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About DucusSumus

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  1. DucusSumus

    Balancing in ArmA

    Yeah, this is wholly unrealisitc. While it is unlikely that you will explode with one hit, you will most certainly crash shortly thereafter. There's just no way to retain control in a helicopter after something like that. If you want to avoid AA fire, fly fast in a path perpendicular to the AA soldier's line of fire. It will probably miss.
  2. DucusSumus

    1.07 beta destroyed my sounds

    I have no idea what happened, but when I reinstalled the game again, I did not experience the bad serial code phenomenon. I am truly confused, but at least, after spending so much time on this, I'm finally back to exactly where I started.
  3. DucusSumus

    1.07 beta destroyed my sounds

    Update: So I reinstalled the game, and that fixed the sound error. But of course, now the game is telling me that I have a "bad serial code" and crashes immediately. It's funny because it didn't say a goddamn thing in setup about a bad serial code. What gives?
  4. Whether I start the beta version or my original 1.06 (US) version, I now get the following error message: "Addon CATracked requires CASounds" Indeed, sounds.pbo no longer exists. It has somehow, miraculously, vanished with the 1.07 beta installation. As a result, I have no music. The game starts with a lovely "atrack7 not found" message. When I go into the editor and browse the "Effects" section of a trigger, I notice that all of the sound-related dropdown menus are empty! So I would say that destruction of all sound is one problem with the patch. It probably shouldn't do that. Is there anyone on here kind enough to send me a copy of their sounds.pbo file? I digitally downloaded my version of the game, so I'm not even sure how I would go about reinstalling it.
  5. DucusSumus

    Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for ArmA

    I want to know more about the ACE mod. When/where can one get it?