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Everything posted by DnA

  1. I'm sorry to say that the 1.56 patch will not allow you to play video on 3D surfaces in the game world ... only in the GUI layer (which still is awesome!). The only thing you could do is use the setObjectTexture command to apply a dynamic texture to a model which is prepared to work with it. Potentially you can make a simple animation using this command by cycling through textures, as suggested above :)
  2. DnA

    procedural gameplay

    Yes, this is a topic we have been exploring for a while and will still be exploring for upcoming projects :) The current application is of course ARMEX and the Multiplayer Armory. Previously this type of system has been used for the singleplayer Armory and SecOps primarily, with modules like ACM, ALICE and SILVIE supporting them. All of those are just initial steps into the direction of procedural gameplay and there's definately still a lot of work and research needed. The specific example of the crashing helicopters is quite easy to enable using SecOps. We decided not to link it to all crashing helicopters (think of a "killed" EventHandler) because of higher level design decisions. I believe the T.R.A.P. SecOp is already set-up to work with an existing aircraft in the world, instead of only dynamically spawned aircrafts. I'm not sure there's a standard recipe to convert a scenario into procedural gameplay. There are many approaches, some of which have been used in the aforementioned systems. With more evolutions, iterations, research and testing we will hopefully arrive at a good tool-set to support proceduralism :)
  3. DnA

    How to use Armory Manager?

    Armory Manager will not do much as for now it's basically a module used by other modules (currently only by Armory Manager MP, but it contains shared systems which could be used elsewhere). Armory Manager MP is what you will need to use to create a 'new' MP Armory scenario for a different world than is already available. Documentation is forthcoming.
  4. Yes, 8 slots. Yes, it will use content from A2, OA, BAF and PMC, depending on what you have installed. Out-of-the-box Takistan and Chernarus are set up for the MP Armory, but it is possible to set it up for any world (this needs some configuration by the world designer, for which documentation will be provided).
  5. Thanks for the feedback so far :) These are some of the things which have been fixed and will hopefully find their way into an upcoming beta patch. The rest is in-progress :cool: Scrolling delay and speed tuned. This was fixed, but we cannot distribute it in a beta patch (filesize constraints). Player injuries are now healed between challenges. There should not be AI adversaries in DM, nor should DM start when you play alone. Can you provide any more details about what was going on? UAVs were disabled. Should work now.
  6. Some of the configuration carries over to the MP version, but I'm going to be adding a new page to document the new Armory specifically. Unfortunately it looks like community content cannot be supported, because of low-level limitations in the engine to do with add-on registration. We're still exploring possibilities, so hopefully this can be solved eventually.
  7. Please use http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1777081 for any feedback, bug reports and suggestions related to the Multiplayer Armory beta which is included in this patch :)
  8. DnA

    ION, Inc.

