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Drill Sergeant

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Everything posted by Drill Sergeant

  1. Drill Sergeant

    ODOL Explorer v2.0

    At this point I have no clue who your talking about. At first I thought it was me. Annnnnnnnd I thought I was the only one who was leaveing by this summer............ Have I missed something? Now since I don't really CARE what you think of my oppinion so long as you READ it. If this is a "learning tool" couldn't you have put in a simple o2 layout view, which would show the vertexes and such while keeping people from manipulateing or changeing there work while still viewing it? Don't say no........ Because I happen to know you could have.... You'd argue that point with what about the BIS models? Well you could have ziped them and included them... Was this unexpected and sudden unchallenged release of the tool rude? Yes and no. Has anyone stolen models yet? Yes and no. Now if we just zoom in on this fact here yes, because people will be modifying work without permission, if it's kept on ONE computer, (The computer of the user who hacked it) then it is TOTALY harmless. If it is cycled behind the scenes for clans. We hit the grey line. THREATEING TO REALESE SOMETHING or RELEASEING something without EXCLUSIVE permission from the Author(s) is wrong. Are you people better off without me (assumeing I'm ONE of the addon makers youre talking about.) I don't think you can say yes or no as you never gave me a chance to get anything released. Yes there have been offers to skin, all of which there WAS NOT a skiner there. NO REPLYS. Or the items were "Too High detail for mod use." Does that matter ? Yes and no. Wheres the flood of these addons you addon makers have been prophesing of? There welling up and will ether break the dam or dry up. Can you give some examples of how a tool like this is BAD? Yes and no. Look at CS, I am not throwing shit because I am not mentioning names. But I think the the OFP comunity needs to take a look around at there read me's. Some folks who import, there addons are almost ALWAYS called by there name. And after we "Elderly" OFP players have bread SEVERAL generations of NOOBs who have been fed a HEALTHY diet of addons and misssions, we now have a "Generation X" to deal with. Are we mods all that stuck up? Or maybe, no one asked. Now I hope to clear this up because of 2 variables here. #1 I am gone by this summer if. A. No skiner to help me. B. The small finshed portion of my pack which I hope to relase is stolen and or a significant amout of thefts occur. Back to the debate. #1 There should be no debate... The tool is not right nor is it wrong. Bottem line is if it is atleast 95% helpful then it's ok If theres a large amount of thefts/hacks/problems, WHICH ARE TRACED TO BE IN DIRECT RELATION TO THE TOOL. Then it's not good. Bottem line. ----------------------------------------------------------- Please end the rest of this discussion QUICKLY and like ADUALTS. So we can get on with the tool discussion.
  2. Drill Sergeant

    Why do you do it???

    What made me do it? (Modeling, configs, light skining, scripting.) #1 Lack of a better hobby and it's fun. #2 Things too low polly. #3 It's a skill you can learn. What was the trouble. #1 No one want's to help me skin. #2 Lack of sleep. Â #3 Damn near everyone hates me here.
  3. Drill Sergeant

    ODOL Explorer v2.0

    I just wonder what BIS's stance is on this and if it affects OFP2. ??
  4. Drill Sergeant

