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Everything posted by dr_eyeball

  1. Does anyone know the difference between the 2 different night vision modes being shown? Edit: Never mind, same question being asked in this thread: NV Improvement.
  2. Arma already had the High Explosive Bunny Bomb addon, which used to hop around.
  3. Hunter mod? Like hunting rabbits using a tank? There are chickens. This screenshots shows a "Hunted" game mode where you need to survive. It would be funny if you played as the chicken. .
  4. dr_eyeball

    New beta patch 1.16

    I ran Setup_BattlEyeARMA.exe (after ARMAPatch_1_16.exe) but nothing happens or appears. Question: Do you need to run Setup_BattlEyeARMA.exe manually or is it installed automatically by ARMAPatch_1_16.exe?
  5. The official arma2 site already has the previews summarised by date: http://www.arma2.com/previews/arma-2-previews_en.html
  6. Damn, if that's all you were going by - BMP-3 interiors does not imply tanks will have interiors. Oh well. Edit: Those 2 new reviews are promising. The story is sounding good already.
  7. The things I found exciting: Aircraft carrier details looks superb. I would have paid for an expansion pack just for this. I wonder if the aircraft elevator works? Gear menu looks versatile. Filter will be good. Hopefully there are filters for both 'ammo for selected weapon' and 'weapon classes'. Gear/backpack: The extra 12 slots at the bottom presumably appear when you have a backpack (since they said they were using a simplified system). New statics will be very handy indeed: bunkers, tents with bunks, tables, boxes, short aerials, dug in tank emplacement, etc configurable "IGUI Size" - brilliant and very rare in any game. Presumably it means both font size and icon sizes. the new task system looks quite useful. Thanks for shots Dslyecxi. Nice wheat fields. Thanks for extra info Mr.g-c, about tank interiors (need pictures to confirm), 3D editor and even news on the missing functionality helps. Edit: After reading further posts, BMP3 interiors does not imply tanks will have interiors. Not sure if you were joking now. @chris64: The "recess in the middle of the helicopters underside" is a hook. What I'm eagerly wanting to know to confirm facts, but I doubt they'll be able to reveal until release, is: Any details on the extra vehicle functionality (if any). Eg: interactive MFD's/consoles, turret consoles, artillery, UAV terminal consoles, aircraft carrier weapons consoles/radar. Interactivity was the key concept missing in Arma. Dying to know the actual list of new scripting commands to be added. Although stated that there are 100+ new commands, by my calculations, that's still about 50 commands missing. Maybe that figure has been revised already since then.
  8. Not sure if you are already aware about the UI event handlers. LBDrag, LBDragging, LBDrop. Never seen anyone using them yet though.
  9. dr_eyeball


    1) That is the same issue already covered in my last post with a suggested solution to try (if using ACE, try using the ACE version alone). Essentially you will only need one version in the end when one is fixed, or it will be changed to be dormant if another working version is already present. 2) That has been discussed in the XEH thread. This does not take over his project; it is just an interim version until the old beta version (Apr 2008) is fixed and released again by someone or use ACE's version when it's fixed. 3) The original released beta version 0.1 does not work correctly, so this includes about 5 fixes to correct that. Just compare them; it's very simple code. 4) See XEH thread. The next release of this project will include the required 2 line fix. Plus ACE has hopefully done the fixes to their version too (since the Issue #530 is closed now which I presume means fixed, although the history looks odd).
  10. dr_eyeball

    Finding Position problem.

