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Everything posted by Dowie100

  1. Dowie100

    ArmA release date leaked out?

    lol 30th December what a joke, I have sadly given up on this game now, I am going to buy Fahrenheit and Darwinia instead.
  2. Dowie100

    Release Thread 2

    With the time remaining in Q4 shortening, how do you think the game will come out. Steam, D2D or something else?
  3. Dowie100

    Release Thread 2

    Yes 30 pages of asking for info and we get that reply, why did he bother. Damn I was trying not to complain, but this situation really is a joke
  4. Dowie100

    Release Thread 2

    Must keep posts constructive, therefore I have nothing else to say
  5. Dowie100

    Release Thread 2

    why, surely the community isnt that disillusioned
  6. Dowie100

    Release Thread 2

    just floating ideas, and so far the thread has remained constructive which was the idea. If it wasnt for a release thread, then this forum would be dead
  7. Dowie100

    Release Thread 2

    true, but Valve will take less profits etc than a publisher would. remember Valve have always be a company that is all about Developers rights, in fact they made Steam so that Developers could release games no matter what the suits say and also get more money from them to fund their studio and projects. Maybe a compromise, retail and download off Steam but it doesnt run on steam ,you just get the standalone game from it, and patches as they are released? And as for comments being disabled, did you read them because im afraid its the content that caused them to go, I would really like to believe BIS is now going to talk to us, instead of giving 200 interviews about Elite which I am considering buying since Arma is looking in a bad way (a cynic might say this effect is deliberate but we wouldnt want an consiracy theorys would we)
  8. Dowie100

    Release Thread 2

    I think its because of the comments but anyway. Heres my ideas on advantages + disadvantages of release stratagies Steam Distribtution Advantages When its ready it can be released, no CD's need to be made. Gets the game to millions of gamers. Allows a much larger cut of profits for the developers. Less money needs spent as no cd's and boxes. Allows patches to be sent to people as they are released, ie everyone is at the same version of the game. Can sell the game for cheaper as no Publisher cuts etc, so people are more likely to buy the game. Disadvantages People reuluctant to use a new system. The need for internet activiasion and downloading of the game. People like to have some physical version of the game. The fact that it cant run without steam. The fact that it wont be in shops so unless people know about Steam they wont get the game, ie less like likely to be bought during Christmas sales etc. Retail Distribution Advantages Puts their game in the shops, so the game has more of a presence. Reaches everyone. disadvantages Retailers and Publishers take a lot of the profits It takes time to make copies of the game, so release pushed back. By Mail order Distribtution Advantages BIS get all the profits disadvantages BIS, need to make the CD's and boxes themselves They dont have the resources for mass production of cd's etc Limited supply Postage and packing, means more money for the game, and it arrives later. They need to invest is secure webservers/credit card autherisation etc. Download from BIS Server Distribtution Advantages Gets the game to us, with no need for making CD's BIS can release when they want to BIS get all the profits disadvantages The need to buy more bandwidth and faster servers The need to get more server security Overall I think that Steam distribution is the best option, as the system is already in place. I dont mean exculusive Steam, it should come out on Steam, then a while later retail (which adds it to your steam account) this allows the game to come out on time, when its ready, patches to be added as they are created, and also the download and server stuff is already their. Also the secure Steam transaction system is in place. This method also allows BIS to have more control and gain more profits.
  9. Dowie100

    Release Thread 2

    as long as it stays on-topic and doesnt consist of only complaining, but genuine discussion they cant close the topic.
  10. Dowie100

    Less can be more!

    you played Darwinia? Thats got a clear screen style hud
  11. Dowie100


    I can run steam when not on the net! What are you talking about?
  12. Dowie100


    Unless everytime someone posts here they stop working I doubt we are in any way interupting their work.
  13. Dowie100


    keep up posts like that and the only thread currently doing anything will be locked, wtf BIS Even Valve would tell us more about release dates! No wait they are doing the same as you Q4 then when Q4 arrives sorry we arnt finished yet, wtf am I writing. Pretty much I am saying I want them to say its delayed, or its still coming out. Silence sucks ass.
  14. Dowie100


    source? Well, it's true. Even BIS said so. There is no Armed Assault 2, they said they wernt gonna do a sequal actually.
  15. Dowie100


    The guy I just met down the street
  16. Dowie100


    server admin
  17. Dowie100


    Dire Straits: How Long Wow, thats such a perfect song for this situation.
  18. Dowie100


    dammit I tried not checking here everyday, but well here I am again, damn you BIS for making the third best game ever. Awaits news... C'mon lets make this thread 100 pages long, lets let BIS know how much we want their game.
  19. Dowie100


    America stands alone does it, hmmm....
  20. Dowie100

    Armed Assault or Operation Flashpoint 2?

    there are some arma pics look closely
  21. Dowie100


    ohh well there goes getting it for xmas, like was said above people buy them before xmas! This forum is dead, unless you count this pathetic thread thats posted in every while, the size of it says all you need to know I give up.
  22. Dowie100


    Yet offer no info at all on Arma. Just a simple "its still on track keep checking the site for updates" would be good enough. And no I havnt got mods and bis people mixed up. I was remarking that mods on other forums ask the devs for info, and are given info if it is something important. here the mods seem more clueless than us lol.
  23. Dowie100


    yeah good point, the mods here just lock threads, on the steampowered forums *shudder, the mods have to deal with the worsr trolls and flame wars on the net, yet they always try at least to answer questions, and they ask Valve for info if they dont have it or at least post a link to a thread that does answer the question. Here its "troll" locked bye.
  24. Dowie100


    Codemasters published OFP Elite, because they had the contract to it before BI broke up with them its been in dev for a long time, so its not a new deal at all, its just part of the break-up between them like them owning OFP.