    ODOL Explorer v2.0

    @ Miles Teg. Please be carefull what you read, 3 months of on and off to master 6 months of screwing around with gizmo maping before you realised hey theres got to be an easyer way to map something. Hence I found the key layout page, some where. Within 7 months I made my first high high high end addon which was my set of M9's then came the paint ball gun, then the AUGs.  I really didn't mind makeing models and skining a few of them  as best I can (which isn't good at all.) This is one of the  reasons I am leaveing by this summer. @ DKM Carnage. Hey right on I wanted to say all that and  more but I'd get a slap on the wrists I bet. Like I stated no one that's got any commen sence will steal a model out right, but peice by peice here and there and then you have a CS hack style thing. 8+ people's names on 20 or so parts of a gun's model. Get's confuseing and it's easy just to say compiled by John Doe. I'm not AS concerned if some one USED one of my models without permission or credit (I would still be upset about that.) But the main thing is, all you need is one guy funneling your models out on turbosquid or ebay. Belive it or not I had some one who was offering to help skin (Non OFP player) and he asked if I would send him my models to sell on turbo squid. I imediately told him off and blocked him. (This was on the very first convo with him.) The real moral of the story for me is: Most guns/things are made to a specific scale and or stlye when they get hacked, repacked and released it can shame the authors. Why? because youve got there names on 2 or more merged things. Now that this tool is part of the comunity in a way. Nothing is sacred any more. Though 99% of the the people here know they'd get caught doing something like that, you'll always have one bad apple. So even if we combat this bad apple you also have a bad orang, selling things possibly. If some one can make away to RANDOMLY lock things with a password or such yeah great it'd be worth concidering coming back to. Insults or things people say about you are one thing and only sting for a month or two at the most. But the shear amount of personal property dammage that can be done is unamaganable. I'm shure the majority of us in here won't do that. And hey if this was the ONLY thing that I had to contend with in this comunity I'd stay for longer then another 9 weeks. I just hope you all realise just how much time and some times frustration is put into each addon. I personaly have been modeling for almost 2 years. Trust me it's ALMOST  comparable to being pregnant. Not that I can say that with any true knowlege but it's growing addons. To anyone who says us addon makers take things TOO sereously this is what I say to you. It takes us any where from hours to months to make things. It takes you less then 5 seconds to get into them without permission. Now I'm not exadurateing nor bragging when I say this, for me it only takes any where from 4-6 hours to make a gun model. After that I set it down and work on something else and come back a few days latter and improve  on it. Shure I've been doing it for afew years (o2) but, BUT that is only because I couldn't hack into EARLS or BAS's M4's and re arange them. So instead I re built the wheel, only the way I wanted it. HIGH POLLY. Now 3 weeks and 5,500 Pollies later, my M4. no skins, but with the detail in it, it really doesn't need skins. Shure it's white and since it's custom no skins fit on it, but it's MINE. That little word MINE adds allot of pride to the addon makeing comunity. Not a bad kind of  pride, but the good self aware kind. At points I was so  frustrated because EARL or BAS had a beter set of M4's then I did. So I used that frustration and from the insults I had the anger, some good music and the tallent. And I made my stuff from scratch. Shure it's a old story, a long story but it's my story. Which makes it special in some way.  Now sadly I'm sitting here 2 years later, all kinds of knowlge  with o2, but, still a punk because these great guns have no  skins. Yes were drifting off topic but the point is, even if I released now with some hacked up BIS skins. (Please no  comments no one else is helpin ATM.) The fact is I battled other teams, and CS imports and insults. For what? A great set of models. Yeah. And thats it. My work and if youre gona edit it or would like to. I'd like to know. See thats the thing, this tool was orrigonaly in the hands of only MODLERS and MODS. Which add to the game. Shure maybe we'll see more new addons BASED off of old ones. Shure it will resurect old prodjects but wait. THERE OLD! Woudln't we just be beter off building new ones? It's 5:41 am here so I am shure you are all sitting around shakeing your heads saying to your self. Oh Grandpa DS is telling us one of his crazy war storries again. Like I said before, if it can be proven this will reduce "crime" then sobeit. I personaly think this is gona add to the fray. And I am not shure If I made ANY sence at all but I needed to post something and it's 5:45 am so please be nice to me. THE MORAL OF THE STORY! BEFORE P3D EDIT. WHEN I WANTED SOMETHING I MADE IT. I NOT ONLY MADE IT. I MADE IT BETTER THEN THE LAST. NOW ANYBODY CAN RIP UP ANYTHING AND PUT IT INTO ANYTHING. MY OFFICAL POSITION ON THIS TOOL. IF BIS SAYS IT'S OK AND NO ONE STEALS OR FEW STEAL SO BE IT. IF IT IS OTHERWISE. MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOULS BECAUE BIS's LAWERS WILL NOT. Basicaly, I think thats what I wanted to say. I think I'll post tomorrow when I'm in a normal state of mind instead of slumped over and almost passed out infront of a computer. And since I know you are all takeing advantage of me because I am slumped over almost half passed out, if there are no problems I might return. Otherwise, when I get ota school this summer thats it with me and OFP stuff. BTW Doesn't this change OFP2 in any way? I mean it's like BIS same coding for both OFP1 and 2 right? I wonder if this effects OFP2's release date in any way?
  5. Drill Sergeant

    My models.

