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Everything posted by Devil

  1. Devil

    How the hell do i escape?

    When you are in the tent and the officer leaves, save the game. Then run as fast as #### and climb into the back of the BMP, since it's the first action. From there move into the driver's seat and drive off. Or you can steal the chopper the same way. I did both. You may have to retry (good thing you saved!)
  2. Devil

    devil ??

    Here is a test, but keep it under wraps (Edited by Devil at 5:54 am on Nov. 10, 2001)
  3. Devil

    devil ??

    Hmm you got 3 out of the 4 correct!
  4. Devil

    Texture Artists Wanted

    I want to see some of your work. I need something like I send you texturs for M113 and you make it look like ... desert camo, for example.
  5. Devil

    devil ??

    I only do realistic addons. Unrealistic addons not for public.
  6. Devil

    Texture Artists Wanted

    Textures for vehicles, mostly. Some guns and soldiers.
  7. Oh d*amn, I just wish they make a new plane! I hate the A10. (Edited by Devil at 2:35 am on Nov. 9, 2001)
  8. Unl33t, you don't know anything. I think it would be possible if the trip is planned. If it is not, then no extra camoes are packed.
  9. Devil

    Surrendering Soldiers!

    Very nice idea. However, it would be difficult to alter the code right now, I am assuming. You can make them surrender with a script, however
  10. Devil

    2 Addons nearly everyone wants`!!!

    sk8er, just curious, where you from?
  11. Devil

    2 Addons nearly everyone wants`!!!

    Who the #### wants a harrier that is just like the BMP and UH1 like a UH60. It's a waste, BIS should be putting in a C-130 and some more civilians.
  12. Devil

    Is there "camping" in OFP?

    I remember when I used to play Counter-Strike (What a waste of 50 dollars!!!!!) on my 56k. That game sucked, and nowhere on the packaging did it say what a piece of crap it would be on a 56k. Anyway, the camping in that game was horrible, players just sitting and waiting to pluck the enemy while the dead ones has to sit and watch the endless waiting. Did I mention this game sucks? I couldn't get a refund at the store ... anyone was CS for ... 25 dollars?
  13. Yorkie, TERMINATE command just destroys the camera and has nothing to do. Shell, this sounds like an internal problem burried in your mission. If you want to sent it to me (thedevil@thegreenjeep.com) I will be glad to look it over and tell you what's wrong with it.
  14. Devil

    Is there "camping" in OFP?

    I don't really see a particular problem with camping. It's the only easy way to fight and set up an abush. I do have a problem with the camping spot is the same every time and is consisted out of everyone on the opposite team.
  15. It throws you back to the editor because you can't preview the intro and then go to the mission, you have to export the mission first. Are you activating your triggers? If you are and it doesn't work, try it with a script.