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Everything posted by Donnervogel

  1. Donnervogel

    Csla 2

    @CSLA guys First I want to say I do repect you work very much. This mod is one of the stars on the OFP sky. Still I do understand why people want to "tear appart" your mod. I do sometimes - while mission editing - sit there and think of how great it would be to use you vehicles and stuff in different enviroments. Like some of you armoured vehicles would fit into vietnam scenarios. And there's the prob I have with total coversion mods. They don't mix with each other and they're incompatible with other Addons usually. Like when you want to use BAS Rangers with FDF Mod you end up having super sniping BAS Rangers agains FDF guys having huge recoil. This is not a critic on any mod or addon maker. I think It's more a problem (or a feature - depends on what you want) of the "MOD-concept" that BIS has implemented. Another thing is that when new versions of already existing vehicles are made you really would like to see them in standart OFP (maybe replacing the original vehicles). Because it feels somhow strange when you have beatiful BAS Blackhawks flying and then there is this ugly BIS Mi-17 and you know you have a much better Mi-17 on your harddisc but you can't use it wothout loading the whole mod. In the end I enjoy playing your mod and the campaign is good too. I love the voice acting. Hearing some czech again after a long time is good for my language skills ;) But I think it's easily understandable why people have an itch to "rip your mod". They don't mean it in a ngeative way.
  2. Donnervogel

    Bkm pilot (working oxygen mask!!!!)

    psst... removeallweapons this; this addmagazine "whatever"; this addweapon "whatever;" ... but don't tell anybody! *sneaks off*
  3. Donnervogel

    Anim pack2!!

    as I see you still don't bother tagging your anim names. well I still beg you to do it as you said you will do it. now I'm going to try it out anyway
  4. Donnervogel

    Animated chicken version 1.0

    lol great idea!
  5. Donnervogel

    1.95 problems

    AFAIK this problem existed before 1.95 too. I know TJ was once asking about it in the OFPEC IRC chat.
  6. Donnervogel

    M.m.p mod release

    those troops are just placeholders ;) Read on the webpage.
  7. Donnervogel

    1.95 problems

    Uhm it's not only 1.95 related but I guess I ppost it here for other people to try it out if they have similar issues. I finally could solve my CTD problem. (I got CTD's with HW T&L activated and while driving ground vehicles) It was something I unfortunatley never edited. It's the vehicle shadows. I turned them off and now I can play perfectly with HW T&L activated.
  8. Donnervogel

    M.m.p mod release

    Hmm looks very good guys. But a non-registration download area and an installer that doesn't clutter my registry would make it even better ;)
  9. Donnervogel

    1.95 problems

    It makes the life ofthe 1337 h4Xx0rz more complicated I guess
  10. Donnervogel

    1.95 problems

    The "out of memory?" message? Yeah it has such a message but it's not the problem you can fix with -nomap. Ok nomap fixes the crashes. Instead I get little freezes all the time. Makes it unplayable too. Only workaround I found is to disable HW T&L.
  11. Donnervogel

    1.95 problems

    Just for the protocol. My Crash to Desktop problem is still there. Nothing changed. I think BIS knows about it.
  12. Donnervogel

    BWMod discussion

    I think its some sort of animal, like a ferret My dictionary says the English word for "Marder" is "marten"
  13. Donnervogel

    Nogovan Armed Forces Project

    Dont forget that nogova's army is going to be allot smaller then that. Maybe I should read the government thread but I can't see where Nogova want's to get money from so I think it will also have fewer money available. Well it was just a proposal. I'll takewhat I get but I often see Reservists from different countries using outdated equippment. See FDF mod too.
  14. Donnervogel

    Nogovan Armed Forces Project

    Depends. I didn't follow the discussion closely so I don't know if Nogova has a militia system (national service) or not. But many countries with national service ususally don't exchange the equippment of their soldiers after they completed recruitment. I see it here in Switzerland. The older people that were in the army before 1990 still have the old Stgw 57 Assault rife and the old uniforms and stuff. And swtzerland doesn't equip normal soldiers with kevlar helemts. Only some special forces use them. It's not that they are more expensive than steel ones. But the problem is that if they would exchange all helemts they had to exchange like 3 million helmets and that's an unneeded expense.
  15. Donnervogel

    Nogovan Armed Forces Project

    The model may be changed, whats important now is the camouflage pattern Oh I see. ;) It looks nice although I don't like the idea of nogovan forces being western looking ;) But I guess it has already been decided. Nvertheless I'm looking forward to it. Espeacially to the planes.
  16. Donnervogel

    Nogovan Armed Forces Project

    Hmm wouldn't an old (maybe soviet style) steel helmet fit better to reservists?
  17. Donnervogel

    Next time you think sci-fi, think again

    The Ariane rocket is a ESA (European Space Agency) project. Kourou is french territory tough so it's protected by the french. But the scientists/engeneers/groud contol people there are from different european nations. In short: The space programme is joint european but the launch pad is french ;)
  18. Donnervogel


  19. Donnervogel

    Two machineguns in a wheeled vehicle

    And you forget that it won't really work in MP since MP is having trouble to keep up with the constant setpos commands on all clients.
  20. Donnervogel

    True hovercraft

    It's cofigured as motorbike ;)
  21. Donnervogel

    Kill bill

    Don't listen to the heretic ;)
  22. Donnervogel

    Bas littlebirds

    If you mean OFP missions: They have a missing Texture bug in some LODs... that's maybe why it wasn't used.
  23. Donnervogel

    Liberation '45 released something!!!

    What do you mean with "no sound" in BAS campaign? They have original music (not stolen or illegal) made by cassie there.
  24. Donnervogel

    New vietnam island

    sebnam_wp ;)
  25. Donnervogel

    New vietnam island

    @Jinef What is the _badguy disableAI "AUTOTARGET" good for in the script? It will disable automatic targetting of the unit.