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About Dedan

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    OFP and Americas Army.
  1. This addon got me to play OFP again Very nice job
  2. Dedan

    Army Stryker vehicle

    Errr.... This is the Americas Army Stryker And so is this
  3. Dedan

    The New USMC MOD

    Okay then, maybe I can help you out whit some animations.
  4. Dedan

    The New USMC MOD

    Hey guys, really nice pic's. Do you need any BETA testers? Please contact me if you need one, on [email protected]
  5. Dedan

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Okay, how about to replace the BAS Delta's to the LSR Delta's? Laser's deltas look way much like the do in real life then bas delta's. Dedan
  6. Dedan

    Character 'Ragdoll' Physics

    Yeah, Ragdoll in AA works really fine, just hope the add it to OFP2 too Dedan
  7. How about to add Character 'Ragdoll' Physics in OFP2? Allmost every game has it that been make these days. Dedan
  8. Dedan

    Tales of War

    Nice to see that you are back, and btw, nice site too.
  9. Dedan

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Nah, who cares. Special Forces All The Way!! Â
  10. Dedan

    Laser's latest over on Flashpoint.ru

    This is the best rangers to ofp I ever have seen! LSR you really did a nice work whit these rangers. Dedan
  11. Dedan

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Replace the HYK units to LSR Rangers, way much better Dedan
  12. Dedan

    Liberation 41-45 ingame train video!

    I think its DJ Shadow , dunno what the album or track is ? Trains cool ! Â its the track from "the matrix rise of the machines" techno version That doesent say me much at all! Write down Artist and Track please! Dedan
  13. The genious addonmaker Colonel_Klink is working on a new project called Dynamic Interactive Buildings (DIB). Basically it'll allow us to interact with objects or destroy specific parts of a house, like breaking windows, doors, or even walls, to finally see the whole building collapse instead of having standard OFP engine destroyed model! As he's explaining what it is on his DIB FAQ, it's not just the standard OFP features like the normal opening and closing doors, ladders, AI paths etc, but it includes much more; a DIB structure has windows that can break, doors that react to bullets and explosives, wall sections that can be blown apart or crumple realistically when hit by mortar/tank or aircraft ordinance. Debris that forms in line with the level and type of damage that occurs to the building. Realistic fire and smoke effects. If Colonel_Klink can fully implement it, it's one more big OFP limitation that will be pushed away!!! More technical info on his DIB FAQ, more pictures of the DIB system in action on his DIB screenshot page and finally other features and demo of the DIB system in his DIB dedicated forum. Sourse: OFP.info
  14. Dedan

    Combat! bradley pack 1.0 released

    This pack rules! Same as all other COMBAT! addons! Great work! Dedan