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D.murphy man

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Everything posted by D.murphy man

  1. D.murphy man

    Star Wars mod

    Nice trailer guys Hope that that is an actully space enviroment? or isit just an edited night sky with a lovely planet on film from the floor upwards? And Silent, that space addon relased a while ago, when u got to 'space' it wasnt actully a proper free roaming space that you could move around in. But rather a dome like building with textured walls and a spinning earth at the bottom of the 'floor' of this dome like building. And the space craft was suspended in the middle. So no it wasnt truely a Space enviroment just an ilusion. Any way, if these guys have some how managed to make a space enviroment it would be damn cool if we could have some massive star destoryers and such with a few setposed multiple turrets attached to it. Maybe even the ability to walk around in side one? if you can manage to get the cliping to a bare minimil. Would make for some intresting multiplayer Boarding mission + big space fights.
  2. D.murphy man

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    Id say extreamly likely. Look at the signs! Bis is remaking OFP1 with a massive over haul of every thing and a new name - Armed Assualt. Thus getting the name known in the market ready for Armed Assualt 2.(Formely known as OFP2) Also if Codies is now going to be making a OFP2..Why is this forum still titled OFP2?? its just going to confuse new comers. (and ive seen a lot of them around the forums lately)
  3. D.murphy man

    Fallout RPG - Bug fixing help

    Hmm what dose that CoC NS do? The read me leaves much to be desired. Also thanks every one.
  4. D.murphy man

    Fallout RPG - Bug fixing help

    Well thanks for clearing that one up for me
  5. I think i remember somthing in the mission editing FAQ (stickyed at the top of this section) about opening door script, also im sure a quick search useing the Button at the top of the page will bring somthing up. As for deleting stuff hardcoded into the map, it used to be possible in the earlier versions of the games but since resistance and the latest patches the ability to delete map objects has been taken out due to MP cheaters.
  6. D.murphy man

    Fallout RPG - Bug fixing help

    *Bump* Sorry if i seem to be pestering But i would of thought some one out here on the forum has experience with public varibles. Or didnt i make my first post clear enough? Please say.
  7. D.murphy man

    Fallout RPG

    Sure i could use some dialog help, about time i actully learnt how to use them I give credit to you of course in the brief And my emails: Dmurphyman@hotmail.com
  8. D.murphy man

    Fallout RPG

    erm excuse me? the island requires no addons at all
  9. D.murphy man

    Fallout RPG

    Sure send away. hey dont worry, this is your version so ill leave ya to make up and add your own stuff in as you wish. Nice little idea about the refinery, although i think ill be taking my version a different way to yours, this is still great stuff though.
  10. D.murphy man

    Fallout RPG

    Wow nice job. I would of used dialogs myself but i aint got a clue how And i am waiting to fix a few bugs but it seems theres been a rather massive slow down in the mission editing section, as no ones replied to my topic in there yet asking about public varibles. So at the moment all work as haulted. And it seems your one step ahead of me with the credit transfer and player alliences Also i have a question? I see you have Credits, or money that you have added and it seems every thing on the list costs money to build. So if you are useing credit instead what are you planing on useing scrap for? I aslo hope that youll need higher levels to build such destructive weapons Edit: Also noticed a few new buildings, what do they do?
  11. D.murphy man

    Looking for a zombie script

    Farmland mod released an island! I never knew about this? dosent say any thing on their site, inless it comes in one of the addon packs? Edit: O0o just did a search on OFP.cz and found it, nice D/ling now. Looks like ill be having some zombie fun also
  12. D.murphy man

    Huge Battlefield Multplayer Human Vs Human Mod

    Lol Well if you only had two sides to play as, Nato and Russia for example the Australians would have to pick between the two, so some would go with the ruskies and some would go with Nato and then every ones happy. What i suggested, the bit about making a website and iforming clans when a game is on to defend an area would solve the time difference thing.
  13. D.murphy man

    Looking for a zombie script

    This will spawn 12 zombies a given location Place this in a .sqs file, call it spawn.sqs or what ever you like and place it in your mission directory. Then the simplest way to activate this would be by placeing a trigger, activated by who ever you want. place in the on activation field [Zombiegroupname,Triggername] exec "scriptname.sqs" Zombiegroupname = The name of a unit on the map, id recomend that you place a unit thats the enemy to what ever side the player is on. Place the unit on a far off island and name him Zombiegroup1 or what ever you want. Trigger name=name of the trigger Scriptname.sqs = the name of the .Sqs with the code in ive given you. I am presumeing that you are useing the Unified zombie mod correct? Other notes: Useing this you cannot spawn more then 12 zombies at a time useing only one zombiegroup (due to OFP having a 12 units per squad limit). If you want to spawn more in a trigger simply put [zombiegroupname1,triggername] exec "spawn.sqs";[zombiegroupname2,triggername] exec "spawn.sqs";ect... Make sure to place more Units on a far of island with Zombiegroupname1,2,3,ect..
  14. D.murphy man