    I'm on MSN or such if you need me. I can probably model a few more if need be.
  6. Drill Sergeant

    My models.

    Well here I am roughly 2 years after the release of o2. (If not I think it's more like 1 1/2) I have basicaly a nice list of guns I would atleast like to see in ofp before I bail which will be by this summer provided no more progress is made skin wise. I am updateing the models weekly but the Car15/M4/M16 family is done. The M4a4 with M203/sight/Aimpoint is around 5,000 some pollies. Basicaly I only want to see the basic US things in the game. I am willling to share with a team mod if they can meet the following requirements. #1 Have more then one ACTIVE skiner. #2 Have atleast one released addon. #3 Will allow me to continue working with freedom. #4 Team must be over 3 people I will contribute to the team where I can. As a side note all the models with the exception of the p90, m82a3,226, Mk23, M16, g3, M249,MP5, M240, AK and M60 families will be brought up to snuff. So by the time summer hits all the guns should be hovering at around the same polly counts not to mention further additions to the familys.. (The only reason I am doing this is for unification in style) So if you would like to use these guns for your mod and you meet the requirements please email/IM me @ drillsergeantofprqs@yahoo.com (MSN,Yahoo IM supported) As followes is a list of my models along with there polly counts. Pictures will be uploaded to my site and can be seen there. http://drillsergeantsaddons.4t.com/ List is as follows. Asorted middle eastern Style houses and parts - Assorted Small unfinshed half bunker with dirt - Unkown ------------------------------------------------------- A10 Thunderbolt - 5,703 faces Wolverine - 2,253 faces 480b Guardian helictoper - unknown ------------------------------------------------------- Mole and Allice Assualt parts assorted - Assorted Seal Float vest - Assorted ------------------------------------------------------- Ak-47/74/AKM GP30 and various parts mags, furniture and so on. SVD and siga 12ga in the works - under 2,500 Bizon SMG asorted configurations - under 2,400 FN pistol - 670 faces G3/21/91/Hk33 Serie's - 3,000 faces and under. Glock - 1,412 faces FN M240 serie's - 4,886 and under. M249/MK46 serie's and acessories - 5,900 and under. M60/M60e3 - 3,200 and under. M79 - 1,050 HK MP7 - 1,400 FN P90 - 2,550 Sig 226 - 1,420 HK SMG2 - 1,730 HK MK23 with box/new LAM and Knights SD- 1,800 Tac .50 - 2,325 HK UMP 45 Assorted parts, Aimpoint, acog, elcan holo, Gemtech SD Knights SD, M9, PVS Shure fire post, normal post, light, ANpeq II, reflex, Closed riffle optics. - Assorted Remington 11-87 Police Entry Shotgun. - 1,100 LAPD 1911 SWAT Custom - 1,500 Tompson SMG 1928 and Commando versions standard version in the works. - 2,200 Remington 870 pump - 790 Mosberg 835 pump in the works - Unknown Compleat G36/G36c Line with HK AG36 - 2,400 and under HK 69 grenade launcher - 995 Pancor Jackhammer - 1,700 Total M14 family - 2,000 and under M2 machine gun - 3,590 M24/M40 family - 2,200 and under M4/M16 family TOTAL Nam to current. - 5,890 and under M47 dragon - 1,270 M9 Piostol LAM and SD - 1,500 MG42 - 3,300 MM-1 - 1,400 MP38/Mp40 - 2,200 The ENTIRE MP5 family new lowers in the work for navy and other trigger group. - 2,220 and under M29 - 3,470 SPAS12 - 2,400 XM8 - 1,560 Some winchester lever - 987 AWP - Unknown Augs - 2,200 M82a3 - 4,100 M95 - 4,000 -----------------------------------------------------------
  7. Drill Sergeant

    Ofp user wishlist...

    I had a nice pack of Arab guys with russain guns. Unfortunately I quit working on that when I quit nomad several weeks ago. I may or may not re join. Seals? Where? Unless you got a link pass around what ever your smokeing.
  8. Drill Sergeant

    My models.

