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Everything posted by DPS -CCCP-

  1. DPS -CCCP-

    Question about very strange bug...

    Here is sequence of animations: cargoAction[] = { ManActOWPMi26nav,ManActOWPMi26nav,ManActCargo,ManActCargo,ManActCargo,ManActUazCoDriver,Ma nActCargo }; First 2 is custom animated, other well known.
  2. I have very strange bug. Some of "cargo" mens or pilots (not all) in my helicopter addon, when game is starting, put their legs up (foot have one level with butt:)). I have not this animation, I chek config many times. Really don't know what is it. Maybe memory error? Maybe someone have same trouble?
  3. DPS -CCCP-

    Zil 130/131 pack released!!!

    We do not use hidden selections now, because it is not need at this moment:) We have many ideas, that come up with relize version, and usnig nidden selection too, for example we plan to make reammo truck that based on zil 131 camo vers.:)
  4. DPS -CCCP-

    Zil 130/131 pack released!!!

    this is under "nashe orujie (our weapons)" folder in editor
  5. DPS -CCCP-

    Zil 130/131 pack released!!!

    AI targeting script be in later updates. We already have working, but buggy scripts. Wait for updates:)
  6. DPS -CCCP-

    Zil 130/131 pack released!!!

    This is 9,6 mb. in RAR archive, so this is normal:) And small note for all: This is public beta version Wait for updates soon:)
  7. DPS -CCCP-

    Zil 130/131 pack relase soon!

    I think total final archive is about 12-13 mb's... One little advice: use WinRar
  8. DPS -CCCP-

    Zil 130/131 pack relase soon!

    Different between Zil and Ural BM-21 is: -Ural has 40 rocket tubes -Zil (our version) has 36 rocket tubes thats all:) Denorc do you wanna some close screenshots? I make some in close distance with minimal system settings, please contact me, i show you thats still look fine:)
  9. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    Hi all! Good news! Today, we with our collega Filin visit MAKS 2003 (International Aero Space Salon), and now we have many extra exclusive photos in hight digital quality! This is help us to make this addon more better! Here some photo:) Heh this is me in Mi-26T:) This is my second pilot: Filin:) And here some step to friendship between Russia and USA:) More photos will aviable soon, you'll be informed...
  10. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    Very thanx Blackdog!!!!
  11. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    If you can help with some historical informations (like photos), please, contact me on dps@iskratelecom.ru
  12. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    Bull**** I don't want to start another war here, but if this chopper was military one (and it seems it was), then it wasn't act of terror - Chechens had same right to do that as Russians when they fired a missile at Johar Doudayev. That's called war not terrorism (especially international terroris). This is no rights of those "peoples", who killed so many civilian peoples in whole of Russia, and in Moscow especially. I'm from Moscow, and I trully remember all terror acts of last 5 years. From blows-up civil houses on south of city to recent terract in Tushino on rock-concert. You don't now what's really going on in Chechnya, because you don't russian, so please, shut a f*****! BTW we plan make several types of mi-26, flying crane too. So you can carry up even Chinhook like on photo ))
  13. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    People dying! Nothing to laught!((( This is all international terrorism.... Not MIL constructions issues...
  14. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    Same chopper but from other side:(
  15. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    We think about it:)
  16. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    This Mi-26 can transport over 90 armed mens or over 120+ civil peoples:)
  17. DPS -CCCP-

    Attention addonmakers!

    I don't want to use BIS TAG system in our addons. So where the true?
  18. DPS -CCCP-

    Question about hawks mi-26

    Now we totally rebuilding our MI-26. Now new hi-quality detailed 3D model totally copmleted, texture in progress. Addon will have all newest improvements that even made in OFP. Of course there is a opening cargo doors, and possibility of transporting vehicles inside. We plan to make new beta on mid of august.
  19. DPS -CCCP-

    Mi-2 pack released

    Heh, you have 666 posts now:) Whrere you have saggers? Only on US and Policie versions or on others? I think this problem is only on english (or other non-russian) version of Flashpoint, because most of our testers have russian version, and that's all alright! BTW, the original campaigns (cwc, rh, res) is fully anti-russians. So don't turn this topic in politics.
  20. DPS -CCCP-

    Mi-2 pack released

    Thanx to everyone to sweets reply:) 2 edc: no, we hasn't bug like this... 2 blackdog: wow! What a great screenshots! You really cool photographer:)
  21. DPS -CCCP-

    Mi-2 pack!

    Mi-2 US "Gunship" is like any other's mi-2, but armed with 2 PKT machineguns and 2 PK guns in winholes (we make 1 because OFP engine dose not support more). US word does not equial of United States or other one:)
  22. DPS -CCCP-

    Mi-2 urn v1.0 released!

    We spend serious network tests right after entering of significant changes. But all the same (you realize) that we can not notice something, and any mistake can creep in addon.:)
  23. DPS -CCCP-

    Mi-2 urn v1.0 released!

    I dont think so... BTW, this screen from online Military Parade in honour of 2-nd birthday of Nasha Armiya (Our Army) [CCCP] VA. Those addons (parad UAZ, tribunes and etc) were made specially for this event.
  24. DPS -CCCP-

    Mi-2 urn v1.0 released!

    Yes, and we preparing some intresting demo-missions.