    Edit: @CarlGustaffa: True, modelToWorld would suit ideally for this case, since the direction is already relative. Try this or a variation of it. relPos.sqf: // Desc: offset a position by a certain amount in a certain direction private ['_pos', '_dir', '_distance', '_x', '_y', '_z', '_newPos']; _pos = _this select 0; _distance = _this select 1; _dir = _this select 2; _x = (_pos select 0)+(_distance * sin(_dir)); _y = (_pos select 1)+(_distance * cos(_dir)); _z = (_pos select 2); _newPos = [_x, _y, _z]; _newPos;
  11. I.C.E. - Integrated Command Environment Project Project Status: I have a working alpha version of I.C.E. approaching beta stage. Overall, the project is not complete yet and will take several more weeks to finalise. However I would like to present a preview which may generate some useful discussion for design ideas and problem solving. Progress: 85% ===================================== Goals: The goal is to create a central system containing various modules aimed at improving gameplay, where certain areas are lacking (either in realisim or interest). The primary focus is on providing a more extensive logistical support structure. It's secondary focus is on providing extended commanding options. It is not intentially intended to provide unrealistic/unfair levels of information, that could not normally be obtained by normal methods in various departments over time. It is aimed at larger scale battles, like CTI and long running missions. It aims to provide more communications and information between group members and between groups via requests and responses. Provide a common interface for the large selection of operations you see scripted: transport, arty, airdrops, airstrikes, position designations, commanding, etc Provide a MP compliant system (Dedicated server & C/S support, client broadcasting) Simply providing a more comprehensive and interesting environment and system ===================================== Blue Force Tracking Module Progress: 95% (code completed but not separated yet) The Blue Force Tracking Module (BFTM) will be separated into a separate module which can be included in any other mission for tracking, without the need of the full Commanding Interface. <image> Functionality: - group leader markers (with unit ID & unit strength) - player/AI markers (with name or unit ID) - waypoint lines for leaders and your units (with WP ID) - TODO: might also show either all unit markers and/or lines for each selected group - expected destination lines (which can be same as current waypoint or different if separate move command issued.) Final version will allow these options to be turned on/off as needed. ===================================== Commanding Interface Module Progress: 90% The Commanding Interface Module (CIM) is generally aimed at controlling operations of larger scale battles, like CTI. It is intended to allow: - control of other AI groups (SP & MP) - commanding of MP player groups (via radio chat or instructions dialog and icons (to do) to indicate incoming messages) The CIM is able to be controlled in 2 ways. Via: popup menus only all commands simulate radio comm's only. Groups must be 'contacted' before interaction, making this highly suitable for group leader comm's (rather than commander). (see screenshot) [*]the CIM dialog, which provides: (screenshot) a blue force tracking map quick group selection list composition, threat targets and status details (screenshot) map bookmarks map icons & lines which represent: expected destination, location for next command, current group selection and move markers a portion of the group commands which are normally only available to your group, can now be issued to other groups. - Eg: Popup-menus for: - (screenshot) move - Group waypoint management - (screenshot) (including current waypoint tracking on server) - target - (screenshot) mount/land vehicles/aircraft/statics - (screenshot) status/SITREP - combat mode - behaviour - speed - formation To Do List: - optimise 'calls' by utilising 'spawn' instead - Add player led group handling (currently it's mainly AI) - Review - Add Action menu, for things like: artillery - SITREP - Add commander MP SITREP Request option - those who don't reply don't get updated. - SITREP - Add various levels of reporting - separate the CIM into 3 individual areas: - commanding system - blue force tracking/tactical display (info on map control) - interface (allow switching between different ones, clean/PUM/CIM/MFD) ===================================== Transport Request & Acknowledgement Module Progress: 90% The Transport Request & Acknowledgement Module (TR&AM) is aimed at improving logistics by ensuring you always have transport available (under normal conditions). The MP version of TR&AM (screenshot) aims to: - Prevent dumping of transport vehicles for single use deployments. - Allow players to request transport from other players. Automatically relays current position and destination. - Allow pilots and drivers to see a list of transport requests and acknowledge them. The AI version of TR&AM (screenshot) aims to : - Prevent dumping of transport vehicles for single use deployments. - discourage respawning as sole means of restoring health by providing medevac - provide simple AI transport for common purposes: - insertion/deployment/paradrop - extraction/RTB - medevac - field to field transport Future ideas: - provide AI transport when player numbers are low - possibly disable AI transport once player numbers increase or enable if waiting times are too long - restrict suicide respawns to only allow respawn back at main base. Prevent forward base jumping. To Do List: - Fill in data for MP TR&AM dialog - Complete MP compatibility for AI version of TR&AM. Currently trialling: - Jander's DTP (Dynamic Transport Project) or - TJ72's Airlift scripts. Future ideas: - Extend this request concept to other types of requests or