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Die Alive

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Everything posted by Die Alive

  1. Die Alive

    Berlusconi goes europe !

    Cant these two countries fight out their differences in a civilized way... in a all-out soccer riot? -=Die Alive=-
  2. Die Alive

    Lock on: modern air combat

    I want this set up if I want to play any flight sims. -=Die Alive=-
  3. Die Alive

    Funny stuff

    -=Die Alive=-
  4. Die Alive

    It's three days after the first of july...

    Chinatown baby! Sure some of their restaurants are infested with vermon and the beef might be a stray cat, but as long as the illegal firework stores take my money, they're welcome in my country anytime. Just did a search in Google on illegal fireworks, and I got this page from Colorado saying what's illegal in that state, that's basically my shopping list when I buy fireworks here. Â Last weekend, I went to this store in Chinatown that sells them in the basement, the owner game me this big box, said it'll cost me $150 to fill it with whatever I want, and I did. Â I took maybe 100 cherry bombs alone, lit 20 at a time, I was waiting to be waterbombed from a water bomber any minute. This is about how much I got, but with lot more roman candles; used half if it more or less. -=Die Alive=-
  5. Die Alive

    It's three days after the first of july...

    I launched this roman candle last night, the thing didn't explode in the air but just fell into the forest. I ignored it and drank more beer. -=Die Alive=-
  6. Die Alive

    Situation in the usa

    Vote for me if you want to live  McBain for Governor! If you need me, I'll be in my humvee. Is there any law or rule that a governor has to be amreican born? Or is that only for presidents? Arnie is Austrian, no? -=Die Alive=-
  7. Die Alive

    Lan party

    I used to have lan parties at school computer lab every week (1999-2000). After work on a Friday, we'd all go up to the computer lab, one of us we'd go to the store, pick up a bunch of drinks and food, and we'd stay for many many hours. I think the we stayed there once till 8AM Saturday moring, and once we went back to school on saturday to play even longer. It was damn fun, we played Baldurs Gate in a 6 player coop, or a little Diablo, Star Craft, WarCraft 2, TFC, SoF, AvP, Blood, Star Trek Armamda also kept up playing for a few weeks. Those were some of my best MP gaming memories. -=Die Alive=-
  8. Die Alive

    How about a nice game?

    Level 3 is hard. -=Die Alive=-
  9. Die Alive

    How about a nice game?

    K found my new favorite game ever now. Simple Volleyball God I love it -=Die Alive=-
  10. Die Alive

    Battlefield942 is a horrible game stick with

    In all the time I played BF1942 online (not much maybe 20 hours in total)... I must of been in a plane twice. The only thing I was good at was shooting down the planes with AA guns, but after one of the patches, the nerfed the flack guns to a point that even that wasn't any more fun for me. -=Die Alive=-
  11. Die Alive

    Battlefield942 is a horrible game stick with

    http://forums.bf42.com/attachment.php?postid=432293 LoL, this happened to me in OFP too. Seems like assholes are all over the net. -=Die Alive=-
  12. Die Alive

    Situation in the usa

    UN wants US to pay to fix up crappy UN building I say use the money to build a new football stadium in LA and move a team in there. :P -=Die Alive=-
  13. Die Alive

    Man has 40mm bofors on pleasure boat

    Cops are no fun... unless they're bad cops and let you use their pepper spray, road flares, and do background checks on you friends and enemies. -=Die Alive=-
  14. Die Alive

    The north korea thread

    Yes, very good movie. -=Die Alive=-
  15. Die Alive

    The Middle East part 2

    She was a drug user, they found track marks up and down her arms. Israelis cleared in activist Corrie's death -=Die Alive=-
  16. Die Alive

    David james tries football (american)

    I didn't know who David James was before reading that. Thanks. Oddly, James had the most trouble kicking, saying it was ''completely foreign'' to him. -=Die Alive=-
  17. Die Alive

    The Iraq Thread 2

    But Iraq has its own oil wells. Greedy bastards. -=Die Alive=-
  18. Die Alive

    Military Humor

    Nobody gives a shit about kangaroos. I bet if the Army was going to kill 15000 cute koala bears, there'd be UN Koala inspectors sent to Australia, EU rapid reaction forces sent to protect them, massive protest world wide. These kangaroos, pfff, not cute enough to care about. They don't mention how they're being killed, are they being shot or poisoned? -=Die Alive=-
  19. Die Alive

    The north korea thread

    Here's an idea for the guys at JackAss: Go to North Korea and moon a statue of Kim Il Sung or Kim Jong Il. Then record all the funny things that will happen afterwards These guys (DPRK) take themselves way too seriously. -=Die Alive=-
  20. Die Alive

    Military Humor

    Australian Army to Kill 15,000 Kangaroos  IT's ALL ABOUT <s>OIL!!!!</s> KANGAROO MEAT!!!! -=Die Alive=-
  21. Die Alive

