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Everything posted by Evishion

  1. Evishion

    Death animations

    agreed! Ragdoll kicks ass hope they will include that.... well.. on todays games its a must
  2. Evishion

    Norwegian forces studio

    Awesome work gents!! When are u guys gonna release all that in 1.0 ? cant wait
  3. Evishion

    Error Message

    Try adding -nomap
  4. Evishion

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    what IS that postbla bla bla thing ? and what it does ?
  5. Evishion

    Ragdoll Effect Possible ?

    Would be DARN cool
  6. Evishion

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    had the same-- take OFF Glare. then its normal
  7. Evishion

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    Fixed by taking off glare or what it was.. Now its ace
  8. Evishion

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    Hmmm... there is something who seems wrong in my eyes... its not the wter or something.. its some of the effects, that my eyes aint really Comfy with.. I think its "weird" looking at ofp.. I mean.. my eyes arent comfy at the..ehh.. "look" Might be the hard light thing.. not sure.. but its something who doesent seems right... 9800pro@xt [email protected] 512 ddr pc 2700
  9. eyey... good idea m8.. I think I shall do that to
  10. Uff!!.. Jam again... I HATE when allmoust all the guns got the same Boring sound I think u should make diff sounds for the diff guns!
  11. Evishion

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    I havent readed all pages, so if this has been mentined before, im really sorry.. but to me, the textes etc are pretty blury.. same ingame.. not so much, but its a bit blury.. then when I press esc and shall abort mission its hard to see what it say.. cuz its so blury..  anyway to fix ? EDIT: Actually. the entire game looks a Bit! Blury..a bit uncomfy to my eyes to look at  EDIT2: aww its surely the hard lights I bet... but the blury text? or is it hard lighted to ?
  12. Ace! shall download it asap.. just need to eat first Damn, Ic ant wait to try this units.. have waited a long time on them
  13. OT: Â what does these USB things do ? that little thing..?
  14. Evishion

    "FlashNews" Launched.

    ermm.. whats actually the point with an OFp addon site when we got www.ofp.info
  15. Evishion

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    is all the units etc replaced as they did with super config ?
  16. Evishion

    Best addon campaigns

    I think CSLA 2 has the BEst campaign!.... when I think about that... I havent completed it yet gotta go and play it again
  17. Evishion

    Ofp lagg. cpu or ram ?

    Hey. Just have a little question.. gonna buy me some more ram, but I wounder, I have a 9800 pro, amd [email protected] ghz, 512 pc2007 ram and I run 4XAA and 16AF... and res: 1600X1240 ( if it aint 2048X1536 ) and I have view dist 3000 and it lags pretty much on some places on nogova.. so I ask. will it be more "lagfree# than its now if I get 1 gb ram ? or is it the cpu ? the main Q is is it the Cpu or the ram who cause most lag ? -Thx
  18. Evishion

    Very Important Announcement from BAS

    Yea. we lost a big piece of the ofp "world" Are u gonna continue with OFp2 when it comes ?
  19. Evishion

    Long File check

    Do u mean OFPwatch ? If that u can just turn off the addon scan. so u wont wait for it IF that was the prob
  20. Evishion

    Long File check

    Do u mean OFPwatch ? If that u can just turn off the addon scan. so u wont wait for it IF that was the prob
  21. Evishion

    I'm on a roll.

  22. Evishion

    Umm a little help needed..

    Dunno if it makes sense. but u installed all 3 cds right ?
  23. Evishion

    Umm a little help needed..

    Dunno if it makes sense. but u installed all 3 cds right ?