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Everything posted by DeLiltMon

  1. How about a Martini-Henry Rifle http://www.martinihenry.com/ I can almost hear Stanley Baker shouting "Front rank FIRE! Rear rank FIRE!" I actually seen someone carrying one in Afghanistan on a BBC documentary about the Taliban just before the invasion. Presumably it was picked up off a battlefield during the Afghan campain of 1878-1880, god knows where they get ammo for it from though.
  2. DeLiltMon

    Falklands mod progress

    I've fallen off my chair Brian
  3. DeLiltMon

    Texture swapping

    Ok, thank's Footmunch, I'll give it a go
  4. DeLiltMon

    Texture swapping

    Does anyone know if it's possible to swap the textures on a pre-defined selection such as the brake lights (can't remember the Czech name for the selection) on a vehicle via a user action? If so how would I go about doing it? Any input appreciated DLM
  5. Could someone please tell me if it's possible to use the clan logo areas on vehicles, etc in a SP mission. What I want to do is to be able to set it with a specific texture, such as a red cross for example, is it possible to do this? Cheers DLM
  6. DeLiltMon

    Resolution lod problem

    Hi all, I've got a problem with a vehicle addon in that one of the resolution LODs (5.0 to be precise) causes OPF to crash to desktop. I've done a bit of experimenting with it and found that if I delete all the faces and points from the LOD it doesn't cause a crash although obviously there's just an empty space where there should be a vehicle. However if I then try it with even just one face in the LOD it causes OPF to crash once more. Does anyone have any idea as to what could be causing it and how to solve it? All the other LODs work fine it's just this one and it's making me pull faces like this: Â So for the sake of my sanity, help! DLM
  7. DeLiltMon

    Resolution lod problem

    Thanks for all the suggestions, I eventually found the problem, it seems that it didn't like the LOD because I'd duplicated it from another one, when I created a new LOD and cut and paste into it, it worked fine. Seems it's yet another one of Oxygen's little "features"
  8. DeLiltMon

    Csla 2 news

    Oooooo, sweet
  9. DeLiltMon

    Folding rotors on helicopters?

    That rules me out then, still glad to see that it can be done
  10. DeLiltMon

    Folding rotors on helicopters?

    Does the F18 with foldind wings have working aerilons and if so are they on the folding part? If so then it may very well be possible
  11. DeLiltMon

    First anniversary of this little news snippet

    And I'm still just a keen to see it released Last I heard Sigma-6 had taken it on. In the mean time, All You Ever Wanted To Know About The Ferret But Were Afraid To Ask
  12. DeLiltMon

    Folding rotors on helicopters?

    Using BratZ's towing script, although it would only work for land based towing. You could even use the BIS tractor as the tug
  13. DeLiltMon

    Folding rotors on helicopters?

    It's a good idea, it might not be possible for a flying model as the rotors are already part of an animation, but I suppose you could always try making a static version as well with the folding rotors and swapping the models when you select "Fold Rotors" on the action menu in a similar way to the DKM MI-28 swaps models to a crashed one when it's destroyed. I have no idea of what's involved in swapping models though so it may not be possible or practical to do it for a user action. Best thing to do is to try adding an animation to the rotors of an existing chopper and see what happens.
  14. DeLiltMon

    Ww2 armor re-vamp

    The British crews didn't name them Ronsons after Ronson Cigarette Lighters for nothing, as Ronsons slogan was at the time "Lights first time everytime". In fact the Germans used to call them Tommy Cookers, not sure I'd fancy going up against a Panther or a Tiger in a Sherman. If you have a look on the OFPEC boards, under Addon Editing there was a thread in there a while back about the WWIIEC's attempt to standardise armour and shell values with a some form of formula for creating config values from real world values, it may be of some use to you.
  15. DeLiltMon

    Ww2 armor re-vamp

    I seem to remember on my last visit to the Tank Museum in Bovington that there was mention of on average it took 5 Shermans too take out a Panther, how they got that figure I'm not sure, whether it's the ratio of Shermans taken out by Panthers against the number of Panthers taken out by Shermans or whether they did actually used to send 5 Shermans up against a single Panther. Just to be picky the Sherman Firefly is actually the later model with the 76mm gun, the 75mm Shermans were just known as Shermans in British service.
  16. DeLiltMon

    Joint ammo and magazines (jam)

    I hate to state the obvious but if you don't like them, don't use them. I thought the HD weapons were primarily for AI use anyway.
  17. DeLiltMon

    Ferret. new screenshot at http://ofp.gamezone.cz

    Glad to see the Ferret is still being worked on, keep up the good work guys.
  18. DeLiltMon

    Coc unified artillery 1.0 released

    Ah that explains it then, be nice to see some big naval guns in action  *Edit After a breif search I've found that they were the same type guns that are outside the Imperial War Museum (15/42's) and having stood under them, they're big fecker
  19. DeLiltMon

    Coc unified artillery 1.0 released

    15inch? Well it's not the Belgrano as that had 6inch guns and the RN ships had/have 4.5inch guns, hmmm it's not by any chance land based is it?
  20. DeLiltMon

    New Naval mod

    Me too
  21. DeLiltMon

    Rugby world cup

    I had to vote for Wales but more realistically I'd say New Zealand, been as I only support 2 team, Wales and whoever is playing England Latest score Aus 11-0 Arg btw
  22. DeLiltMon

    Merchant ship

    Atlantic Conveyor and the Canberra?
  23. DeLiltMon

    Unseen modifications

    Some good looking stuff there, hope you get the Ok to release them
  24. DeLiltMon

    Merchant ship

    Looks great, it will really give ports in OPF that used look
  25. DeLiltMon

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    Well it took 8hrs to download but it was worth it, it's absolutely fantastic and I've had no problems running it either Now if you'll excuse me I'll go back to running in circles on the floor whilst shouting "Whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop", Homer Simpson style.