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Everything posted by Evishion

  1. Evishion

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    lol..take it easy  hehe....anyway.. cant wait to its done Â
  2. Evishion

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    ok but now when u have starte, u really should have replaced most of everything.. like choppers. tanks. vehicles. units etc... I mean .now when u have started . not a order, just a request
  3. Evishion

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    cool. when done? u have any day ready ?
  4. Evishion

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    GREAT is it long to ur done ? I mean.. did u just start or are u soon done ? and are u gonna replace the most of all as my suggestion. or just these units ?
  5. Evishion

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    great.. But in mission editor I get a error  something with a scope... And on 85/91 models I get error: "modelspecial" and cant play... anyway.. now someone must make a config who replace some old stuff with some new  like example: BIS US units = Hyk's Modern units BIS russians = Sucheys Russians BIS Blackhawk = BAS Blackhawk BIS Shilka = DKM Shilka BIS US tanks = SIG's modern tanks BIS Weapons = Earl's Weapons / or INQ BIS BMP = VIT's BMPs / or CSLA2's BMP and so on Â
  6. Evishion

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    is there anyone who can tell me how to "install" it ? I to overwrite ECP config .. totaly screw up.. then resores. same totaly screw up.. need to know how to "install" asap
  7. Evishion

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    IS that a replacement for tthe regular BIS units ? and what shall I do ? example bacup and overwrite ecp config with this ? or ?? ( that ecp was just a example )
  8. Evishion

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    That's true, it's very hidden there, I think the code is c8xm16a2, the weapon is mentioned in the readme but IIRC not the code, strangely. Yeps..
  9. Evishion

    Ofp 2 slogan

    OFP2: Die or buy
  10. Evishion

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    That would be good, replaying those demo (original) missions with these new guys was sweet. I'd probably replay the campain with the new units... Yea, same here, if someone make  EDIT:Would be cool: BIS US units = Hyk's Modern units BIS russians = Sucheys Russians BIS Blackhawk = BAS Blackhawk BIS Shilka = DKM Shilka BIS US tanks = SIG's modern tanks BIS Weapons = Earl's Weapons / or INQ BIS BMP = VIT's BMPs / or CSLA2's BMP and so on.. would be awesome
  11. Evishion

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Someone need to make a new config. who make that the old units get replaced with these new one
  12. Evishion

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    great Dlling now ( again ) Super guns still there ?
  13. Evishion

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    I LOVE te addon Great work  BUT. u could have dropped the Super m16 and m60 Â
  14. Evishion

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    hmm what plane is that ? and what pilot ? gemme gemme
  15. Evishion

    Ofp 2 slogan

    OFP2: More laggfree OFP2: If you have seen the game in shops. Tell us lool
  16. Evishion

    Ofp2 info in may?

    If you mean mission editor, the Xbox verson will have it... ahve seen screenies of that!
  17. Evishion

    Ofp2 info in may?

    I think he means OFP Xbox 1.5
  18. Evishion

    Ofp lagg. cpu or ram ?

    Better reduce your viewdistance as mentioned above and look out for the spy camera addon.  Seriously - don't expect 3000 m to work fine on any system. I've got a 3ghz pc, and 1 gig of ram and there's still no chance of using 3000 m viewdistance without any signs of cpu stress. 1500 m or 3000 m is not a difference of only 1500 m - more it's a difference of 1500 mł, as it has to be calculated like a dome: x/y/z axis way. btw - don't take the 1500mł to be correct, as the really difference would be the formular, you would use to calculate a BALL/2 = half of a BALL  (don't think it's really important to talk about the formular itself, as i just meant you have to think about the fact itself). ~S~ CD hehe. just embarrising ( or how it spells ) that on my old Cpu 1800+ 1.5 ghz I used 1500meters.. embarrisign that I need yo use it now on my 2.46 ghz maybe I shall go for 2000 I personally think its the AA who make it lagg ass. Cuz my m8 have 1 gig ram ( ok 512 more ) and 3200+ 2.2 ghz he have 0*AA and run 3000 lagg free and I have 4*AA and it lags.. But I am a guy who dont like to reduce things.. so I ebtter go for teh view distance... even it get more boring
  19. Evishion

    Ofp2 info in may?

    Ahh cool. cant wait
  20. Evishion

    Ofp lagg. cpu or ram ?

    yeah. But if I run everon I get 5000 lagg free but malden, kolgujev, and nogova is to detailed so it lags anyway to me anyway. I hope they fix the lag problem in OFP2
  21. Evishion

    Ofp2 info in may?

    I have allways woundered.. What is E3 ? and when ?
  22. Evishion

    Ofp lagg. cpu or ram ?

    Yeah tryed to do it..and it helped ALOT.. got laggfree on the hardest places to but I wanna huge view dist Still weird that my 9800 Pro ( clocked ) shall not make the game..
  23. Evishion

    Unified animations pack v1.0

    I have allmoust replaced all old once with my own.. Ofp reborn
  24. Evishion

    Ofp lagg. cpu or ram ?

    Yeah.. I know.. I have tryed them.. but if u ask me, its even get more lag or no change in the lagg.. anyway, since I tryed it it fucked up my campaigns "continueation" like when I continue, the game crash to windows and I get a error.. Hmmm maybe its the settings yea but I am a guy who dont like to put things "down" I wanna more up.. So do you think it will be better if I get more ram ?