Drill Sergeant
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Everything posted by Drill Sergeant
Drill Sergeant replied to Drill Sergeant's topic in ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Is that a joke or something? Â Cause if it ISN'T a joke about real Seals. I don't find it ammuseing. Provided Photo bucket is working....... We have the offical Public Release model. Smokeing 512 pollies. Not made to offend, but made to please. As I said before, I'll probably make two versions. More pics incomeing after I play GR and finish the sleavless arm models. -
Drill Sergeant replied to Drill Sergeant's topic in ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
@ STGN You use the BIS 1.75 model civi at all? This ones only around 500-800 more. See it's comments like that which push me closer and closer to the VBS1 Spectrum. If not for the maturity, then for the open minded attitudes. Just because my guns are "Too High Pollie" In some peoples minds doesn't mean the units aren't playable. Many people tend forget I am working on a very marginal machine. @ BoweryBaker, You got it man, those are incoming pretty soon. I'm gonna see about doing the hand and arm models as once piece so they don't have those crappy seams. -
createVehicle for a plane plus waypoints
Drill Sergeant replied to theavonlady's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I think you need to get rid of the _ infront of plane. -
Drill Sergeant replied to Drill Sergeant's topic in ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Little update on the body, I made a new one, which is a bit "Bulkier" as some requested. Hopefully it won't look as dumb as the BIS one with the animations. -
createVehicle for a plane plus waypoints
Drill Sergeant replied to theavonlady's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I think you have to place on on the map some place out the way and in his name field put "Pilot" and then some how the A10 that spawns needs to have a "Name field" Specified... Otherwise he won't get in even if he appears. Duno how I can explain it. Like if you put a empty a10 on a blank map and leave the name field blank the man can't be put into it because it has no designated name. I think thats whats going on with the script. Is it possible to put a a10 out of the way and just telaport it to the marker and height you need it at? -
createVehicle for a plane plus waypoints
Drill Sergeant replied to theavonlady's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Well I think you need to put a pilot on the map then put "Pilot moveindriver avon-a10" in the script and it will work? As it should move the driver in the a10. Provided the A10 has the name "avon-a10". *edit* and provided the pilot is named pilot. *edit* Is it organic Green tea? -
Drill Sergeant replied to Drill Sergeant's topic in ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
RTO Vest *edit* Radio man uses the LST5 Motarola Satcom radio at the moment. Will be adding several types of radios in the future. Removed 3 of his M4 magazine pouches and added 4 pistol and 3 SMG pouches in there place. I'm Also haveing a terrible time trying to find a good high res picture of a Camelbak "Stealth" in black or any color for that matter. Pic needs to be of the back like looking strait on the back of it, all I can find are side pictures. Â *edit* No one has figured out the suprise yet? Â Read the hints in past posts (Hints are in quotaiton marks). -
Drill Sergeant replied to Drill Sergeant's topic in ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Right now the weapons are "Done" model wise. They have had over 6 months of development and 2 years of development since before I started working. Let's not worry about the guns ok? Â Thats the birthday presents. The one of the "Suprises" was featured in semi reality, and the feature said this phrase (SMD!) If thats not a good enough hint this "Feature" "Struck out" of "The old UDT game", but went back thru the course and made it. Seal Team Leader vest Seal Team Leader Vest 2 Ok, moment of desicion here, backpacks, do we want seperate ones classed as LAW's and able to drop/carry or do we want them hard modeled onto the men? *Edit* Do we want the radioman to have a deployable Satcom which once dropped allows for limmited artilery support? Aslo I make everything from scratch. Tastes beter that way. -
Drill Sergeant replied to Drill Sergeant's topic in ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
MP5 (Family) M60 (Family) MP7 (Family) Mossberg (Family) M4 (Family) M14 (Family) Mk23 (Family) Kimber 1911 SWAT CUSTOM (Family) G36 (Family) G3 (Family) PSG1/MSG90 (Family) M82/99 (Family) M40/M24 (Family) Some AK models SIG 226 (Family) M240 (Family) Remington Shotgun (Family) HK Fabram Shotgun (Family) SPAS12 USAS12 The list goes on and on. Yes there all modeled at the moment, I'm waiting for some one to volunteer to skin them. Also I'm tempted to reveal one of the secret bonus things but "It's" not finished yet. -