    LMAO :pet7:
  9. I'm not sure all of the following is present in your version yet, but here is a sample which may help you get started. Again, this is a very limited approach to OO scripting, but it has helped me in many ways already :) Config: class CfgOO { [color="DarkGreen"]//Name used in method prefix[/color] class MyClass { class Attributes { [color="DarkGreen"]//Name used in Logic variable space //Initialized with default value for this type[/color] class myAttribute {type = "SCALAR";}; }; class Methods { [color="DarkGreen"]//Constructor method[/color] class MyClass { [color="DarkGreen"]//Amount of type of provided parameters are validated when invoking methods[/color] parameterTypes[] = {"OBJECT"}; [color="DarkGreen"]//This script file implements the method as a function[/color] script = "some_path\data\scripts\classes\MyClass\MyClass.sqf"; }; class myMethod { parameterTypes[] = {"OBJECT", "SCALAR", "STRING"}; [color="DarkGreen"]//The default return value is based on this[/color] returnType = "SCALAR"; script = "some_path\data\scripts\classes\MyClass\myMethod.sqf"; }; }; }; }; Script: [color="DarkGreen"]//Precompiles all methods into global variables //Naming convention: BIS_OO_<Class>_<method> //Here: BIS_OO_MyClass_MyClass and BIS_OO_MyClass_myMethod[/color] "MyClass" call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules_e\oo\data\scripts\functions\addClass.sqf")); [color="DarkGreen"]//Creates a Logic with all attributes initialized //Invokes the constructor[/color] private ["_myClassObject"]; _myClassObject = ["MyClass"] call BIS_OO_createObject; [color="DarkGreen"]//Invoking a method and getting an attribute[/color] private ["_return", "_value"]; _return = [player, 1, "Hello"] call BIS_OO_MyClass_myMethod; _value = _myClassObject getVariable "myAttribute";
  10. This is probably because the AI centres are not set up unless your mission contains units belonging to them. So when your mission does not contain OPFOR units from the start, no OPFOR AI centre is initialized. This is not exclusive to BIS_fnc_spawnGroup, but any dynamically spawned units. To script creation of all important centres add (and set their friendliness according to your needs): private ["_centerW", "_centerE", "_centerG", "_centerC"]; _centerW = createCenter west; _centerE = createCenter east; _centerG = createCenter resistance; _centerC = createCenter civilian; west setFriend [east, 0]; east setFriend [west, 0]; east setFriend [resistance, 0]; resistance setFriend [east, 0]; The reason things work with ACM is because ACM includes this code.
  11. I'm sorry to say that currently there is no easy way to make the SOM use BAF content, unless the module is changed itself. It is prepared to check whether A2, OA or both are available, but not yet for BAF (or any other content). If there is time I will look at doing this for a patch.
  12. Nothing is too wild, but it's not what this module is about ;) Object Oriented scripting yeah ... it mostly allows for neat data and responsibility organisation. Say your system simulates a car, you can identify Car, Wheel, Engine, and many more classes. Each class holds the data specific to that component (e.g. pressure in Wheel and horsepower in Engine) and it performs the operations specific to that component (e.g. start() in Engine). Now you will need four wheels for most cars, so you instantiate four objects of the Wheel class. Automatically all these objects contain the pressure attribute. This means you do not have to, say, use four different global variables ... and when you add a new bit of data to your Wheel later, all instantiated objects receive this data! That is just a very basic overview, but perhaps you can see some of the benefits when creating complex scripted systems :)
  13. This is a module which provides a scripted framework enabling a limited Object Oriented design for any system :) I developed it for an as of yet unreleased project. In complex systems, an OO architecture brings many benefits. This framework definitely does not support all features of typical OO approaches, but it does do: classes, objects (instances), attributes, methods, message passing, inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation ;) Basically you define an architecture in a special CfgOO class and the system then automatically creates the classes and compiles the methods (in functions). You can then instantiate objects of a class, which spawns Logic objects with all attributes initiated as variables. Invoking the methods automatically does parameter validation and generates a debug trace. Since this is a scripted solution and not (yet) part of our engine, it does create some overhead. However, I found the advantages to be huge while implementing and debugging my system. When I have some more time I will try to document the OO module as it is present in OA now :)
  14. Jerry, you made me a proud Dutch BISer ;)
  15. You can do this by checking the SOM's history, stored in its main variable scope: private ["_mainScope", "_history"]; _mainScope = player getVariable "mainScope"; _history = _mainScope getVariable "history"; //[# completed, # failed]
  16. Thanks for posting the link nettrucker. The Armory should work with user-made maps straight away, but there are several levels of support. Without additional work the most basic challenges and functionality should work (if it doesn't, I'd like to trace why not). With additional configuration it is possible to make the more complicated challenges and features work as well :)
  17. DnA

    Ovaron Island

    Maybe the documentation will help you a bit: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Armory_configuration :)
  18. DnA

    Armory Crashed UH-1Y Funny

    The crashed UH-1Y was left enabled in the Armory, because it is classified a static weapon (it has a functional minigun) :) I did find the bug and am hoping to resolve it in any new patch. Stay tuned :)
  19. DnA

    Reason of my absence.

    Welkom terug Jerry :) Glad to hear you've fully recovered. Looking forward to your community entertainment :D
  20. Hiya, I can help you with the first one :) 1) Check out http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Armory_configuration#CfgWeapons_.2F_CfgVehicles It's the SomeVehicle.Armory.author config parameter (String)
  21. DnA


    Currently that is not possible (not counting stealing items from enemies during challenges).
  22. Terrible news. My condolences to his family and friends :(
  23. DnA

    Some Secop questions

    T.R.A.P. should require you to find and reach the crash site. Then, if the aircraft is still intact, you need to destroy it. Finding explosives or launchers can be tricky, but there's usually a bunch of enemies you come across. Try looting them for RPG's (no pun intended ;)). Each target in Destroy has a specific object or vehicle which is the main target. For the Anti-Air facility it's the Tunguska or Avenger, for the radar site it's the radar, etc. Again, find weapons in crates or on enemies, or steal vehicles. In Escort you should indeed follow the friendly squad and protect them from enemy patrols. Why they are running that fast I don't know, but perhaps that's due to changes in AI in one of the patches? They should go to combat mode once they spot enemies.
  24. You can try looking at some of the Armory config parameters in CfgWorlds :) It sounds to me like your centerPosition might be causing this? http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Armory_configuration