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Everything posted by DaCrytter

  1. DaCrytter

    There is no spoon neo.

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Are you calling me insane ? I should throw a can of spam at you!<span id='postcolor'> Go right ahead. I'll just deploy my SpamGuard and all of your spam hurling efforts will be fruitless!
  2. DaCrytter

    Why no training?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The editor is great to practice with the weapons, rpg/law are weapons that really need practice, nothing worse than being in a mission, one law left, pinned down by a bmp at 400yds and you aim too high or low..........<span id='postcolor'> There is something worse. This is being in a mission, one law left, pinned down by a bmp at 400yds and you aim too high or low and you've used up your one and only save.
  3. DaCrytter

    There is no spoon neo.

    Christ, you guys are enough to make me think I'm sane.... And thats saying something!
  4. DaCrytter

    We're not already forwards!

    Pressing 'Print Screen' doesn't create a file, it simply copies whats currently on screen into the clipboard. What you need to then do is paste into a graphic editing program. Good old 'paint' should do the trick.
  5. DaCrytter

    Why no training?

    There is no way you can make the grenades in OFP completely accurate. It's like in real life, it takes a mix of skill and pot luck. By practicing in the editor, you should be able to at least get a 'feel' for how the grenade flies, and be able to land it somewhere near the target. Near enough to hurt it at least.
  6. DaCrytter

    Graphic engine

    I find that 32 bit colour runs fine with my GeForce DDR and PIII 750 256 MB RAM. But when I enable HW T&L is looks a little better, better lighting, but it runs slower, and jerks lot. Odd really, I'd have thought it would be better....
  7. DaCrytter


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">About this new "laser designator" in OPF. What am I suppose to do with it? <span id='postcolor'> Simple....point it at something and click one of the mouse buttons. You get a designation triangle, and a little red dot on the target... The hard part is getting an A10 LGB to hit the damn thing....
  8. DaCrytter

    Do not try

    Simple....put an ammo crate on the map, and add this line to the init string: "this addmagazinecargo ["PipeBomb",100];" There ya go...100 satchel charges at your disposal!
  9. DaCrytter

    Do not try

    Or what you could do what I did. Place about 50 mines all on top of each other, place an abrams on top if them, and make yourself the commander. Then hit 'preview'. Mission starts...mines go off. You get a first hand view of the abrams flightpath! The actual tank ends up nearly 2km away....but some times you'll survive. However, what with the tank being so damaged, you automatically eject. At this point your altitude is more than 500 metres. Ah the joys of free-fall.....
  10. DaCrytter

    Best 3rd party mission you played so far...

    the best I have played isn't strictly a mission...it's just a cutscene based on a Monty Python Sketch. It's called 'How Not To Be Seen' It's available from www.3dactionplanet.com/flashpoint I also have a mission of my own there called 'AT Team'. Feel free to take a look at it
  11. DaCrytter

    How to use this stuff below

    I use the medic in about every other mission. And if you report that you are injured, the squad leader will tell you to go heal, and tell the medic to go to you...not so hard to use. Several times he has magically restored the use of my legs in a few seconds
  12. DaCrytter

    What OS do you like best?

    I have Win98, Win NT Workstation 4.0, and Win XP-Pro on my computer. I use win98 as my primary OS, and I love it. XP is all very well, very stable, very pretty, but it sucks way too many resources compared to 98. And my 98 is pretty damn stable anyway, and has much more reliable driver support than XP.
  13. DaCrytter

    Slow Forums

    I'm on a T1 connection at work here, and the forum is still slow. Something ain't working right
  14. DaCrytter

    What was the first vehicle you used in OPF?

    My first vehicle was the jeep in the demo. I played that mission again and again and again. I even managed to complete it successfully...which is pretty hard when it's rigged to fail.
  15. DaCrytter

    AI Behavior Complaints Discussion(ABCD)

    AI fails when it's pitch black, you are behind an AI squad, pop one of them in the head with your silenced HKMP5SD, and the others instantly whip round and know exactly where to start shooting. The AI fails when tanks use Sabot rounds to fire at Infantry instead if HEAT. In fact, I've never seen an AI tank use HEAT unless I've specifically ordered it too.