orders. ===================================== Debug Output Console Progress: 100% (except to do list) This is a slightly improved version of the dialog than that found in the Dialog Framework Template, mainly in that it includes a server output log viewing. The Debug Output Console (DOC) dialog provides: - client debug log viewing (see screenshot) - dedicated server debug log viewing on clients - step 1. Request log from server (see screenshot) and wait a second or so - step 2. Initial output response is a long single line. (Hope to improve this in future.) (see screenshot) - step 3. View the details of that long line in formatted output. (see screenshot) - currently limited to 1 page - global & public variables viewing (rather than logging them constantly, just view current values) (see global & public vars screenshots) To Do List: - server debug log: Work out a way to scroll formatted log or send a multi-page capable server log to client ===================================== HQ Support modules Progress: 20% A series of support commands available from HQ for the whole team. Generally options you would not have available to you as a regular group. Features: - Recruit a soldier - (screenshot) with group size limits - UAV radar - 95% done - ground vehicle radar - 0% done - easy: modify UAV radar to do this - idea: don't detect vehicles who's engine is turned off - UAV/UDA camera - downward view - 0% done - seen some others released recently in community - Airdrop requests - (screenshot) crates, landrover, PBX plus progress reports - Artillery - currently using DTP - Airstrike - currently using DTP - more commander options. Eg: SAM site To Do List: - Determine recruitment limitations and spawn locations - UAV radar - complete - UAV camera - start - Complete MP compatibility - Add progress reports to all HQ Support options - Add cancel ability to all HQ Support options - support requests: MP version of calling support for: fuel, ammo, repairs, ambulance, medic - Airdrops are currently dropping in a jerky motion on non local clients. Might be able to solve that by moving it to server or remove object until landed. - Group command log for tracking radio commands issued to your group. Finding relevant chat orders in the chat log is a bother. - Future: Create independent recruitment PUM for general use ===================================== Various other modules Miscellaneous options available. Features: - Team Status dialog - (screenshot) incorporated into PUM's rather than separate Action menu item. - Configuration menu - (screenshot) "Backpack" (hide map objects), fix head bug, hide map markers, set view distance, set terrain/grass detail - Debug menu options - (screenshot) sample commands to help mission makers and testers perform testing faster. - Respawn Dialog included in mission (check if included) - It has been extended to include the ability to spawn inside nominated mobile spawn vehicles, on squad leader, in various base locations and the usual nominated marker locations. To Do List: - Combined group objective control module (CGOC) - 0% done Benefits: - leader/players can see what other groups current objective is, allowing combined efforts. - This information may be provided via request or automatically via a dialog summary. - fixes not knowing where the action is focused, both for your group and for the team - players are not forced to focus on same objective areas, but encouraged to do so. - basically present the leader with a list of available predefined objectives for selection - you cannot leave base without selecting one - deviating from objective area will result in some sort of warnings - it could prevent objectives being too easy to change half-way through for an easier more convenient nearby objective, or if aborting, abort with another objective, like return to base to rearm or for re-enforcements. - it should benefit players playing as individuals too. - groups with common objectives could see other group leaders on map ===================================== Downloads: - There is no official completed project download available yet. - If you wish to try out the progress so far, you can download a working alpha version, meaning it's not complete, not fully functional, not fully MP compliant and prone to problems. - The project includes a demo mission to test the I.C.E. functionality. Alpha version 0.102 - 22 Aug 2007 Alpha version 0.115 - 31 Aug 2007 Alpha version 0.122b - 29 Oct 2007 2009 - The latest version is now found included in the Merlin Porject, which provides a convenient way of testing the functionality, but will make it slightly harder to separate the code for private use. Any suitable feedback and ideas are welcome.
  12. The script looks technically fine, except for some issues. You are most likely executing this SQF script using 'exec' instead of 'execVM'. Other issues: - When creating a group of side resistance, you either need to already have a resistance unit in the mission or create a 'center' (side) using createCenter. - Using createUnit won't create the unit at the specified position. Instead it finds a nearby position. Use setPos to correct this.
  13. I'm guessing the UI namespace relates to the UI event handlers mainly, which are strings. (eg: MouseButtonDown, LBListSelChanged, Action, etc). But I'm guessing if you execute a script from those EH's, then those scripts will still have access to global variables, so long as they are not passed in as parameters, so you would simply need to move your processing logic into there. This would then encourage you to use the control which is already passed via the parameters too. Maybe they are expanding the ability to use nested dialogs or are providing access to certain Arma dialog's (eg: main menu(/action menu), scoreboard, etc)
  14. I couldn't find a way either. Using the onCheckBoxesSelChanged event is rather limited too.
  15. dr_eyeball

