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Everything posted by DaSquade

  1. So i was happy BIS decided to release the .50cal as sample.. untill i noticed it was pretty off if i compair it with blueprints, so decided to quickly remake the .50. Maybe not as good shot due to O2 poor shading (at certain angles it doesn't render faces). Ended making a much more detailed model then stock BIS one (at least in the parts where it is needed imho)...and only had 500faces more then the BIS one . .50cal with H24 swing arm mount = 2783 polys (.50cal with ammobox = 2025). I might delete some stuff, details on the side near the reload bar) that can be done with normals...will see (138 faces) Maybe a question regarding an other take on the ammofeed. I was wondering if it was possible now to animate the ammo. I know of the 'ammobelt', but i was wondering if it is possible to animate the 'virtual' ammo in the box itself. I was wondering if i could animate the face (red) slowly too point 1 and 2, every time (this) gun shoots....so it looks as the ammo is getting used and when it is all up there isn't any ammo in the box. BIS used the lit on the box to cover this, but afaik (accorrding to ref. pics) they never keep lit on the box...and guess this needs to be as 'they' don't have a ammo count in the top left corner .
  2. DaSquade

    M14 EBR

    Ah, ok ic. You meant face count instead poly count or at least i thought the model wasn't converted to tris. In that case, your face count is very good compaired to what your modeled. If compaired with mine, my facecount was poly count and makes it a wooping 6330 in triscount . So, good job, no further comments here. Well one, after looking to the wires, it looks as flawless as i can see (bit hard in tris shape). The one place where you can save some is the tube above the grip where the bars of the stock goes through. I mean the outerside of the tube, there you can leave out the edge (edge that was used for the connection part to ris. But that is like a 18 tris gain from first look. 'Holes' are indeed a killer in poly count, but i like them aswell...but like in my model i decided to make them in alpha's....this requires a more high res texture if you want smooth holes though. But model decision...but that would be a good part to leave out in one of the next lods .
  3. DaSquade

    M14 EBR

    True, ArmA made it use harder to make use of this old feature (but there are always parts that might come as candidate i think, just way less then in OFP days).
  4. DaSquade

    M14 EBR

    Back on topic post: Zadoff1880 Are you sure this is M14 based? Just wondering, as i once made contact with a guy on MP.net who had a 'long' barrel EBR kit, but it turned out to be a M21 converted to EBR version. I would need to check my ref. pics of his riffle, but something tells me the wiki isn't correct. Feel free to shoot me (long barrel style) if not . Just had a look... One of the pics of him...converted M21 in EBR kit. Looks simular in my eyes... Offtopic post: Zadoff1880 Future fate is that this was more based on OPF/VBS and model would need the slightly remade (things that normal maps can cover good..in the end not that much i think). But it is mostly the finished textures of my stock consists out of muliple textures (i could merge them though).... Oh well, other (new) things has pushed this to the background untill i win the lottery. Back on topic: Like Cameron MCD pointed out, keep the amount of textures low. Stock version should cover 1 texture, where additional equipment can be spread over multiple (1 per part best), at least that was and still is my view on it.
  5. DaSquade

    M14 EBR

    Hm, i just had a look at my old 'to finish one day' folder and check my facecount of my M14 EBR models. Something tells me your model is a. very badly made or b. uses to highpoly parts on places that don't stand out. Meanwhile i would like to say i don't want to highjack or disrepect you etc...just want to point out a few things to you. ..and for those who wonder..my M14 models will probebly never see the daylight..unless someone does my RL work for me . Stock M14 EBR (long EBR kit version) with ironsights: Facecount (poly) +-3900. -Highest res lod (but, also not the 'eye'/vizor view, as there you might want to have smoother recticles etc...but can compensate that by deleting other non visual parts). -As far as i can see, smoother barrels aswell. -3D lockpins in retracible stock. -RIS 3d modelled (poly killer, but optimized). -EBR engravings (no need, old model, normal maps would compensate that nowadays). -Smoother bugstock. -NON holes in the EBR front kit -> holes made in the texture, but it has internals. -Cuttings for bolts of EBR kit. -RIS mount for scope. Maybe small details, but things that imho has big visual inpack. Again, don't want to dish your model, but it might be handy to post some wires of the stock M14 EBR in the 'WIP stuff your working on topic'...i think 'we' can reduce some losts of stuff. Why the need of optimize?...Well if everybody just do their thing, more people will complain that ArmA is a lagfest etc . Again, my model isn't the best, and nor is yours (like you pointed out afaik, you are pretty new to modelling? IF so, good job, but losts of room for improvement). The improvements doesn't mean you will need to redo all, but i think we can point out some things can can be changed without loosing your UV cords on model. Also why i say this....is this is 'STOCK' version (iron sights). If you plan on making a tricked out version with zoom sights, lasers, bipods and all candy a kids want, you will end with a monster for perfromence. To give you one example of an equiped M14 EBR: Polycount +-6.8k, knowing that my stock version this is based on is 3.9k....but level of detail remains in equipement if not more. If you have questions, feel free to shoot, but i suggest you take this to the WIP section . Again, i hope i didn't stepped on your toes, just helping to point yu something out.
  6. DaSquade

