers for Spawned AI were not disappearing (reported by b1sh0p). [*]Create standalone weapons and ammo via menu (Crates/IED->Advanced Class Creation->Find Weapons) [*]Simple Export data types button on Create dialog. Still WIP. Just a tool to export type names. Intended for crates only. [*]Grid ref coords (pos2grid.sqf) offset corrections for the extra terrains/islands. [*]Added ACE & Unsung addon crates/medic boxes to "Crates" menu [*]Added ACE Bandages to crates & soldiers if needed & ACE detected, otherwise uses old 'Use/Take field dressing' actions. [*]Client/server (LocalityInit.sqf) modified to recognise non-dedicated client/server. [*]Fixed Heli HUD to (usually) work with Mandoble scripts. [*]ICE Command Interface (still WIP) now includes the basic workings of a squad to squad comm's log & dialog (orders, requests & acknowledgements, including rejection). Arma 2 will already have a new command system, but I'm not sure if they've handled this sort of comm's yet. [*]Internal restructuring, plus some JIP changes. [/list] I keep wondering whether this sandbox mission could somehow be designed as a 'template' rather than requiring separate island specific missions being created. Arma 2 talks about having a much more advanced template system being developed. I hope it handles these kinds of cases, or at least MP mission sub-folders. Using an addon might be better but it would not be as flexible.
  10. dr_eyeball

    Merlin - Training System

    @b1sh0p: [ Edit (13 Feb): I think I've found that issue (and it is likely to occur on SP or non-dedicated servers only). ] I can't replicate that issue. Is this in SP or on dedicated MP server? The markers should only appear for the caller, who will be the admin. They should only appear for 30 seconds. There is a command 'Reveal all object markers' which will redisplay them for 90 seconds but I think that's manually initiated only. @mr.g-c: There will now be a simple option to create a weapon (or parts of a multi-part weapon) along with a sample of it's default ammo. There is no separate option to create ammo at this stage. Some weapon types, (like 'Phone' ) will crash arma though. Update: Sorry for the delay. Next update is pretty much ready to go. No major functionality updates unfortunately. Main focus was the display event handler compatibility with ACE and similar addons, plus ensuring it still works without any addon dependency (such as display EH). Plus support for several more islands.
  11. dr_eyeball

    How big is your ArmA Directory?

    53.4 gb I also checked my Arma Downloads folder and was surprised that it's only 43 gb.
  12. dr_eyeball

    Waypoint Order "DISMISSED"

    Each waypoint type is listed in BIKI under the topic ArmA:_Mission_Editor.
  13. That 2nd Civilian footage is looking great. Well, they had a very uncooperative cow in their motion capture studio who was very sensitive about allowing the velcro markers to be placed on those areas of the stretch suit. Â
  14. dr_eyeball


    No further changes for FLIR. It's considered complete for now. Moved on to more interesting tasks like the (pilot's) PNVS camera optics, which is independent of the CPG (Copilot/Gunner) TADS optics. It has 3 tracking modes too: assigned target, fixed ground position & CPG view. Edit: Not sure whether you mean IHADSS helmets on the actual pilot models or just the IHADSS functionality. The IHADSS functionality will be there with the Symbol Generator and/or PNVS plus the option of using an actual monocle.
  15. I have used __EVAL in classes for that, so it might work here. See BIKI You could try: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">x_EVAL( $STR_LOCATION + $STR_DAYTIME ) LOL. This forum actually tries to parse the code, so the "x" is really another underscore, making it a double underscore prefix.
  16. One way might be: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> LaserTarget = "LaserTargetW" createVehicle _jetPos;  while {alive jet} do  {   LaserTarget setPos _jetPos;   sleep 0.1;  };
  17. Bug report: Description: The keyDown/Up event handlers must return a "handled" result from all functions. Currently this implementation executes all event functions in the list, but only returns the 'handled' result of the last function (if at all). This prevents ACE from being fully compatible with other addons/missions. File: ace_sys_displayEH.pbo Function: S_displayEventHandler_KeyDown_Refresh Sample solution: *for "_i" from 1 to (_listcount-1) step 3 do { * *_functionVar = S_displayEventHandler_KeyDown_List select _i; * *if (_handlerActionList != "") then { * * *_handlerActionList = _handlerActionList + " || "; * *}; * *_handlerActionList = _handlerActionList + _functionVar; *}; Other variations could: strip off trailing semicolons from _functionVar and validate that the result is boolean (like SPON does). (If you have queries, use PM, since I don't track forums much.)
  18. I have posted this here in order to confirm whether this is a real bug or not. Any confirmations (or a fix) would be appreciated. I posted this on Mantis (issue #00019), based on existing submission advice on this forum & BIKI (is that info still valid?), but I don't know if it's truly active. I don't know where bugs get posted these days. Description: (findDisplay 46) displaySetEventHandler with "KeyDown" event, does not recognise the right square bracket key on the keyboard. All other keys work fine. Relevance: The right square bracket is the standard 'NextAction' menu key, so making alternate menu interfaces such as MFD (multi-function display) menus & popup menus (using rscTitles or dialogs), with identical standard interaction is not possible. Suggested cause: it may be hard-coded into arma somewhere since it still allows interaction with the ArmA main menu and Action menu, whereas other keys (like left square bracket) can be trapped by the UI event handler. Suggested workaround: None, since it doesn't even recognise the key. Additional Information I've also tried it with/without the right square bracket key being assigned in Arma's Options->Controls configuration. See Mantis (issue #00019) for additional Info & Notes. Test Downloads: (same as already on Mantis) Test Mission: _test_bracketKeyBug.Intro.rar Test Screenshot Test Instructions: - In mission, select MFD action (or press Left Alt "LookAround" key). - Press '[' and ']' to scroll. -- (You will find ']' doesn't work. That's the TEST.) - You can also use PgUp/PgDn to scroll (added for test purposes). - Press 'Enter' to select.
  19. Not sure what you mean. Are you suggesting using "NextAction" as the shortcut for the addAction command? For whatever reason, it seem that you can't use most of those menu-related actions as shortcuts with addAction command. However, I'm primarily concerned with the displaySetEventHandler command and that single key not being detected at all. These are the key lists being used: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">actionKeys "MenuBack" actionKeys "PrevAction" actionKeys "NextAction" actionKeys "Action" #define DIK_LBRACKET 0x1A #define DIK_RBRACKET 0x1B (from DIK codes)
  20. dr_eyeball


