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Everything posted by DaSquade

  1. DaSquade

    ArmA2:Oa Patch 1.54 released!

    Imho this is a very good marketing plan of BIS (really) to include several (or all?) preview/placeholder items at low texture/sound quality. Good job. Just a few questions: - Will the placeholders be overwritten after installing DLC BAF (so mission compatible + clean editor and non-double names in the list)? - Are all placeholders using the newer features, like the newly introduced artilery feature (correct me if wrong, but i thought that was something new and BAF exclusive). Anyway, again a good decission of BIS imho and shows there aren't your 'insert what every other dev team' game. Don't think anyone release placeholders of a payware DLC before.... Before someone still doesn't understand it, it are placeholders. They aren't really meant for 'gameplay' (as i read someone complained even the ironsights are blurry)...jesus. Like mentioned, it only cost 10€ (i know we had a economic crisis...). Noticed someone already had the idea to retuxture the material, well in that case i would like to direct him to this topic in case those aren't following the news: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=105256 -> Some might say, the placeholder sample are part of the patch (subject of how you see it). In that case: Meaning afaik, hexediting for retexturing the placeholders is not allowed. So please be happy for what BIS included, support this and if you really want it, buy it :) .
  2. DaSquade

    How to center the model?

    In case the proxy's (or at least one) are equal placed, maybe you should work with those to center the model. Last take for example the pistol proxy (if they are in the same placement on both models)....select both pistol proxy's and press Shift C. Make sure it has the 'cross and circle' icon (if it is only cross it won't work). Now select the bad positioned model and use the mirror tools in front/left and top view to 'mirror' it in place. Once the model is in place, it could be you will need to select the pistol proxy of the bad model and use that as pin point (use a vertex that is matching the original proxy), and mirror untill your unit is correctly. Bit hard to explain, but should be near perfect (meaning, if for exampel you mirror a point that has as cords: 5.32546874562, after mirroring it will be -5.32547...as O2 doesn't store more then XXXX numbers behind the , ). But overall that shouldn't be noticable. Hint and not directly on topic: as i used to use the pin and mirror methode a lot, you might want to select all vertexes that needs to be flat on a certain axis, go to the view where those vertexes needs to be flat and press P. That will level all those vertexes to the same cords. One could also select all those vertexes and use the Shift E tool and manualy edit the wanted cords, but the Flatten points option is often faster).
  3. Does this happens every where? If so you might want to edit your sceneComplexity (in your username.profile).
  4. jsa2001 & Leon86: thanks for feedback. I can see your points about the CPU versus the GPU. Makes sense and i'm abit aware the ARES might be not a good price/performence item. An the other hand, read 2x480 producing a lot of heat/power and also i'm not sure how userfriendly they are when it comes to triple screen setup (that was why i would prefure cards that support eyefinity). Maybe i checkout some more reviews of the Asus 5870 Eyefinity 6 (comes with stock 6 outputs). Price difference might justify upgrading the CPU to the 980X as it balance the price difference. About the DDR ram, i might need to check but not sure if they make decent (low CAL level) RAM in 4Gb+2Gb kits. Think it will be hard to find equaly spec RAM. There is always the option to buy 24gb (6x4gb) but that might be just too much.
