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Everything posted by Denwad

  1. Denwad

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    Brambles are my worst enemy. I remember doing a drop slide right into a bush of brambles, I was picking those things from my shirt for a week!
  2. Denwad

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    Anything from TOP is top notch, and if it is upgraded, I'd say buy it if you have the cash.
  3. Denwad

    Igi 2 sp demo

    I like it when enemy try to hide behind crates, when I have a full auto weapon. *glee*
  4. Denwad

    Sof2 problems

    So, after I installed my Ti4200 today, I fired up SOF2 to play with max setting, but alas, I cannot play! I start the game and click on random mission generator, and click on play, but nothing happens. When I try MP I get bluescreen. This is with patch 1.03 and a fresh install.
  5. Denwad

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    I'm getting my UHC P228 tomorrow. I can't wait to shoot up boxes.
  6. Denwad

    Sof2 problems

    No, because I don't feel like registering for yet another forum.
  7. Denwad

    What would you like to see in ofp2

    There should be parade formations so we can have victory parades. The Resistance can use goose-stepping, it looks cool.
  8. There should be parade formations so we can have victory parades. The Resistance can use goose-stepping, it looks cool.
  9. Denwad

    New command engine

    I thought 250 objects per side was maximum? I remeber this while constructing my Fort Wyvern mission, I ran out of objects to place.... I'm going to have to wait a while until I can play ofp again...
  10. Denwad

    Igi2 - covert strike

    Just like you turned gay, 2-3 years ago. C'mon, you can shoot through walls and doors and boxes! The only thing is the attackers can win this map way too easily.
  11. Denwad

    Mt-lb pack release 2 !

    GODDAMNIT I WISH MY OFP WORKED!!! Stupid Serial Number errors! Die!
  12. Denwad

    Watch out army!

    I can confirm that the Air-Condition tents are very rare. My father was on a training mission and not one tent was air-conditioned. But, Go Airforce!
  13. Denwad

    Please tell my this is only a concept

    Yes, 600,000 is almost chump change. The US Army game has a very large budget, I think somewhere around 7 million dollars will be spent operating the servers over a five year period.
  14. Yes, but I was looking more over into the Char B1-Bis area...
  15. Did they have Ringstands with APX turrets on them? What about the ones with Panther turrets?
  16. Denwad

    Goty edition - 18.12.2002

    I have to buy a new one, both my Original ofp and res CDs are broken.
  17. Denwad

    Breaking news: stolen airplane

    What did they have Fokker Dr.1s trailing that thing?
  18. Denwad

    .rar? what is it?

    YOu can use WinACE or WinRAR to open .rar files. WinACE
  19. Denwad

    Military Humor

    Copied off teh WWIIOL forums ATTENTION FRENCH SOLDIERS FOR HUMOR PURPOSES ONLY a german assigned to night duty liked to run down hapless french soldiers with his opel. one night as hes driving along, he comes upon his brigade chaplain walking down the road, so of course he stops and picks the chaplain up. as they are driving down the road, the opel driver sees a french trooper walking along the road. of course, he immediatley wants to run him over, but of his concsience gets the better of him and he cannot do an unsporting thing like that with the chaplain in his truck. thinking quickly he decides hes just going to scare the frenchman some and get really close but not hit him. so he floors it and drives right next to him. just as he passes the frenchman he hears a loud THUD. so the chaplain turns to him and says "its lucky i opened the door, you might have missed him."
  20. Denwad

    Internet problem

    Fix it the american way. With the mighty foot.
  21. Denwad

    The Forgotten Battles

    I'm going to reinstall Il-2 today. I remember taking that dinky Polish open-cockpitted airplane out and downing a 109 in MP, the wonders of granny BnZing.
  22. Denwad

    Lockheed wins $3.5b f-16 deal with poland

    Lowest bidder people. Who the HELL would pay 7.8 billion for 48 fighters?
  23. Denwad

    Scale modeling and ofp:r

    I've been in an M-48, hugeass tank with a vista view from the commanders copula. {EDIT} I meant commanders copula, the hatch on the copula was welded shut.
  24. Denwad

    Finally some competition for ofp ?

    I've been to the Munster Panzer Museum, thats the coolest place I've ever been to. The M-48 Patton that you can get into is VERY roomy, until you cram yourself into the gunners seat I think Soldner will be cool, right next of Ofp in my fav games list.