    If you'd like the finished- skins ones Im me or email me.
  9. Drill Sergeant

    Tears of the sun seals

    Whoah this is the first time I've heard of a gear restriction among the US SOF. Did they make them turn in their Mk23's or are they just no longer ishueing them? Â
  10. Drill Sergeant

    ODOL Explorer v2.0

    #1 This is a breach of the OFP UELA. #2 This is not the smartest thing to do because of the fact p3ds are now DECRYPTABLE, which means you can w write plug ins. Which will allow people to hack up OFP2 conten from the start. UNLESS BIS makes MAJOR codeing changes which I do so emplore them to do. My word of advice, BIS lock OFP2 codeing up as tightly as you can. If this is what people are going to do then they may as well have to work HARDER to decompile. Now we can bitch and argue about the moral ishues behinde this tool and so on. But excuse me, back in the day when all odlod was locked and forbidden ground it spured me to make something NEW AND FRESH from the ground up instead of building over some one elses work. I would like to remind you I got good at modeling because #1 I worked hard. #2 I out did the competition by just looking at simple pictures and makeing something new, from scratch. Thogh now days it seems work of any kind to make something orrigonal is now un ethnical. As for style, good idea we can have multiple guns that all look the same basicaly because they were based off of one model. Personal style is more self evident with time. In my own experince I played around with 02 for almost 3 months before models began to emerge. I never looked at one tutorial, with the exception of how to use the b key to map, which basicaly evaided my learning for the first 6 months of my o2 work. But now we've taken tutorials a step forward and we are makeing everything "Free wear". I have no problem with people looking at how I did something but many times on a complex item or shap, people will be inclinded to copy/paste and say "Oh I built that over so and so's layout." If this must remain a prevalant part of the OFP modeling style atleast the power is no longer in the hands the mod teams. Now everyone has it. We shall see within 3 months time weither this is a help or hinderence. Also as a side note. If we must make this release eminent I will just shut up. But would some one please please please please please! Make a tool which binaranizes stuff even if the skins arn't there? I want to binaranize my models for a speedup and binaranize doesn't work at all on my computer. Though In the biggining of the post I seemed some what angery I am not. Since OFP is extremely boring I have prety much quit. Why? Because I have no help sking all of my models. All of which are high polly. So now thats this tool is a help to those who quit before finishing. May I ask when do we create a tool which helps us who never get a chance to see our things finished to even a beta release? Now I don't mean to hog a thread or anything so I will not. This tool is "Ok" in it's morals I guess. I could care less. Why? Because of what I was taught, My mum and dad always told me. Make it from the ground up, use the right tools, and do it right the first time. For me the right tools have been o2, my immagination and my lust to destroy high end computers with extremely high polly counts. There, now you know my hidden agendas. So let's see whats lurking in your unreleased un finished folders! I got around 100 good unfished models. But if this thing works for you good. You folks must have put allot of time into this yadda yadda and so on. Sarcasum? Maybe a little bit. But hey if it helps then thats great, I'll just be praying it doesn't hurt anything we've all worked so long to create. Well untill we meet again, when ever that may be I salute all those other OFP addon makers who aren't going to bail as I am after 2 years of fruitless labor release wise. And just ignor me or comment in my new thread which I am makeing about me, not here. Keep ontopic please. Good work men, though Ihave not personaly touched the tools.
  11. Drill Sergeant

    Any new eyewear addons lately?

    Aye, I barely rember that show. Ah would be nice to see custom glasses models in OFP 2 though.
  12. Drill Sergeant