    The north korea thread

    Just been reading the tourism site and here's some parts of the Suggestions of how to make your trip to DPRK pleasant: Suggestions for a Pleasant Trip If you would like to make the best of your visit, we recommend following the basic principles set out below. These will help to maximise your enjoyment of your visit and make sure you don’t fall into any tricky situations. Indeed, we strongly advise our customers to follow these guidelines, to avoid getting both yourselves and your guides into potentially grave circumstances. 1. If you are a journalist, please tell us! You may be under the impression you won’t be allowed access if you declare this. In fact this is not the case. The only problem is that you need a different sort of visa. As long as you tell us straight away of your profession, this is achieved without difficulty. Problems arise when you apply for a standard visa and we discover your occupation, which usually results in a barring of entry to the country or if already in situ, being chucked out! As long as you have genuine reasons for travel you will be most welcome. 2. Ask permission before taking photos and shooting film! The DPRK is particularly hot on security and even apparently innocent scenes such as day to day life may be prohibited. Any photos of the military, check-points and close ups of people may cause unpleasant situations and put both yourself and you guides at risk. If you manage to gain the confidence of your guides, are pleasant and willing to <span style='color:red'>‘play the game’</span> then you will receive some amazing photo opportunities <u> 3. Don’t leave your hotel/group without telling your guides! </u> Again, its all down to security. If you fancy some fresh air and a stretch of the legs, just ask and you will most likely be allowed. <u> Your Guides</u> You will find the guides to be very efficient and helpful throughout your stay. Just as you will be interested in finding out more about their country, so they will be intrigued by your own. In this way, there is usually ample conversation potential, and most people who visit say the it was the guides who made the tour for them. With this in mind, we must stress that if you do break the guidelines laid out above and below, you will place your guides under sever, unnecessary pressure which may harm your relationship with them. If you do wish to do something ‘unplanned,’ then it is best to be as pleasant and respectful as possible to your guides, who control your entire trip. You will find that if this is so, you will be given greater opportunities in doing and seeing what you want to do than if you are simply rude and disrespectful. It is also highly recommended to bring along some gifts from your home country to present to your guides at the end of your visit. Korean men, who smoke like chimneys, are particularly partial to duty free cigarettes (Rothmans and Dunhill seem to be the favourites), whilst ladies will be satisfied with scent, delicacies and ornamental objects. It is something of a tradition to present these on the final night of your visit, where you can host a dinner wih your guides at a favourite restaurant, maybe over traditional Korean Galbi (barbecue) <u> Etiquette</u> Remember, this is not mass-market tourism. You are being ‘invited’ into the country by the DPRK authorities and should behave accordingly. Please show respect to the ‘system’. By this, we mean the people, the way of life, indeed, the country in general. If you don’t like a certain aspect of it, don’t go shouting your mouth off telling anyone in earshot! Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but you will find the trip far more enjoyable if you keep any criticisms to yourself and approach everything with an open mind. The two leaders of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il are treated with the utmost reverence by all citizens. If you think you may find it difficult to bow to certain statues of these figures out of respect, then maybe you should reconsider your trip. Any rude or disrespectful remarks will be detrimental to your relationship with your guides and will result in a far less enjoyable experience. Finally, all North Koreans dress smartly and this is one place on earth where jeans and a T-shirt will really stand out. Smart clothing will help convey a friendlier message and will show citizens that you have a basic level of respect. In conclusion, the success of the trip very much lies in your hands. If you are willing to go along and <span style='color:red'>‘play the game,’</span> are pleasant in nature and open minded, you can grasp all the remarkable opportunities that the country will offer you. If you are rude and confrontational you will be given the least opportunities to see what the country really has to offer and may well cause trouble for yourself and your guides. <u> Customs:</u> Besides the usual restrictions regarding firearms and narcotics, there are other items which may not be brought into the country. These include radios, modems, transmitters, GPS systems, pornography and telescopes. In particular, publications, video tapes, films, photos and other material hostile to the DPRK will not be taken lightly.
  22. Die Alive

    The north korea thread

    Not sure if anyone see this site yet Official page of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea In English, Polski, Espanol, Italiano, Norsk, Esperanto, and Swiss. Dont forget to stop by the Gift Shop -=Die Alive=-
  23. Die Alive

    Gran tourismo look alikes on the pc?

    NHRA Drag Racing 2 then? -=Die Alive=-
  24. Die Alive

    Gran tourismo look alikes on the pc?

    I used to like the races in the Midtown Madness series. And I think there were modded car for those games too. Midtown Madness 3 is out now/soon, set in Paris and Washington. But not sure if it's XBox only. -=Die Alive=-
  25. Die Alive

    Gran tourismo look alikes on the pc?

    GTA 3 You can find all sorts of modded cars. Not so sure for Vice City, I think there will be tools to make your own missions/races for it soon. I know in VC there's a few races, one of them takes you around both islands. I did it once on a motorbike without falling off or crashing once. Just remember to brake once in a while. -=Die Alive=-