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Everything posted by Donnervogel
well we're waiting for it to be started EDIT: I guess it's not going to happen
HAHAHA I love it
First. This pack is so cool. I forgot time yesterday playing with those unts I experienced a little script bug though I hope it hasn't been reported yet. Only did a quick search. I had a fennec chopper on the ground. I started as pilot in it. I got out and there was another fennec in my groop. it was hovering near the the fenenc that was on the ground. to test the winch I ordered the other chopper to lower the winch and then to get me up into the flying chopper. it all worked but in the end I got transfered into the fennec on the ground and not intop the hovering one that used the winch on me ;) You should make sure that you get transfered into the right chopper ;)
1. All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) 2. Paths of Glory The other hollywood action style movies. some are nice but I don't like them so much as these two.
Switzerland has conscript service. If you declare yourself pacifist and go trough some psychological testing and stuff you can do "civil service" though. That can be anything from wiping the butts of old people to cleaning up forrest in regions where noone wants to go to ;) There are some talks about making a professional army without conscript service but it's very unlikely to happen anytime soon.
games =! rl I hate the army. Hell the only fun part was shooting. But it took us 3 weeks of marching and stuff until we first were allowed to look at a rifle. And then towards the end of training there was an excercise with real ammo and lucky me got shot in the arm. Army sucks big ass.
hehe when I played it last time we spent like 8 minutes searching it and a pilot hiding in a non enterable house ;)
You and what army? Remember that we have conscript service here. Most adult men have military training and they have their weapon at home. We spent like 50 years planing how to defend this country against the soviets or anyone else who would threaten us ;)
@Llauma Jah. That's the big fary tale ;) It's certaily not true. People are fit to voice their opinion. The thing is though that people in countries where they don't get to vote on such topics do act in strange ways when they can vote once after a loooong time. Often they take this chance to "pay something back" to the big bad government. But that's because it's their only chance. Here we vote very regullary on federal, cantonal and community issues. And those people who are interested often have their very own and grounded opinion. But most people don't care when it comes to normal issues and don't vote. Altrhough there are few people who never vote. It's more like they go voting if there is a topic they're interested in. otherwise they stay at home. The problem with this system is that it would probably not work well in big countries like Germany or France. It's a bit clumsy and certainly too slow for nations that want to be "big players" in europe or the world ;) @ineo Yes the government has to act the way the vote turns out. It's binding. The people can demand a vote on certain decissions of the parliament/government or the people can force the government to work out a new law or to change the constitution. There are some things the people can't decide on. And on some other things there must be a referendum no matter if the people demand it or not.
The UN doesn't do much in Iraq. And for sure they did not replace the government. It was the US. remember ;) The UN is no military power. Offensive military action can only be taken by a nation/alliance under UN mandate. But the UN can't force the nations to do it.
It's the oldest, but also the slowest democracy. right. We're slow. But that's because we are much more democratic than the other european nations ;) Here the people decide on important laws, not some representatives. And I love it that way.
Dang. Nice units but I don't download stolen stuff
now get that server up and running
and we would get a digitally remasterd dolby digital DVD box set of apollo 11-17 by now.
I explained why the "wind" is not there and why the flag moved. The marking behind the objects. Common. That's really the most silly thing. You will have that with any ususal camera and short duration of exposure. A bright surface will blend over a dark thing then the dark thing is so small. That's ebcause bright surcases reflect light while black things don't. And it has also to do with resolution. looky here at the antenna of the insect. That's exaclty what happens with the moon photographs. and the rover. well. What a surprise. the Film at twice the speed looks similar to earth movement. And at 1.5 times the speed it's as it would be on mars. lol common. Actually you can see that the film at 2.45 times the speed would be very much like on earth and that is another thing that indicates that it was filmed on moon. Because that's the factor one would expect if you calculate it. And antoher thing. From the dust falling from the rover wheels you can also calculate another indication that it was filmed on moon. you can get the falling time of the dust which is 1s. If you calculate the falling time with moon gravitation you would get 1.01s ;)
OMG zhe frommage has taken over the moon! and I always thought it was hitler who fled to the moon!!!
@Kaliyuga Ok from the site you told me I looked for the Apollo 11 landing site. Well I found it. I took the coordinates from this page: Apollo landig site coordinates Then I used this image archieve: Clementine Lunar Image Browser 1.5 Here is the original image from clementine: (I'm afraid the resolution is by far too low to see anything on the surface) here is a high res image derived from information of the clementine mission: Klicky EDIT: btw. even full res clementine imaging would still be too low res to identify a small thing like a lunar landing craft on the surface. Even though the moon is small. It's not that small ;) to give you a sense of the sizes: try to find the landing module on this picture from the moon: Find Walter err the LM Solution
What are you trying to say? Btw. The mapping wasn't complete ;) You should read the text on that page. Although the landing site should be included. But then again I'm no "lunagraphist" (lunar geographist hehe) so I will not claim that I can say where what is on the moon. Since it seems that you know more you could tell me where I should expect to see the landing site and how you can know that it's not there ;)
because it doesn't wave. The film clips where it "waves" have to do with astronauts fiddling with the flag pole. No athmospehere doesn't mean there is no vis inertiae. If you compare pics of the flag it always looks like that. and as R. Gerschwarzenge already said, the flag is also attached on a horizontap pole so the key is to watch the lower outer edge of the flag when it's moving. If it would be moving because of a wind the edge would move first and then the rest of the flag would "wave" but in the movie clips it's always the edge that follows the movement of the horizontal bar which means that the movement is caused by the movement of the horizontal bar. ;) So much for winds on moon. EDIT: two pics that have been made in a time interval of 18 secounds. the flag obviously didn't move ;)
Another evidence that they did land is, that most of the so called "evidence that it must be faked" is BS ;) Like there is those pictures with things in the shadow that reflect light. The fake theorists say that can't be because the sun is the only light source on the moon. They only forgot that the surface on the moon is full of debris of little asteroids that often consists of different metals. the moon surface actually does reflect light very good. (as you can see every night) Other light sources can be reflective material on the equipment of the austronauts, their helmet visor, the earth that reflect light... And there is lots of other so called evidece, which can be explained with basic physics. This "evidence" sounds plausible to many people because they forget that there are different rules on the moon than on earth. Thing like temperature, shockwaves from the engines and other stuff behaves very different in an enviroment like on the moon. And there are silly claims that are not even true on earth. Like that there are shadown not parallel to each other. Well, they should watch mother earth where we have the same problem. Shadows aren't always parallel. Actually they are only parallel in very special circumstances. well and so on. There are many webpages that explain those things.
not totally true. They did show plenty of burned and shot iraqi soldiers. (double standards anyone?)
Hmmm. It did work for me. I tested it. This is typical symptom of session data not being updated. And yes I know of their importance for moderators. I scripted my own Forum that I have to moderate ;) EDIT: Hmm even stranger. Now after I made a clean Log Out and Log In again, marking Forums as read works "on the run" too.
now that you say it. I can confirm this (never really cared about those icons). The cookies are handled correctly but the session data isn't updated "on the run". You can either close the window and open a new one or log out and log in again. Then it shows correctly. Which means the cookies have bean updated but the session isn't updated on firefox. Not sure if it's a Firefox error though. I suggest to check if the forum uses the correct way to update the session according to standarts. if it does it could be a fierefox error which you could report ;) Firefox is still in developemnt (version 0.9.2 now).
well then you could be amazed by firefox which is simple and fast... uhh hmm
Hey! No problem. I knew you weren't looking for this answer. But: a) it solves your problem b) it solves many more problems so it's a sensible thing to switch to an alternative.