    Seems to me this tool is almost like a drug. First the high and weatlhy start snorten it, then soon everybod's doing it. The miniute this "KracK" (P3dedit), hits the streets, IF it  EVER does, working in OFP 1 as far as addons go is gona be prety hard. First it'll be little things, then watch it grow to be a huge monstor which will feed upon our models. Mods are main stream and if they take something they usealy give credit and if not there hung by the public. If the tools becomes mainsteem, I can just envision the terrible addons, no amout of "good" addons can outdo the "Bad" ones. I'm shure BIS would apprecaite a set of animated whores being made outa there models. Along with what ever subverse and evile thing's will spawn. Then after they get bored with the BIS models, oooooooh let's see if we can hack up and merge so and so's work.  Then a bit later after this mutaint model has been pased between freinds, something like this will happen: "Hay man, great gun, you should release it man!" Then the other person says, "Ah cool I will, I put alota work into this.". Then is comes out as MP40 and M1928 updated!. And we get some funkey looking crap which the orrigonal authors are not credited for. You people are pushing me to the point of writeing in actical on why this tool should not be made for main streem use. (I use spell check when I write articals.) AS FOR THE BIS MODELS. Let BIS release them. Even if you get permission and make the things avalable; how'd you like responsibilty for giveing someone a BIS model which they toaly demolished, and it was then featured in some way represnting OFP as a whole.  Moderation, rember once OFP2 comes out, the addons with some tweaks will still work in OFP2. We don't want to carry over this problem of people being able to hack up models into OFP2 or were screwed. Botem line, if it's for the beter of OFP1 do it. If not, don't do it.  I'll go burn my soap box now. *edited* Poseted in a hurry be back later to check it over.
  13. Drill Sergeant

    Modern us infantry

    Farking hell... do you wanna cripple everyones pc's?!?! 6000 polys for 1 weapon == lag fest... Just imagine what it will be like when you have entire squads of soldiers on the deck, thats 12 x 6000 = 72000 polys, just for 1 squad of troops! Think what it'll be like with a few squads: 6 x 12 x 6000 = 432000 polys, for the weapons ALONE! Good lods or not, that is gonna make the game into a lag fest... (see the testing that Lee H. Oswold has done, he proved that the lod switching causes more lag) Its "recommended" that weapons dont break the 2000 poly mark, even then that is quite high... Just some "info" for you. Once again no one will listen, but hey not my problem. A normal computer with a 128 Mb video card should be able to handle 528 of Sunchey's MFR scouts holding one SAW a peice in a town one kolgajev with a minimal slow down. This "Fact" is done because it is still playbe on my computer (Compaq p5000 mini tower no AGP 8mb video controler celron.) With a total of 33 MFR scouts + me as a MFR scout in a tight group in a city, all holding SAWs. At the point of 33 the gameplay began to slow down on my computer, but I could still frag semi effectively. Hence another of my "Outlandish" mathematical problems (Casssie, please don't even read the rest, I don't want to be hollered at again.) If a 8mb card can handle 33 of the MFR's holding 1 saw a peice, on kolgajev. 8 goes into 128 16 times, 16 times 33 is equal to 528. hence A 128mb card should handle 528 men with the SAWS. Sadly, OFP does not support the use of that many units. Â As for the rest, my beta testers are 64, 128 and I belive 256 video ram. They report no lag under normal and extreme field conditions (unit/gun wise).. Also the guns they tested were in .jpg skins which ranged from 512x512 to 1024x512 and 2-3 layuts per gun... On a .paa immage the power required to render would be even less. I would also like to point out not everyone will be carying the SAW, the M60e3 is under 4000 pollies. Â A note on the troops, no idea what we are gona do with them at the moment. I'm shure we'll come to a desicion.
  14. Drill Sergeant


    Actually IT DOES and beleive me ive been in touch with OFPInternals (the maker) since the start and been using the tool for more than u think. Ok Mr. Smarty maybe you have an OLDER version. And IF you do have wit which you implied, you certainly arn't helping anyone here get the the BIS models. Think of all the destructive power you hold there son. Bottem line. Tool should NOT be redistributed. Models of BIS would be nice for the comunity. As on a note of the HK pack. #1 As soon as it came out there was no pbo decrypter avalable to decrypt it, as it was packed up useing the make pbo. (Try this at home Xpac and debpo won't oppen it, only the pbo decrypter will.) So by the time the tools came out to decrypt it, the models sadly nolonger matched up to the standards. Hence, no work stolen. But apparently either you are being prideful and biased about haveing the tool, saying, since we can take work any way, just leave it mlod. Well no thank you sir, I shall binaranize my addons. If not for the useage part, then for the compression and speedup they give me.
  15. Drill Sergeant


