After reading most of the posts in this thread, I seriously believe we must be talking about two different demos
I downloaded it yesterday myself.
My first shock was seeing how it ran very very smooth on my comp (AMD64 2Ghz, 1 Gb of RAM and an old AGP Radeon 9600 Pro) at low detail (not "very low") and at 1024x768x32.
I haven't experienced any crashes, load times are incredibly short, vehicles handle better than in OFP, and apart from the AI being olympic shots I haven't had a problem with it. In fact, I love it with a passion and I will buy it as soon as it comes out. Not only that, I'm getting an Intel Core 2 Duo and a GeForce 7600 GS (PCI Express) to get more detail out of it without FPS issues.
I like the aiming system, the movement system and basically everything in the game. My only concerns with the demo are more difficulty / balance related than performance or coding related:
<ul>[*]The PK machine gun lacks recoil almost completely. It's *much* more effective at close quarters than any AR because it has faster ROF, higher accuracy, less recoil and more ammo per clip. This is, to say the least, odd. I find it strange to be able to shoot a machinegun in full auto from the hip and mow down AI guys with AK74s who simply don't have time to reply or aim.
[*]The way aiming is now, with the reticle disabled, it takes ages to line up a shot. I find this realistic, but the AI doesn't face the same challenge and can hit your forehead before you can even bring up the gun to your eyes.
[*]The M2HB on the Hummer is used by the AI as a .50 cal sniper rifle. I mounted one of my guys there for support in the coop mission and he was firing *literally* one shot per kill.
[*]The AI clearly sees through grass, leaves and all light obstructions.
[*]Grenades are impractical. Impossible to aim, and take too long to toss. You can't throw a grenade out of a window or a door, because you have to step outside, stand in front of the enemy for 6 seconds while they pepper you and end up lobbing it into the next village.
[*]Binoculars render you completely immobile not only during use, but also during the looong time it takes to produce them or put them away. It makes you a sitting duck, just like grenades.
Those are my only concerns. I'm sure it could be modded, but I think it's reasonably major stuff and would deserve at least consideration by BIS. In short, most actions (changing gear, using binoculars, aiming, throwing a grenade) take way too long and render you completely immobile while you perform them, which means death in most cases, specially because of the marksmen the AI sports