Drill Sergeant replied to Drill Sergeant's topic in ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Thanks for the feedback everyone! A note on the mask, thats sorta limited to pointmen and breachers/entry people. Also I'm not supposed to do CQB because extraction said he was doing that. Good suggestion just for the wrong men. @ FerretFangs MP5 IS NEVER EVER EVER hyphenated. Your correct saying how the masks are intimidating. We had a couple of local youngsters who were high and don't exactly like us, because we holler at them to get off of our cars. On night they foolishly tried to break in and were met at the door by me, tactical hood donned, black cloths on and MP5SD air-soft in hand. They stood there shell shocked for 3 seconds and ran off screaming. Closed the door and never had a problem since. @ Sxep Been working on balancing that but the custom animations I have been using keep making the model look weird. (Really really weird, I think I need new anims) @ adrenaline red MOST, seals look "big" because of there BDU's, sure there are some hefty weight lifters, but reading up on Seals, few "Big" guys make it thru the program. I also have seen some small frame machine gunners in my numerous on-line picture searches. I will do my best to equalize the team size wise. Here are some new pictures of the team leader model one. Seal Team Leader Standing Seal Team Leader Crouching -
Drill Sergeant replied to Drill Sergeant's topic in ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
The Doo Rag is a temp, it's almost a year old now. Mask you say? (Please note cammo is old) Mask As far as customizeing things and makeing "Functional" fassion accessories it's being considered. Don't worry we won't muddle the menu. -
Drill Sergeant replied to Drill Sergeant's topic in ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Figured out how to "Trick" OFP into rendering the man's skins on there full detail so heres a few pictures. Also the Vest for that man is done and maped so now all I have to do is make more vest textures and start putting some iceing on. P.S. The legs and arms will be scaled beter in a few hours. Vest Before and After Seal Standing Seal Standing (Up close) Seal Sitting (M14) -
Drill Sergeant replied to Drill Sergeant's topic in ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Depending on how I feel there may be some "Special Features" US SOCOM Naval Spec Warfare. Is that the right branch or no? -
Drill Sergeant replied to Drill Sergeant's topic in ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Well that was a little obvious. It wouldn't make sense to have a fashion show but it's the idea. If everything randomly selected what happens if there's an annoying "Easter Egg" or the men all look the same? Â Some one did suggest to me a long time ago to allow people to open a single menu during the start of the game and allow you to customize then have a "Close menu" option which would remove the scripts and ability to change. At the moment I think it's wise just to go with variants. *edit* I hope to implement a 'wet cloths" script along with swimming. Provided I get an animator to do some anims, which will be coupled to a vehicle like in the COC system. Wet cloths is simply a texture change when your man goes "Below" the ground level were water occures. -
Drill Sergeant replied to Drill Sergeant's topic in ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Yeah cake is basicaly the mans body. Iceing is what he wears and candles are the scripts. Rolled up sleeves will come with the differnt men. Everything on that list is on my list to implament. One question which will determine the outcome, do we want "A Seal Team" and each man to have 5-6 changes of cloths, or just "A Seal Team" with dudes who have preset duds. In other words. Immagine oppening the editor. (West) (US SOCOM) Navy Seal Team leader Navy Seal Team leader Base ball hat Navy Seal Team leader Patrol cap Navy Seal Team leader Do rag Navy Seal Team leader Watch cap Navy Seal Team leader No hat Navy Seal Team leader Boonie Hat Navy Seal Team leader Protec Navy Seal Team leader PSGAT Navy Seal Team leader Mich or (West) (US SOCOM) Navy Seal Team leader Navy Seal Point man Navy Seal Assualter Navy Seal RTO Navy Seal Gunners Mate Navy Seal Sniper Navy Seal CQC Assualter Navy Seal Designated Marksman. Personaly I'd like to do the first one so theres more for ME to play with. What ever you people ask for is probably what your going to get. -
How is it applied? Script or built into the unit?
