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Everything posted by DeLiltMon

  1. DeLiltMon

    British Gurkhas?

    No it's not, the kukri is designed to be a tool, just like the machete, have a read of this
  2. DeLiltMon

    North devon terrain

    So then where am I standing (OFP grid ref please! Somewhere in G7 looking NW? It's the fields in on the hill that I recognised
  3. DeLiltMon

    North devon terrain

    I've only ever seen that area in OFP and I instantly knew where it was
  4. @Chris Death How big are the components in the geo lod? If I remember rightly theny have to be at least 0.5m thick or they are not reckognised as being there
  5. Well said Lt Phoenix, I just wish some people would think before they post.
  6. DeLiltMon

    Invasion 1944

    Let's see what you can come up with in the same amount of time then, off you go, the clock's ticking
  7. Serious question time, how many of the people posting in here about pushing for mods to release things have ever tried making an addon? I'm genuinly interested to know.
  8. DeLiltMon

    Invasion 1944

    There's a simple solution to all this, if you don't like what they are doing or the way they are doing it then stop reading Inv44 threads and don't download it when it comes out. You're forgetting that they are doing this because they want to do it and it's up to them how they go about doing it, you are not paying them to do it, they don't have to do any of it at all. All this demanding release dates really pisses me off, they are doing this as a hobby, not a full time job, the amount of time they have available to work on it varies making release dates a complete waste of time, so please get off their backs and let them work!
  9. DeLiltMon

    Multiplayer train

    No it didn't
  10. DeLiltMon

    UK Desert(ed) troops = BLEED 1.0

    Agreed, funny how all the experts appear whenever the SAS is mentioned. Anyway, great work BB, well done, have yourself a virtual pint on me
  11. DeLiltMon

    Invasion 1944

    Well given the hostile reception they got straight after starting this thread I can't blame them for deciding not to tell anything. Release dates are meaningless when projects, especially ones of this size, are done in people's spare time. People seem to forget that this has to fitted in around a job/studying and friends and family, plus times where the last thing you want to do is spend hours sat in front of a computer making addons and for no reward other than the the satisfaction of seeing it finished and others enjoying it. ECP is a prime example, yes it's been delayed for months, but for very good reasons, they've found problems with it and have been trying to fix them. Now if it was me that had to deal with the comments they've been getting I would have turned around and said "balls to the lot of you, we just wont release it!". Looking at Inv44 do you have any idea of the scale of the project? They're having to make new units, vehicles, buildings, objects and islands not to mention the missions in the campaign, short of the engine itself, it's almost a complete new game, all this takes time! Their phase one release is probably going to be the biggest part as, with the subsequent phasing being able to reuse objects and units from it. I'm getting pretty sick of people on this forum whining because they have to wait for things to be released, claiming a mod is dead because they havent posted any new screenshots for a couple of weeks or, and this one really bugs me, claiming they are being teased if they do release screenshots but not the addon straight afterwards. Do you have any idea of the amount of work that's required to make an addon? From some people's comments, I doubt it very much! For a start there's the main model to make and texture, taking a tank as an example, this is the one you see when you are stood up close to it. Once you've made this it is possible to make a basic config and get it in game and take some screenshots of it, which is all very nice, but that's all it's good for, in order for it to function correctly it needs approximately 4-5 lower poly versions of the main model which are displayed as you get further from the tank, then there's the geometry lod, which defines the shape and mass of the tank so that it doesn't pass through things, the fire geometry, which allows the AI to target it, a memory lod, which defines where the gun is, turret rotation axis etc and at least one internal view lod which contains the model that is seen when the player is in the tank. At this point you have a funtioning addon but without altering the config it will act exactly like a BIS M1A1, T72, etc. Making changes to the config so that it "feels" right can take as long as making the model in the first place, and this is just for one tank, the same thing has to be done for all the units, vehicles, weapons, buildings and objects in the mod. If everyone out there made at least one attempt to make an addon, there'd be a whole lot less complaining about release dates on this forum! Anyway, enough ranting from me, I've been following Inv44's progress since they started and I'm very impressed by what I've seen and I'm sure it'll be well worth the wait!
  12. DeLiltMon

    The multiplayer face gallery

    Volcbat - taches n guns
  13. DeLiltMon

    A Delorean...

    Great Scott! Strangely there was a Delorean parked outside the canteen here yesterday. It's a nice looking model, but it's missing one thing, the slats over the rear window: If you need pics for the interior there's a few on the site I got the pic above from (http://www.ryanwright.com/delorean/) Any chance of a Back to the Future version? Somehow they don't look quite the same without a Mr Fusion on the back.
  14. DeLiltMon

    Modieifed STT KLR 250

    Urge to kill rising.....
  15. DeLiltMon

    North devon terrain

    Will you be adding the railway line as well or not?
  16. DeLiltMon

    Decisive Killing Machines

    Top banana!
  17. DeLiltMon

    ECP 1.075...The countdown begins.

    How about you go and put the kettle on, make yourself a nice big cup of STFU, sit back and wait like the rest of us? Just stop filling this thread with crap!
  18. DeLiltMon

    The War of the Worlds?

    I could give it a go
  19. DeLiltMon

    The War of the Worlds?

    The heat ray needs to go "Oooooooooooooooooooolaaaaaaaa!" as well  Think I may have to dig the album out Â
  20. DeLiltMon

    The War of the Worlds?

    The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one, he said
  21. DeLiltMon

    RKSL Studios

    Very nice
  22. DeLiltMon

    North devon terrain

    Looking good Would that bunker be one of the ones from Fortress-OFP.com? They are the first ones who spring to mind for bunkers.
  23. DeLiltMon

    RKSL Studios

    Splendiferous I bet you get a cracking view from the nose of that thing.
  24. DeLiltMon

    Silent hunteriii

    I play with the text in English but the voices in German, it just didn't seem right with the crew speaking English with an American accent on a u-boat and it reminded me of U-571 too much *shudders*
  25. DeLiltMon

    my horse for a name..

    Shouldn't that be drive sprocket rather than return sprocket?