    FLIR: The FLIR mode has been further improved yesterday, (although more possibilities still exist): <ul>[*]colour flooding on the ground, water & cities has been eliminated [*]new default mode is now grey-scaled (not B&W), with objects illuminated in white, which fixes water & sky shades and looks more natural [*]the other 2 secondary FLIR modes will still exist as options: B&W (black & white) mode & RGB filtered mode 1. New default FLIR mode / 2. FLIR modes comparison IHADSS: <ul>Edit: I now think you must have meant the background colour. That has been added. Although most I've seen are violet.[endEdit] Yes, the IHADSS has 10 colours, including (dark) green & (bright) lime, suitable for night & day. Later I might put in a configurable RGB scale. Note: The HUD is obviously different for the pilot: primarily with velocity vector & horizon line. Pilot IHADSS HUD image MFD: Regarding the MFD, although it's technically not native to the AH-64A model, as you can imagine, it was impossible to accomodate 50 items in the normal Action menu and an interactive analog console is not feasible, so a compromise was made to provide the MFD as a substitute interface. Some of the benefits of the MFD: <ul>[*]it's not a dialog, but an rscTitle, so you just toggle it on/off with your lookAround key (left Alt), it remembers your last page and also doesn't interfere with normal flying and (most) commands [*]menu items can be selected using keys 0..9 or normal menu navigation [*]it uses standard action key mapping for menu navigation, not hard-coded keys, so you should be able to map menu navigation to joysticks [*]it handles a nested menu system (so many "pages" can be handled) [*]it handles graphics underlays and icon/vector drawing modes [*]currently the main menu pages are: Armaments, Targets, Chaff deployment, FLIR/PNVS/IHADSS/TADS, Vehicle accessories, plus sub-pages like Configuration. [*]real-time updating Sample MFD pages Although probably not part of this AH-64A model's release, there's also work being done to handle: <ul>[*]dual MFD screens, which becomes useful for combined radar & targeting. [*]forward radar MFD (forward 80 degree sector) [*]global radar MFD (360 degree) [*]fully scalable & movable panels Screenshot: Forward radar MFD Footnote 1: I wish to direct BI dev's to this post about EH ignores right bracket key bug too, since that limits the navigation interaction with the MFD buttons.
  21. dr_eyeball

    Team Status Dialog

    I had a recent query about these topics. 6 digit grid ref's: Currently there's is no 6 digit grid ref support. (I think there's an updated SPON_Map script which supports 6 digits by now, but I don't know if it's stand-alone.) If you're creating/porting a mission for an island using 6 digit grid ref's, a short-term solution is to simply disable the grid ref display for now, assuming it's not used elsewhere. Just add a line to your init.sqf file: ICE_GridRefCoords = {"xx"}; // substitute function or modify pos2grid.cpp to return an empty string. Score column & other columns: Regarding displaying the score column, there are future plans to create an alternate smaller Team Status dialog with minimal columns and extended group joining options (proper broadcast request/response system, group locking, etc). Most columns are not required and should be deleted for PvP game-mode support, since some column information (including the grid ref coord's columns) would be considered cheating. It could then be reduced in screen size to make it quite a small dialog. Another option would be to have selectable columns. In the short-term, you can just edit the TeamStatusDialog.sqf file to display blank scores by changing the TSD9_GetScoreTotal function to something like: TSD9_GetScoreTotal = {"--"};
  22. dr_eyeball

    Merlin - Training System

    It supports it for the most part afaik. It sounds like it may have a clash with DisplaySetEventHandler (for KeyDown) causing the ACE EH being erased. The project already includes SPON Core, so I can probably simply utilise it's key event handler which I think is based on the same system used by ACE. I'll investigate soon. Thanks for the notice.
  23. dr_eyeball

    Target The Sky

    Just copy Warfare's artillery code and adapt it. Common\Functions\Common_FireArtillery.sqf <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> .... _watchPosition = [(_position Select 0) + (sin _direction) * 50,(_position Select 1) + (cos _direction) * 50,_angle]; Gunner _artillery DoWatch _watchPosition; ... Also the ' arty fire "D30" ' command should work fine for repeated fire for AI since I use it for "M119" too.
  24. dr_eyeball

    call compile createmarker

    First problem I see is missing quotes around marker name. Try single quotes: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">call compile format["%1 = createMarker ['%1', %2];", _markername, _position];
  25. I don't think there is a control which does both word wrapping and vertical scrolling. (At least I've never seen it done.) The listbox is your closest choice or designing your own complex version. Even the rscHTML control doesn't scroll, but also has word wrap like RscActiveText does.