    Heh I'm not attacking you, thats under the noob par aka point one. I'm saying it doesn't make sence to make it extremely easy for people to hack things up. You can't stealy anything or even REPLICATE something closely without geting blasted around here. Like my M4 and CS m4's It;s not CS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats the reason I made it, to combat all the CS m4 imports! Heh good think the CZ comments are removed. Like wazaaaaaaaaaaadaa? a 192m4a2m16m79m249f88+m203+Aimpocog
  16. Drill Sergeant


    If BIS has the same line you wouldn't have been able to do any addons. And you can call people noobs that only shows that you are short minded. Who cares about stealing your "work".Even if that happens everybody in this community would know it 1 h after the stolen release so... "noob's getting the POWER to hack ppl's work up" i don't often write this but ROFL. If you had any idea of my work and even some of sniper skulls and you were us. You'd think differently about that.. If you were going to even steal this I'd atleast like you to work at haveing to steal it. :P http://drillsergeantsaddons.4t.com/DSA_SOPMOD.jpg http://drillsergeantsaddons.4t.com/DSA_SOPMOD_2.jpg Now try and tell me I shouldn't lock that up. OFP comunity is really going to hell these days. Now please lets try and be more matour about this and think realisticly. Before the thread gets locked. I'm still sticking to my first statement. And maybe if your going to try and combat it, come up with your own statment allong with a few points on why everyone should be able to hack up everyone elses work. As for BIS, if they had not let addon makers use there stuff in the start, there'd be no RES probably and maybe even not any OFP2. It goes hand in hand, OFP and OFP addons. Which came first the chicken or the egg? BIS made us able to mod and we helped make OFP popular. So really I think that just the time alone we put into this, we should be able to lock up our work. I certainly don't want to see my m4 all mutalted with parts of tompsons and such. Â
  17. Drill Sergeant


    Really I wonder what you boys are pulling. My PC (Compaq P5000) 8mb video controler, no AGP, Celron, ME, 256mb ram. I don't experence much lag if any. Well I wonder, maybe theres some magic about my computer, bet OFP 2 willl run on it. As a rule of thumb I've been told when things are put in WRP maps they leg less if not at all. Just rome around nagova and count the pollys and the pixtels. Like counting stars.
  18. Drill Sergeant


    Actualy sole it does not, It jsut makes them off center. *EDIT* On infromation I have been give on it's affects, not from useing the actual tool which never leaves the circles. Right on sniper skull, damned OFP would be a mess. Almost like them CS hacked skins, read me's would be a mile long too. This made by so and so changed by so and so, imported from such and such from so and so who begat so and so's carear which is cousin to my mothers aunt and so on.
  19. Drill Sergeant

    Congratulations earl !

    Suchney and Drill Sergeant? Heh congrats mate. ANNNNNNNNNNND MAKE SHURE OFP2 Includes Knives!!!!!!!!!!!! Have fun in the land down under, just watch for my mates science prodject were worken on. The 3-4 meter tall roo. Any how have fun man.
  20. Drill Sergeant


    There is a very good reason why this is not released and or given away. #1 The teams that have it have not stolen other people's work. YET.. All we'd need is for some bunch of stuped noobs to get ahold of this and start un encrypting shit and releaseing hacked up parts. Could you immageing it? Stuff like: My scopes on an INV 1944 tompson or a BAS gun with earls scopes re released by some noob who has no idea what there doing. Then how would we know who's work is who's? Â It'd be like comunisum if it was released. Everyone would have acess to everyone elses models. Ie. lack of incentive to work because you can just steal some one elses. Hence EVEN LESS WOULD GET DONE THEN ALREADY does get done. Addon makers should damn near fear this tool to the point of locking it in a vault and sealing the key inside after the BIS models are unlocked. I think that the hands it's in now is perfectly good place for it and i'm totaly agenst it being spred to the public. Can you just immagine it? Â We'd be beter off just to leave all our work MLOD. Why do we lock it (Our work) up? Well #1 reason isn't theft. The Number one reason is: What would happen if some new guy decided to take my scope, wap it on earls gun and remove earls fore grip, throw a lowland's warriror LMG barrel on it, then take an inv 1944 MG42 drum and slap it on there after afixing a BAS grenade launcher? Not only would we have one hell of a bad looking gun, we'd have parts of everyone's work intermixed to the point we won't know 100% of whats what. Â As for mod's I do not wan't all mod members to have this tool. Last thing I need is for some one like say for an EXAMPLE Sniper skull to grab my MP5a3N model and put it in with ON STAR. Even if full credit is give it's nice to know who's useing what and who made what when. Know I am shure he wouldn't do that (shure hope so). Â So all of the above in one paragraph. #1 Keep noobs from mixing things all up. #2 Protect work from use without first asking permission #3 Stealing by importers to other games or even people who would try and sell creations on turbo squid. #4 Incentive to create something beter then the other person has. As for comunity use of BIS models; I think only the civilians should be made public for use. The rest, bah, create something beter instead of slaping crap on BIS models. Let's try and make something we can convert into OFP and still have it look half way decent. Â *edited for grammar (still prety bad eh?) * Â *EDIT* As for hexing, anyone useing ANY other OS then 95 or XP can use the tool texture swap my mike schnell i belive found in the edcenter under graphics tools. For re hexing BIS or any other models skin directorys. (It usaly requires a specail system extention that some OS's are missing but I got that if anyone needs it.(Single file 128kb)
  21. Drill Sergeant