I played on Gia quite nicely with my comp (Intel celron 740Mhz 256gb ram 8/16 mb video (Still don't know for shure.) 40 mb hd windows ME. Map looks prety low pollie so I'd say it's safe. As Pappy said. Don't punish us people with custom rigs (Like me.) Looks good man. Keep up the good work.
BMP-1 Interrior in progress...
Drill Sergeant replied to hammen's topic in ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
How odd. I was going to say thats quite reasonable. Unless you have multiple monitors your only going to see one inside. I'll remind you thats the total for the entire internal and only certain crew members will see certain parts. Outside is fiarly low with only "2300 vertexes and 24 textures in exterrior " Very good job people. Keep up addons of this caliber. Â -
Drill Sergeant replied to Drill Sergeant's topic in ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
*Trolling for attention* Standing STL Sitting STL Please note the pictures were taken on my computer which as you can see, has a very poor graphics capability. (Notice for all whiners Protec Is all gone.) *edit* New approach, thats the "cake" you see, in other words the basic body parts and so on. Do we want to say that the "cake" is "done"? When people for the most part feel the "cake" is done I'll move on to the "Icing" and "Candles" being the finishing touches and unique features. So what does the "cake" need before we think it's "Finished". IE what needs work on the current model applying to texture, size, model. Maybe it's a bit early to think of it this way. Then again I am still measuring out the "ingredients" and it's not in the oven. So speak now or eat the cake as it is, when it's baked. *edit* More pictures. Excuse the one hand, animations are doing things to it. SEAL do-rag explosion. Seal Team Leader Base Enjoy -
Enthusiasts Eye Assault Rifles as Ban Nears End
Drill Sergeant replied to Ironsight's topic in OFFTOPIC
There are already. Much more paper work and a background check waiting period and so on. Belive me, get a class 3 permit and the feds will know what you eat for breakfast. This ban deals with the construction and importation of guns not the avalability of preban models which have always been legal. Another point which is failed to be seen. We go on and on on how evile these "Assualt" rifles which as ozanzac said are hard to conceal. First time with a .44 mag and you do double taps with a "automatic reflex"? Come on another urban legend? Also try folding your hands and flipping them all the way behind you really fast. It's possible as is any damn thing, but most likely a .44 would catch you in the head. On the way back. (Magazines on pistols? GMAB) Though heres a good philiosiphy, don't like our laws? Don't live here. Â Of course that even applys to something as "backwards" as driveing on the "Wrong" side of the road. *edit* once again heres the point of this "Ban" "Gunsmith Justin Davis holds a Ruger mini-14 rifle, illegal to manufacture under the assault weapons ban." ILLEGAL TO MANUFACTURE, not own. Wrong ban wrong idea. Also look since 1984 all they can come up with is 2 incidents in the US where "Assalt Riffles" in the definition of high cap mags were in use? -
Enthusiasts Eye Assault Rifles as Ban Nears End
Drill Sergeant replied to Ironsight's topic in OFFTOPIC
For the record the guns used in columbine were purchased by "friends" that were of age to purchase. The parrents had no idea the "Freinds" had the guns. Why? because as stated before the parrents wern't there. The ban has put a pinch on collecters and hasn't done SQAUT to keep guns out of the wrong hands. So what this ban has done is simply make it harder for collecters to obtain these fire arms legaly and made it oh so easier for criminals to sell ones snuck across the border. In the book "Silent Killers" The author states at some point that criminals prefer gun laws. Why? Well if your going to steal something to commit a crime why steal something which, #1 Adds more time, #2 is going to be a "extra" thing to get. So IF some one stole a fire arm they would just have more time to do, which is why MOST guns remain in gun safes in private citizens homes. I also like how people from other countrys have taken the time to "condescend" to us "Rednecks" and "Cowboys", which aside of the odd CS NOOB you won't find posting here. I would like you to remeber the US has a higher statistic because of our Shear numbers. Not because we have more guns. -