    M14 EBR

    Modo (or Max, in the end same principle) keep UV mapping. So by simply deleting edges you will remain you hard work . I might be you will need to redo some stuff, but that is untill you start rebuilding the model to very simply geo and that shouldn't be a real time stopper..at least it pays the extra work. Model looks pretty good imho. You do need to work bit time on the lightning values (sharp/smooth).
  7. DaSquade

    O2 exports to max really small

    I haven't tested yet, but i think is rather unlogic you would have to use a non 1XXX value to rescale the unit. Fact is, 99.999% sure, the O2 grid is 1mx1m. So the unit is a bit smaller then 2 grids in height. I leave it up to the max users to help you out . Modo user here (for mapping), but O2 all the way to model (yup, still find this tool pretty decent for 'low' poly stuff). But i don't recall import/export scale problems with modo, so i don't see a direct problem versus max.
  8. DaSquade

    Black Shark early build video

    Excuse me, but what kind of comment is that ... I'm no diehard simmer, but i did play LockOn. If you are drawing ArmA and Falcon on the same line (you didn't fully told, but i guess you didn't mean on flight level), then give me LockOn instead of ArmA. PS: How do helis handle in Falcon? ..if not mistaken there aren't...if there are...oeps on me.
  9. I'm sorry to hear you and your buddys are getting motion sick due to the head movement. I guess some folks are more sensitve to that then others. But for the love of the game and what it is worth, please don't force BIS to delete this 'feature'. If there is one thing i hate about other games (well those i tried) is that when playing in FP view you don't feel like you're human. It just feels as hovering over the maps (just my 50 cent to defend this stays a feature and not a bug ).
  10. EMSI: Like Neph explained . In the end a render can look superb, but model build can be a disaster (or way to high poly then needed etc). That is why Skull made this topic afaik...Since i only had a render to look at, i could only point out to the flaw regarding dimensions, parts, smoothness etc. Again,. we don't want to break down your stuff, we just want to advice where we can and at the same time learn for our selfs. Fact is there seams to be the trend to import what ever that can be found on the net (3ds models etc), but we can't forget this is a game and if we want to enjoy the game (-> good performence, no screenshot program) we all need to ensure we do our best importing an as good as possible optimized model and texture. That is why the wireframes and polycount is a good start. Regarding my suggested fixes on the flaws on your model (ps: this isn't meant to break down your model, just to improve it), you might want to have a look at this: Or this is a fuel cap, or someone did a very skilled photoshop . Also: Sometimes pictures can't lie and no need to blame perspective as they are in the same line (depth) . If you want references of the other parts i mentioned let me know and i go private (PM). The reason i go into this is i made an predator in the past and studied it pretty long, so even it has been awhile, some things you don't forget. Good luck. Still looking forward to a wire . Bracken: 2500 polys in difference is a big amount (but normal), but if your model is 8.400 poly in total i personally would leave it 3d as the total poly count is reasonable imho and sometimes a normal map just can't replicate that 3d detail. I'm more wondering if the main body of the tank really needs those extra segments (verticaly). Same goes for the skurts (side and front).
  11. EMSI: I'm waiting for Neph to slap you on the head . I mean, this isn't the show-off topic, but more the provide us info on your WIP, like wireframe or at least a polygon figuar etc.... As for the renders, looking very good. Can i ask who made it... Model looks sweet, only the smoothness is off (lower) compaired to the rest of the model imho. Also you forgot the fuel inlet on the top . Also more or less missing the exhaust or don't know what it is called in the back (top side, just before the props..witch is "animated" afaik). The back tail fin is also a tat too long, unless this is an other model then what i have reference pictures of, as i don't recall those two caps on the back on top near air inlet). Dynamax: I might want to 'reset Xform' in max before importing. PS: BIS models aren't always the optimized as you would think . In the end it are people like you and me (but overall more skilled i guess ). It is mostly the time factor that kills it...
  12. DaSquade