  5. Since my previous post didn't answered me a lot, i did some research for a new PC. Although i have roughly an idea what to get, i would still appreciate feedback. We all know BIS/BIA engines aren't your average game. Anyway, like mentioned, in the first place i need my PC as workstation. That means it will be used for modeling and texturing, data storage. In the second place it is for hopefully be able again to run BIS/BIA games at decent FPS (= decent ingame feel/look). This is what i was thinking of: -Windows 7 64bit Ultimate -SSD Crucial RealSSD C300 64GB -> Windows7 boot -SSD Crucial RealSSD C300 64GB -> Games BIS/BIA -Intel 1336 Quad Core I7 930 (might overclock it slightly as i think this will be the bottleneck). -Thermalright Venomous X (with push-pull fans). -ASUS ARES/2DIS/4GD5 -Corsair Dominator GT 6GB (3x2GB), 1600Mhz, 7-7-7-20 (2 sets = 12GB) -ASUS Rampage III Extreme -3x Samsung SyncMaster 2443BW (already have 2) Availible hardware from current PC: -WD Raptor 150GB SATA II x2 (RAID): BIS/BIA Tools / Photoshop CS / Modo / Workstation (projects) -WD Raptor 74GB SATA II : Reference material. -WD 300GB SATA I : Backup -Cooler master Real Power Pro 850Watt -Thermaltake Kandalf case Maybe some additional info. Currently a dual screen user since many years, couldn't go for less. Even more, the build would actually be build around triple screen. Therefor i'm considering to go with the Asus Ares. Overall good card from what i read (even for Operation Arrowhead). Pro: -'One' card. -Consumes less power then 2 GTX480 cards. -ATI Eyefinity. Cons: +-200-300$ more then 2 GTX 480 cards, but since my PC runs almost daily the powerbill should cover this to equal or more. Happy ASUS (striker extreme and other previous board) user here, so somehow i tend to lean throughwards an ASUS motherboard again. Although most features on the Rampage III extreme are too extreme, but i couldn't find much X58 chipset boards with a Marvell 9128 PCIe SATA 6Gb/s controller witch are needed afaik to get the most out the SSD crucial C300 drives. The EVGA was even more expensive and didn't offer more, in fact i think the ASUS is more user friendly, especially when it comes down to 'safe' overclocking. I have been following the SSD topic a bit and it seams it does help BIS games, although this isn't my first need. But afaik it does help the OS a lot, but again bootup times aren't that important for me imho. I read the 256gb and even 128GB versions have better write speeds, but afaik OS and games don't really need write speeds but good read speeds (350mb/sec if not mistaken for the SSD C300 ones). Since i still have my good old WD raptors, i was considering putting two of them (150GB) in RAID0 or maybe RAID1 for my modeling tools and projects. A SSD 128GB might be better, but somehow i want to keep them. Not sure if a +250€ extra is worth it :s. My current PSU should cover the hardware (luckly) and the thermaltake Kandalf case should be big and good enough (airflow) for the hardware. Not sure yet about how much DDR i would need. I didn't checkout out the performence of RAMdisk versus pagefile or other alternatives, but i though it made a good difference. Just not sure how much ram one would actually need. If i see that my BIS addon folder is +-8gb (arma2) and +-4GB (OA), that would mean i would even have to consider 16GB as my OS and other programs need some ram :s. Maybe someone can clear this out for me. Anyway, like said, primaly for modeling and sicne i recently decided to do high polymodelling and baking, i guess ram and decent GPU would benefit from it. I'm not really into upgrading my PC every year or when something better comes out, so i'm looking at a high-end PC that covers a few years. Looking at a big total cost (+-3000€), so if someone has any suggestions or better setups, please give them.
  6. DaSquade

    USS Nimitz - WIP

    Followed it a bit in the WIP topic. Just wanted to congratulate with the done efforts sofar. Really nice to see someone finally got of their lazy a$$ and decided to make a new one from scretch (instead of working on my old bugged model). Like said, i followed it a bit on the WIP topic and looks you did take your time/research regarding the very important splitting of the model. If not mistaken this is also one of your first BIS model (like it was when i made mine), so i know what a pain it is. Keep up the good work and keep motivated. Looks the old one was much appreciated, so if you succeed (looks like it), the community will praise you for a long time.
  7. DaSquade

    Is There a Way to Lock Movement Keys?