    BI Forums downtime

    Love the new forums, but I can't believe you totally forgot to fix some of the simple BBCode mappings which were incorrectly done first time round for the beta forum (then identified and posted in forums.bistudio.com PUBLIC BETA, which would have automatically fixed 90% of the badly formatted posts. Unless there was no control over this aspect. At least the post truncations were fixed. Incorrect BBCodes examples: (3 main ones) [list] is being mapped to <ul> (even though [/list ] is still being used to terminate it) [color=] is being mapped to <span style='color:...'> [size=] is being mapped to <span style='font-size:...'>
  16. dr_eyeball

    short and "easy" MP missions

    Arma basically already has that in the form of the MP mission Wizard (templates). IIRC, they said arma 2's templates will be much better and enhanced even further.
  17. dr_eyeball

    ArmA II: Weapons Sections

    What's the word on towing? Will artillery be able to be towed around?
  18. Problem solved: ADSL Modem firmware update fixed the issue. D-Link DSL-502T The problem was narrowed down to not being able to JIP any server where the mission had already started. Therefore some of the statements below might be correct but can be misleading. What causes this error message and how is it fixed? Signature check timed out I can't seem to connect to servers any more. I'm baffled by this problem. I'm getting stuck on the "Wait for host" screen and unable to continue. Then 1 minute later, the "Signature check timed out" message appears. If I don't use mods (on non-modded servers), the message does not appear but the "Wait for host" screen is the same. Before this latest problem, for the past week or more, I've been either disconnected or CTD 20 minutes into the game, then unable to rejoin for the server, even with a reboot, modem reset, retry, etc. It gets stuck at the end of "receiving data". I suspect that only a server reset fixes it, because it became ok days later. I'm reading that using "VerifySignatures=1" could be related to all this. There are a few related topics, but nothing exactly the same. I'm at a loss to fix this, so I will probably try to reinstall everything, but I'd still like to know what causes that error message. Edit: Full reinstall made no difference. New hard-drive, new WinXP, new Arma, etc.
  19. dr_eyeball

    Signature check timed out

    Edit 3: Problem solved: ADSL Modem firmware update fixed the issue. Edit: Full reinstall made no difference. New hard-drive, new WinXP, new Arma, etc. Edit 2: The problem does not occur for all servers. It seems the problem happens for empty servers immediately and occupied servers later on. i.e. I can sometimes connect to those servers if occupied. Being a passworded server admin, voted admin or using vote commands doesn't help. All ver 1.14 servers worked fine so far. Like I mentioned, it's also not connecting without addons too, just without the timeout message. Slightly different behaviour. Then on some servers you get this: Screenshot On some working servers, this screenshot appears, then gets filled in 5-10 seconds later, which is fine then.
  20. dr_eyeball

    Mission download breaks, but mission still launch

    Reproducing the problem: I think this is all partly related to getting stuck on the "waiting for host" / "receiving data" type messages. I was able to get identicle screenshots by pressing ENTER while at the end of the "receiving data" progress bar after waiting 5-20 minutes. It seems that clicking the OK button is blocked (disabled), but pressing ENTER (and TAB works also) forces it to proceed to next stage even though it is not yet ready. You may not have been aware that should not be bypassed this way. Cannot join at all: I'm getting similar problems now where you get a CTD early on and then you cannot rejoin the server for the rest of the night because upon each retry, it is getting stuck at the end of "receiving data" for 15 minutes, even with a reboot, modem reset, retry, etc. Chat messages still appear during this time and others can join. I suspect that only a server reset fixes it, because it becomes ok days later. Very frustrating.
  21. dr_eyeball

    Razani, N. Waziristan Map

    Looking good. What ambition! Opteryx's buildings will be well utilised here. Few initial comments about the town mainly: <ul>[*]the metal bus shelters looks totally out of place for the environment. Every other structure is mud or timber. [*]I would try to avoid putting the buildings beside/overlapping the walls without at least a 1.5m gap. AI don't behave well otherwise. It can also look better since the textures are different. Plus it reduces the use of escape routes and hiding spots. [*]The parallel side roads seem too well pre-planned for such an area [*]Walled compounds can also be rhombus or trapezoid shaped, not just perfect oblongs. Again, that relates to avoiding the perfect preplanned community. Great work. Looking forward to using this.
  22. Edit: It seems the server is simply not ending, but all clients are ending, even though they all use the same triggers and same End activation type. I used forceEnd on the server as a workaround and it now works.
  23. dr_eyeball

    action "Lighton" dont work

    Edit: Info appears to be incorrect. It has no space. <s>if the correct spelling is confirmed to be "light on" (with a space), then the wiki should be corrected to reflect this.</s> Odd that every other action is without a space. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Armed_Assault:_Actions_List#LightOn
  24. dr_eyeball