    I think it is more your virtual drive (P) that doens't gets auto loaded. Check after reboot if the P drive is made...or when you launch O2. For me it still doesn't autoload. Place a shortcut of the mapdisk.bat and run it before using O2 again.
  13. @Neph: True about the optimizations. As topic, very early WIP and since i more or less hit the virtual limite some optimizations will need to be done. I also more or less agree especially on the cockpit details, atm only modelled them as how they should be for driver/codriver view. Suppose 2d version will be used in res lod. Regarding the tires, indeed here your technique would be helpfull and could be applied imho. I just used an older model of simular tires i made in the past. Especially the spare tires could benefit from it, but maybe also the mounted tires in several steps. @Dynamax: I never had much experience with smooth groups in other programs (as i never bodered to learn it in those programs). But like said, normally O2 will now import smoothgroups aswell. Since i don't actually know how differently the smooth works in other programs, but afaik by default everything is sharp and smooth needs to be given. In O2 it is more or less the other way around. Meaning, i personnaly start with selecting the model and hit smooth, and then work on the edges (or faces, but in the end it is actually an edge that gets the value) that needs sharp values. But like Neph mentioned, you can't simply select all your 'to be sharped' edges in once..at least depends on model and how your edges make out the faces. Once you master that, imho it is a very flexible system imho. Depending on the model again, it most of the times is best to select your edges in planar views instead of perspective, sometimes it is tricky but if you know your model a bit and how it works (in the end it is sharp only you need to apply after your smoothed the model first). Like for your model, i think in 6 selection steps you can correct the entire model . 1. Go front view, select the two horitontal ris bars...sharpen. 2. Now same but vertical ris bars..sharpen. 3. Go to side view..select the holes, but make sure you every time leave out one hole between the next and go back to front view and unselect the inner vertexes of the holes..sharpen. 4. Same as step 3 but unselect the outer vertexes of the holes. 5. Same as step 3/4 but the other holes. 6. Select the front and back edges of the model and sharpen. PS: Your model could be much more optimized by the way. If wanted i can draw what can be fixed.
  14. DaSquade

    how many

    I think a good start would be to descrive your 'project' first . And instead of coders-scripters i think dedicated-tallented, but especialy dedicated-tallented texture artiest is want you will need to look in first..as those are hard to find (at least who are up to help and have the extra free time). EDIT: What is this doing in Multiplayer by the way...
  15. DaSquade

    how many

    I think a good start would be to descrive your 'project' first . And instead of coders-scripters i think dedicated-tallented, but especialy dedicated-tallented texture artiest is want you will need to look in first..as those are hard to find (at least who are up to help and have the extra free time). EDIT: What is this doing in Multiplayer by the way...
  16. @Messiahs: Honestly i have no official name on that car, as i make it on a request of pics someone received viavia. Afaik it is the new Danish SF guntruck or jeep...Not sure if the reference pics are for public eye aswell . Anyway, atm i'm running in the 17k faces, but i had an error with my model in the past and i only could get it back in tris form. Already converted some parts (40-50% i think) to poly. But model might be to detailed in the end, like it has bolts atm plus the 'cockpit' has 3d buttons and switches. Also spair tires could be lower on the inner tread (now jennys technique could be used ). Low progress as all of my stuff...but nice vehicle to work on imho. EDIT: as you see, O2 wireframe + shaders are that good as it leaves stuff out etc. Also sorry if pic is too weight (forum sr*w up, but if lower hard to see detail).
  17. DaSquade