    *Oh the memories. Often during those long tabs i also weighted the key and then went to map view to explore...only to find after a few minutes my unit was stuck behind a bush or rock :d Sorry also G15/G13 user but don't know if that is possible. I agree (although it is part of the game) a 'lock' feature would be nice.
  8. DaSquade

    scope idea

    Did you install the tools and did you install them correctly, as they need the shaders etc to work.
  9. DaSquade

    Trouble with Muzzle

    You need to setup your muzzle as proxy. In case you don't know how, i'm sure the forum search will help you (basicly you need to save your muzzle model as seperate file and then add a proxy and make sure the path to the model is correct). Needs to be done in all visible lods (res lods and view pilot).
  10. If not wrong those are NVG batteries (and offcourse IR beacons), but true they can have all sort of goodies on their helmet.
  11. Please have some patience. I suppose it is no shock to some BIS is trying to catch up with something that has been taken for granted all these years. I'm sure they will adress any issue's when they have a statement for it (it isn't all black and white). Forgot about BIS beer market approche already? New roads needs good fundation...but i'm sure at the end it will be an 'autobahn' ;). ->B.O.T (back on topic).
  12. Go to: Surfaces -> UV sets -> Normally there should only be 1 UV set in that list (above Add/Delete Active etc...). It should only contain "v Active 0". I guess in your case you will have a second one or even more. I had it also awhile back when copy pasting lods and items..... You just need to click on the UVset that you don't need (clicking on it will set it active) and then "Delete active". I might be wrong here, but i even think "mar_squadleader_1.p3d:10000" stands for the first res LOD and mar_squadleader_1.p3d:11000 the second res lod. Again not sure, but might limite your search where the second UVset is located.
  13. Like Junker always said: Mission makers have the right to die first! So in case of devs, winning doesn't mean you earn something. *Personally i wouldn't watch to see the main war but would like a spot in the birdview to watch the side operations. *Eeps forgot quote, should make more sense now.
  14. *removed post because apperently i'm stepping on something.
  15. DaSquade

    thermal vision

    Why post pics if there is real footage availible ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGXbgWqpiUw *To stay ontopic: the guy mentions "a lot say it looks like something out the movie predator" :p
  16. *Supports Rock in his verdict. For those that don't understand why the fuss...Please put yourself in the place of a paying customer of Rocks service. If you still don't understand it you are missing the point of what this community used to stand for (at least some that put all their heart, soll and time into their work...for free).
  17. Good looking Abrams. My only suggestion is to make the main barrel slightly smoother. If not mistaken it is based on a 12 segment cilinder, i think it could use at least a 16 or more segments. Good luck.
  18. DaSquade

    custom design

    Quoting Kristian: That is what makes it that fun. As long as the engine can handle it, you can do what ever you like. It is up to the community if they like it or not. PS: From experience, in the first place, make what you like. It is nice to please others request but it is you who need to enjoy making it. Personally i go for accuratcy and availible items (hunting down those micro details is what makes it fun for me). But if you are creative enough, go for it. Veel geluk/Bon change (good luck).
  19. DaSquade

    [OA] M32 in black

    Giving you the thumbs up on the job.
  20. DaSquade

    RH wip thread

    Hm, is that officially confirmed or properly tested yet? The laser in OA is the peq-15 nor is there a laser/flashlight combo variant. As i'm no code master i don't know if it is possible to have the two in one. Something tells me it can (judging by the memory lods and cfg). Maybe it just isn't possible and also it isn't seperatly key defined. Would be a shame if that was overlooked. Thanks about CASV/VLTOR comments, sadly economic crisis is over here and need to work flatout. Don't even have time for other **** work, let alone communty work. I wish it was otherwise.
  21. DaSquade