    Display Event Handler incompatibility: Those issues are definitely related to the display event handlers (DEH). One (or preferably both) of the following will have to occur for a proper final solution in future. - ACE DEH will need to be fixed to process the 'handled' return values of the functions (as required by BIS standards). - HWM DEH will need to be fixed to be more flexible to handle missing 'handled' return values (as BIS does) and default to false. I should have foreseen that. It was reported to ACE in this post but it has no priority number yet. Maybe because not many have reported it as a (reproducible) bug. Â Add a vote to that post and maybe they will have it fixed sooner than we can. I was hoping ACE would have fixed it with ver 1.03 before this was released. I've just added a note there to further complete the suggested solution. Unofficial untested workaround (for personal testing only): When using ACE, try removing hwm_displayeventhandler.pbo. That would fix all of ACE's problems, but might introduce problems for the MFD. We would have to retest 50+ conditions to find out. I know there were less than 5 or so cases where this was required. The side effect could be either trivial/minor/major, not sure yet. If they are all minor, it may be an acceptable workaround until it is fixed. @Q: Good suggestions. Will consider them all. I'll query some. 4) Stacked? I don't understand this query. Are you talking about MFD menu control keys or optics keys? Keypad Num 0 (and 'V' key) are the default optics keys. Backspace (and 'Spacebar' ) is the default 'Previous Menu' key for MFD menus. 7) HWM flares are assigned to the 'Reload' key which is usually the 'R' key by default. That is configurable via your Arma options. It is not hard-coded, so not sure. 11) That's a restriction of Arma's line drawing capabilities. All lines have a default transparency. I have a solution to fix 80% of those by using images instead, but any diagonal lines will have to remain the same. I hope Arma2 removes this restriction. Thanks for responses. It emphasises which issues are more important.
  25. dr_eyeball


    @monty67t: Getting stuck in PNVS mode without exit keys: I have not been able to reproduce that problem yet. I'll have to monitor that one until it can be reproduced reliably. Possible workaround in the meantime: If you are already in the pilot seat at the start of the mission, then dismount then reboard the chopper to reactivate it's 'get in' event. (Not sure if this is the reason, but on a dedicated server, it seems the display event handler doesn't initialise properly if the pilot is already on board at the start. This is apparent because the shortcut keys: V,K,B,R don't work until MFD is shown. Either the player doesn't exist at that time or it's executed too early. XEH 1.92 has some new postInit options which may help next time.) @sgt_savage: Addons: Thanks mate. There are plans to release it as a separate addon (to replace current HMD HUD addon) for any chopper to use. Initially it would be the same version (just for fun) and later, it will have specific versions for AH-1Z and UH-60 and maybe others if I can find specifications for them. Mainly the HUD layouts, HMD's and turning certain features on/off. @Killg0re: Damage: Good point, the MFD should probably only stop functioning when the "electronics" is damaged. Sub-systems could have a malfunction status message. Target locks: Arma does not have any scripting command to perform a target lock (eg: for hellfires). When a target is assigned to you, it is simply the recommended target. It is still up to the gunner to use the Next Target (Tab key) or your Lock button (right mouse) to lock on to the target manually. The targeting system would have been totally reworked if some extra scripting commands existed. Laser target designator locks: The laser designator requires the same lock on technique mentioned above. If an laser target is assigned, it does not mean it is locked on. We'll have to check if there's more to it than just that. @mr.g-c: CPG laser designator: Correct, the CPG should definitely have primary control of the laser designator. There was some issue with it, so it was not included this time. Not sure whether the pilot could take over control of it from the CPG in RL, but it's probably worth keeping for game purposes. @BIS: There are also a few bugs with the Arma scripting commands selectWeapon & removeMagazine when the following conditions exist: you are a pilot, are using manual fire, have not had a anyone in CPG seat and playing on a dedicated server, the commands do not function as normal. These bugs fix themselves once a gunner has sat in gunner seat. Editing:: There is a special global variable called "HWM_DisableMFD". Just set it to true (or any value), if you need to use the chopper with it's normal original Arma functionality for specific missions, especially where fairness is an issue.