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    Regarding the 'flying uaz's'...could it be it is due to the fact the dedicaded server i was playing on didn't had the files (addon and/or replacement files)? As i tried it locally and there i didn't had the problem. Foxhound also mentioned some other mod that was having the same issues. I can't remember the name (XLS?)... I was wondering if the beta tester tried it on a dedicated server with or without the pack as i somehow think that is the problem (in combo with replacements vehicles). But it is strange it is only the UAZs and not T72-shilka-truck etc..
  18. I agree your tire technique is good and allow more optimized model, BUT imho it doesn't equal the quality (smoothness) of it. I mean this would be a nice technique IF the inner and outer circle would have a bigger distance between them then in a tire tread. Ok, it is an 'inner' circle with is less noticable then an outer circle..but still. About the wire/shader. Well the principle is good, sad it doesn't always render it good (holes at certain angles)..so not always ideal. Messiah: can i ask what the amount of segments the rollbar is made out? Just asking as i have an simular car (supacat) in development, and i overdid it i think (from 16 to 12 atm, think 8 will need to be max.). Facecount looks ok imho, especially for an 'open' car with rollbars and dual weapon system plus kit. Anybody knows by the why what the maximum vertexes are to be shown in buldozer? Just wondeirng as my model currently has +15k and i get 'too many vertexes' error :s. OFP2: I 'hope' that is a drawing and not the model, because if my eyes are good there is already some deformation in it . Might want to post a perspective pic aswell if you want, would make the double segments easier to understand imho (but i suppose it is the rim). But this doesn't show us the backside . Notice Messiahs tire, it doesn't have a detailed rim on the back (flat after tire curve), witch is imho a good thing. Regarding the amount of segments (roundness) on the tire, i personally go for 24, instead of 16 and even 32 for 'truck' tires, but that is personal tast .
  19. DaSquade

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    I encountered a bug witch i didn't had before the RHS vehicle replacement pack. But haven't tested yet if it is really the RHS pack that is causing it, but i encountered the problem on dedi server tonight. Bug: All UAZs (empty, grenade, MG) tent to fly + jump in the air, around 5m above groundlevel. Sometimes (i think +80%) the car is physicly on the ground i think, as when i shoot i don't hit them (on groundlevel it is a hit). But again, not sure if it is RHS vehicle replacement pack. Since nobody reported it yet, afaik, i start to think it might be something else. But didn't encountered this problem before with all the mods i was running before. I only added some of GTD's stuff and i don't see the link. If time allows i will check it out again tomorrow, with and without mods.
  20. DaSquade

    Joystick setup

    Agree... Can only agree with KeyCats question. Might be helpfull to tell witch joystick you use (software/drivers needed?). In case it is working in windows envirement, you might want to confirm or deny if you use more then one 'controler' as by default arma only allows one 'controler' (but there are work-arounds for that).
  21. DaSquade

    Joystick setup

    Agree... Can only agree with KeyCats question. Might be helpfull to tell witch joystick you use (software/drivers needed?). In case it is working in windows envirement, you might want to confirm or deny if you use more then one 'controler' as by default arma only allows one 'controler' (but there are work-arounds for that).
  22. DaSquade

    ArmA Effects

    Would more likely say the oposite. I mean, atm when i use this in MP, when a tank explodes i need to wait engaging the close perimitor of the tank as the smoke blocks my view. Some when buildings are beeing destroyed. But you don't hear me complain, realisme for the win. The only 'cheat' in effects might be the fact the smoke plumes can be seen from a huge distance (higher then the stock smoke plumes afaik)...but that isn't a direct cheat imho. ->You get my vote.
  23. DaSquade

    O2 exports to max really small

    You might want to check max unit settings. Long time i used max, but as any pro-tool it has an unit-grid setting. Might be yours is set to inch or an other sub metric unit. Messiah 'trick' is ok, but i think you need to find the source problem instead of the work-around. Since O2 is set on meter (1m) i advice to work on the same unit in max (then it is just a mather of adjusting your o2 import setting to 1000:1000).
  24. DaSquade

    Collision outside the grid?

    General rule, since OFP and sadly still in ArmA afaik, is your model can be bigger then 65m in all directions. To be save, keep it under 60m. Also keep in mind the complexity and amount of components can be more then 128. Feel free to correct me. Bigger or more component made models need to be split up (and need to be script build to one piece). EDIT: Well, to clerify, i meant there is a limit for geo/fire/roadway etc lods. So this doesn't mean res lods can be bigger, but most of the time you will want to have it covered by geo/fire anyway...
  25. DaSquade


    Sgt_Eversmann is correct that some parts still lack proper sharpen values...Like the stuff marked in red lines, but there is more...would need an O2 screeny: Overall model looks good i guess (poly count?) Hope you got the experience or learn, as you will need to have a set of res lod too in the end . OFFTOPIC: But i agree BB's SCAR pack was one of the best around. Even as released as OFP weapon, it would be detailed enough for ArmA model imho. Sad he left (still hope he comes back)...but untill then hope is on Jackal . Anyway, good luck. PS: is/was the model already properly unwrapped?