    Huge Battlefield Multplayer Human Vs Human Mod

    I belive he was trying to say that not actully map out all of russia, but instead have russia for example (because he did mention rest of eroupe and africa too) split into different Areas or territory. Each area of russia would be, i presume, a map the size of a normal OFP island or smaller of a key location that would be in that area in real life. So for example if the USA would attack a russian held area that in real life that area had Moscow in, instead of maping out the real life scale of that area instead just map out moscow and the imidiate surrounding areas of it. I belive this would be a very cool MMORPG game, but maybe not for OFP. Although who knows what the modding comunity could achieve. This actully could be possible in OFP at the moment, althou less in a hardcoded way. You could set up a site and start a lauge type thing. Where clans would sighn up to the site and join iver russia or the USA. Get a few people to make a few new islands of real world locations. On the site would be a map of the world split in areas (each area being a different 'island' to repersent that real life location) and then a clan leader or player would be appointed supreme genral of the USA and USSR. These genrals would take it in turns on a weekly basis to choose which enemy held area to attack (based on some preset rules such as you cannot not choose to attack an area thats not connected to one you controll). So week one USA genrall chooses to attack an area, week 2 USSR genral chooses to attack an area. Once for that week an area has been chosen to be attack the clans will be informed and a time and date will be chosen when the game starts, every one shows up, the appropiate island is chosen, and in the character slot screen there could be settings to be chosen such as whos attacking/defending etc... once the game is over the world map on the site is updated depending on what side one, for example a stat in the USA was attacked by russia, russia won the game that week and the state turns from green, to red. Then the next week its the USA's turn to choose where to attack and the whole thing happens again and again again etc.. After a set amount of months/weeks the side that holds the most Areas is declared the winner and we could have stats such as the most dedicated clan, most kills, most deaths, etc.. I think this could be pulled of with a little bit of organisation.
  15. Lol, yea i was thinking along thoughs lines, but the zombies (and most AI for that matter) seem to have a proplem with Camcreated objects, or vehiclecreated objects. They just ignor them and walk straight through the damn things. Ill look into sorting that proplem out though first i need to finished fallout off. (Some one please reply to my thread in this section )
  16. D.murphy man

    what would you play ?

    Im all for RPG and 'alternative' or 'unsuall out the ordinary' missions Plus with addons being backwards compatible looks like ill be useing the unified Zombie mod some more Althou i always like the old games of CTI,CTF and C&H. Never had the opertunity to play a A&D map though, never seen any thing else being played on servers apart from CTI and the occasinoal CTF and thats it. Is there somthing im missing here
  17. D.murphy man

    Destructable buildings/choppers in Opf?

    Indeed but its better then no destructble buildings atall
  18. Ah skye virus, happy memories I might consider making a remake with the unified zombie mod. The last version of skye virus had a major bug init, and i never got round to fixing it. Any way ive had an idea for a zombie map very similair to my Fallout RPG mission floating around my head for a while. But first i must iron out the FORPG bugs before starting a new project.
  19. D.murphy man

    Destructable buildings/choppers in Opf?

    I actully made a script a long time ago that when a building gets hit it gets deleted and replaced with a burnt out or ruined one, then when that gets blowen up its replaced with a another more blowen up looking building ect.. Just do a quick search in the mission editing section im sure you find it. Edit: Here it is
  20. D.murphy man

    Fallout RPG

    Yea i have recieved a report of this bug from a few people, I will check it out. As for the hunger rate, and amount of food you get from the crops.. At the moment i feel the amount of food recources you get from a crop is enough (3 food) as each food takes away 5 hunger. This also encourges players to set up a base camp to grow food and to regualry return to base rather then just roaming the wastes collecting massive amounts of scrap. Also it increases the chances of player conflict by people opting to raid each others crops rather then go through the hassel of growing there own. As for the rate of hunger i migh consider increaseing the hunger gain a bit. I have yet still to test my own mission with other players and see how the mission works out. Also watch this space for the next update.
  21. D.murphy man

    Fallout RPG

    An error has come to my atention which effects the game play quite alot. It seems that when players build objects other players cannot see them and can shoot/drive through them. I have just finished an update that should hopfully fix this proplem. I shall upload it up on rapid share shortly intill i can get in touch with wackyiraqi for another mirror. Be back soon! Edit: Darn rapid share seems to be down. looks like you'll all have to wait
  22. D.murphy man

    Destructable buildings/choppers in Opf?

    yay! hmm looks like ill be keeping a closer eye on the falklands mod then i used to
  23. D.murphy man

    Fallout RPG

    Ok thanks for testing people, FJ{05} ill see what i can do for the stuff not working somtimes, you say it only happens on warlord and RPG master setting? hmm strange. As for the guard tower ill have to take a look at it most propely somthing simple as useing camcreate instead of createvehicle. As for the system crash WackyIraqi i have no idea what could be causing that any one else been having this propelm?? Also if any Scripting Geuniuses out there feel willing to give my a second opinion on my Scripting work PM me, or just unpbo the mission and post somthing here
  24. D.murphy man

    Destructable buildings/choppers in Opf?

    Damn i wish some one around here would restart the DIB project it could really add another ground braking dimension to OFP.