    RH wip thread

    See my post here. It even includes possible positive news for guys like you. What i'm trying to say aswell is between the time of making and release the world didn't stopped spinning and new/better things became declassified. Like no need for an an/peq15 model if you know there is an/peq16 model beeing used (by certain guys). It houses everything what the peq15 had + it has a build in (normal) light, so THE combo now possible in OA. Performence wish it is also better as it doesn't require an additional standalone flashlight anymore (although i loved my surefire M900 :d ). Same for the TI sights. Although the current set of TWS sights are the ones beeing issued (beside the other brend), i personally think clip-on sights like the an-pvs26 would be better (not that restricting in first person view) compaired to the general issued TWS sights. Just saying there is an unlimited range of newer/simular items out there ready to be made by somebody with time. *I might be wrong on the an/pvs-26/27 (but at least there are TI clip-on sights that can be used with or without scopes). The joy of making Western weapons and items, once you are almost done with one piece there is already a new piece. Please don't take it personally, but don't always count on copy/past work. As a mather of fact, small item like sights etc are ideal objects to make if you relative new to scratch modeling. Again, sorry if i'm mistaken regarding your skills (i still have some leftover rage after you released 'your' CASV while mine was nearly done but on hold due to other commitments :p ). Keep up the work :)
  22. Excuse me to post this 'not again' type of post, but can anybody post a hardware list of a system that runs arma - OA decent enough to enjoy. With decent enough i mean, overall good FPS that don't kill the feeling but still shows the beauty of it. My main consurn is the fact i often bought the most recent hardware availible, only to discover BIS engine doesn't like super recent hardware and the fact it often takes half a year before you can enjoy what you bought (drivers). I don't really care about the price, but like i'm trying to say, the latest and expensive stuff isn't always worth it. I'm not really a fan of a certain brands (i tried all kinds over the years..AMD-Intel-Ati-Nvidia)... I guess the most important thing is, i want as less stutter/texture flickering as possible. Additionally since i'm used to run dual screens since years i'm temped to try upgrade and go through life as a tripple screen user now that GPU's start to support that. The tripple screen setup isn't directly ment for gaming, but rather modeling. I'm sure even the best hardware running arma would get the system on its knees on a single screen anyway. Excuse me for not keeping up with the latest news. I tried to follow this topic but i found mixed results (understandable). Fact is i want to switch over to windows7 64 bit. Not much usefull in my current desktop, beside my powerbox, case and two raptors (witch i will keep as archieve and maybe 'modeling drives'). I'm considering a SSD drive for my windows and maybe a second one for the BIS collection. Any help to get me out of the woods would be helpfull. As we all know, you simply can't go to the shop and ask 'can you build a system that runs arma good' :d.
  23. DaSquade

    RH wip thread

    Well like said, from a game point of view i guess it would be nice (especially for PvP missions). Not that sure about realistic, it is already hard to find info about russian items, let alone statistics and purchase amounts. But personally i would find it 'nice' to have a russian/chinees/israelish/whatever counterpart. But it's a fact it wouldn't be realistic if it was in the hand of low budget armys...
  24. DaSquade

    MK 17 EGLM question

    I have to admite the quadrant sight isn't THE best alternative compaired to the ladder sight, but way back and with the limited info we had on the SCAR (and still) it looked like the best alternative (since the top rail was already packed etc). Sadly the info about the EOtech M40GL came to late as it might been a better and more usefull alternative. Still somewhat limited compaired to the real 'toy' but at least it would better for non-zeroed ranges. Maybe one day in ACE, or someone else picks up the idea...(same goes for the an/peq15 versus the newer an/peq16 or even the STORM unit. Would have been perfect for OA...but that is downside of how things go in ongoing projects). Sadly i don't have the time anymore to do community work, but who knows something drips over...or i win the lottery and have a half life to commite again on the game :d .
  25. DaSquade

    RH wip thread

    Now why would you want to paste a western developed TI scope that is only availible to the US military (?) on a russian weapon when there are other 3th party TI scopes on the (free?) market? Unless it is for US troops...bit unlikely i guess. Anyway, never loose faith in BIS. Maybe one day... Anyway, from a MP PvP point of view this would offcourse be nice to balance the game (damn, did i just posted 'balance' :s ).