Kegetys' cockpit radar and another suggestion
Drill Sergeant replied to theavonlady's topic in ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Ohh, now he needs to write an external module to add more vehicle physics to OFP and allow multi gunners. GPS? Hasn't that already been done? DKM Challenger BAS Black Hawks? Or do you mean GPS GPS as in the one that leaves a "Cookie crumb trail" which I've used to get off incredibly large lakes? -
Enthusiasts Eye Assault Rifles as Ban Nears End
Drill Sergeant replied to Ironsight's topic in OFFTOPIC
I like the AK47 analogy. The "Assault weapons BAN" covers cosmetics and magazine capacity, not full auto capability which ALONG WITH SILENCERS, SELECT FIRE WEAPONS AND SHORTENED weapons have been EFFECTIVELY controlled since the 20's and 30's in the hands of civilians. This ban primarily deals with looks (Bayo lug, flash hider, (They don't work any way) Recoil compensator's, threaded barrels, importation of semi automatic weapons which accept "High cap" Magazines and the construction and importation of high capacity magazines. Since the ban has expired, I do so hope this ban is dropped as it really doesn't affect collectors or gun owners in any way but price, I can already legally BUY a HK91 it's just it cost 2.5-4.5k and not the 890 dollars it used to. The majority of fire arms owners are collectors wither they hunt or not. Why do I have a Spare parts G3? For collectible, why am I considering purchasing a Hk91? For higher value collectible. Why is it a higher value collectible because of this ban. When the ban goes off will the HK91's come down in price? No, why? HK isn't going to get messed up in another Doge the ban of the week importation. Has this ban stopped major crimes from happening? No not really, THIS BAN was supposed to prevent things like columbine and Santana from happening. Did it? No? Why? The weapons used in columbine were obtained illegally. But thats a whole nother can of worms. So Bush, I believe I rember you saying you'd veto your old mans ban... Is he gona do it on Monday? We'll know soon enough. *Prays the ban is vetoed* Clinton's barely passed, I can see this one failing. Â *edit crappen margins* -
Enthusiasts Eye Assault Rifles as Ban Nears End
Drill Sergeant replied to Ironsight's topic in OFFTOPIC
first time i saw this mistake was with CNN. Very interesting because I'm posting it as I rember from a police magazine. Odd isn't it? Â *edit* A good book to read is "Silent Killers" a book written in the 70's by a expert on scilencers. .22 is the preferred caliber of hitmen. The book "Sniper" is also prety good, has allot of information on the origin of the gun and some deadly instances. -
Enthusiasts Eye Assault Rifles as Ban Nears End
Drill Sergeant replied to Ironsight's topic in OFFTOPIC
I agree with Miss Cleo Here. Also this ban is the one which made HK stop import. Which is why I'm paying 2.5k for a HK91. Most crimes are commited with a .22 revolver or .38 special as apposed to the "Automatic" Hanguns. The reason being "Smart" Criminals will use something with less bark so they have a beter chance of getting away. Also with the fact a revolver is cheaper and thus "Disposeable" As apposed to a .9mm auto. The deadly furry criters are all gone right? WRONG. Come up here to Michigan and take a walk-see in a farmers field or down a dirt road or forrest track in the morning or later at night, you'll see an asortment. It's beter to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it. Trust me to buy a gun in the US already you have to jump hoops, to get a handgun (The ones primarily used in crimes) you really have to jump hoops. To CCW any fire arm your back checked by the FBI. It's not so much who can buy a gun, as much as what type. Truly I'd be a little more afrade of some one with a .22 bolt action and a scope then some one with a romanian Import. The reasom being some one with a .22 bolt match would be, #1 Quiter, less report harder to spot, #2 Will have practiced with it and be much more deadly, #3 Will have distance I can't run to dissarm them. Then again, It may come of and it may stay on. *edit spelling*