    Drillsarges new hand guns and weapons!!

    It's a Xm107 aka M82a3. And #1 It's a permanently afixed sight not a removeable one. #2 If it's mounted that way theres a vent it sits on and it wou'ldn't look so smart just hovering there. Why is it in the upwards position? becauseit gives the optics a point of reference and why do people still keep there fron sights up and or attached on other guns when they get in the way of opitics? Because it gives you a point of refference and really doensn't get in the way too much. I may considerlowering it, but personaly my preferance is to have it up. I see I'm gona have to make 2 version of it. One up and one down. And as an after though look on that 82a1 exploded view. no holes ontop of the uper fore part. the 82a3 has these holes and if it's not a stradle mount welded on the thing would be hovering.
  22. Drill Sergeant

    Drillsarges new hand guns and weapons!!

    I would like to clarfy this statement by saying that the leak was pictures found on my web space and theres no problems. eghh gota whatch what I leave one my site after showing people. Well everythings ok. Time for me to get back into my corner and work. Oh and sniper skull. I know you hate me. That ok man. And no it's not CS skins. But all I can say is each skin layout is huge. 1024x512 and each gun uses 2-3 of them. I'm testing them as .jpgs on my still 8mb video controler and no lag even when coupled with high polly models. I gota find out how to make them lag soon or just give up on the idea of causing massive lag fests. Thanks BIS for a engine that won't lag.
  23. Drill Sergeant

    Modern us infantry

    #1 Please note. OFW has replaced the m16 with the XM8 and mods of it. The M29 will be the heavy weapon of the US army. (EX OICW) The M29 is also modular like the XM8. Though the M4a4 and M16a4 will still remain in service.
  24. Drill Sergeant


    All I can say is. PEOPLE AT BIS. MAKE A 3# WEAPON SLOT. NAMELY. KNIVES! ALLOW US TO CHANGE NVG AND BINOC MODELS/OPTICS. Suddenly I whish I wouldn't have bought my 835 and G3. No money. Ahhh as for the rumoes didn't read it except the first two pages. Hope it's true and if it is, BIS consider doing the above. Watch me get slaped on the wrists for this post. been a while since i posted here.
  25. Drill Sergeant

    Modern us infantry

    Ok ALICE uses clips and slides to attach gear to a central belt suspender rig. STRIKE/MOLE uses loops of cloth with buttons, velcro or snaps to attach things. the Vest that takes the place of the ALICE belt is called a RACK. Alice is not as configurable as MOLE and it's prety stiff to use with all the 2 inch webing. Some times on a mole system ya velcro or snaps come loose and ya gear falls off. Â *Hint hint* action "Pick up and re attach mag pouch" Â Here's some examples. Â This is a RACK. This is the MOLE. This is a STRIKE and here's how they attach All them little loops go thrue the loops on the MOLE/RACK/STRIKE systems. Alice just uses metal clips and metal bands to hold stuff on a bellt or webing. Takes a bit of time to move stuff around on it.